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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Thailand is not offering asylum to Russians (or even Ukrainians) fleeing the war.
  2. So make public policy for the entire world to change based on rare cases of f--- ups? That's massively stupid.
  3. You're getting into a loaded tangential issue there. Personally I think religious circumcisions need to have public health oversight. "Religious liberty" extremists (who have the power now in the US) think differently. But that really isn't about circumcision per se which is very very safe as a medical procedure.
  4. The story here is about Muslims. Yes Jews and Muslims do it for religious reasons. Tribal cultures do it probably for religious or quasi religious (cultural) reasons. But the generation of Americans that I'm part of was overwhelmingly circumcised and only a tiny percentage of them are Jews or Muslims. It has been promoted in Africa for health reasons. So you're objectively WRONG.
  5. I don't have any problem with people advocating against circumcision if that's their opinion. But it's this totally ridiculous exaggeration and extremism about the issue that just seems completely out of proportion to what male circumcision really is.
  6. Parents have every right to make medical decisions for their children. How far do you want to take such inanity? Not giving a child a vaccine because the child might grow up to be an anti-vax conspiracy nutter? Come on man. Get real.
  7. The Arnold (a republican) is sure that Biden would beat Trump. I'm about 99 percent sure but that one percent scares me.
  8. It's not only women and I think people have preferences often linked to what they're used to. Also fetishes.
  9. Thailand won't give asylum to Russians. Another issue Russians abroad are facing is passport renewal. If they're in the vulnerable category they're afraid to approach their embassy. Even if they do wait times are crazy like a full year. It's not clear yet but if a Russian gets the new notorious email conscription notice they then can't leave Russia which would mean almost certainly that a Russian embassy wouldn't issue a new passport to such people.
  10. Yeah but without the weed maybe you would have been an Einstein? I did well academically too in a weed soaked environment, but I think it's best for developing brains to avoid it.
  11. Rather an exaggeration. Two major Abrahamic religions mandate male circumcision. It's a majority secular thing in some major countries. I think any extreme reactions to this pro or con are totally absurd. It has nothing to do with female cutting. The best way is the calm and sober middle way on this. Accept religions that do it. Accept national cultures that promote it. Accept it's best done in infancy. Medically it is very very low risk when done by competent practioners. Realize it's not necessary but there are some benefits to doing it. So it's an option. There is no right or wrong answer on it. Just chill out. Again, it's totally OK either way. It's totally OK for parents to make this decision either way for baby boys. Get over yourselves dudes!
  12. Infants are infants. This new story is about older Muslim males.
  13. Yes so raise the medical standards for that. It is the Filipino custom.
  14. Anti woke goes broke yuk yuk.
  15. I think cut is better religion or not. If groups are going to do it anyway later than infancy, it sounds good that there is a public health effort to do it safely and properly. But I don't think it should be otherwise promoted or demonized. Health wise either way is OK for most males.
  16. Yeah I get that but I'm hearing you can run the Fenix pro at lower temp to get less coughy hits and also there is a built in cooling system. I'm not planning on addiction so frequency is a factor. I'm thinking maybe 1 to 3 times a week.
  17. Believe me I know all of that and more. I was a teenaged pot head for several years. My current bong is small so I wouldn't be sipping from that.
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