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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. 34 counts of fraud. No word yet on how many are felony charges but it would be shocking if there aren't felony charges.
  2. If you apply for Medicare using a Thai address you MUST change your SS to that same Thai address as they NEED to match. Knowing what I know now, if I was in your situation I would probably file for Medicare with my US address.
  3. Of course he does. He learned early from notorious villain Roy Cohn ("personification of evil") how to always evade consequences. He's had an amazing run. I call him the greatest grifter and con man the world has ever known. His name will be eternal. In INFAMY. But his time has finally come later in life and GOOD RIDDANCE!
  4. Living here we must accept the laws and current political situation in Thailand. But we can still have opinions. My opinion is that overstays are not really objectively serious crimes and more logical to be treated as an administrative rather than criminal matter. Like countries like Argentina do. If overstaying was their only crime, then we are not dealing with the crime of the century regardless. I know many that go legally as I do resent people that don't bother. I think that's just mean spirited.
  5. God has nothing to do with this. The reality is that the collusion accusation was never proven or disproven. But that Putin's government actively work to help get Trump elected is 100 percent definite FACT.
  6. Wherever this leads the USA and indeed the world, it's worth noting that this is a major historical event.
  7. He can't win legitimately but assuming he's nominated, his maga goons will be much better ready next time with every coup trick in the book. If he does gain power again, the American democracy will be totally over.
  8. For the maga cultists. yes. Write them off like flat earthers.
  9. It may not be a constitutional rule but in practicality it's the modern rule in practice. That is why there were no criminal investigations while Trump was president.
  10. You can't impeach based on policy disagreements or policy mistakes.
  11. There won't be a perp walk. Trump wants one so that's even better.
  12. They're not LITERALLY stranded in Thailand of course. SOME of them really can't go back to Russia if they want to avoid being conscripted, jailed, or murdered. Yes many Russians who really shouldn't be going back do run out of money / visa options and do go back. Over time there will be more of those unfortunates. Many can avoid going back for a long time or even indefinitely with visa options they might be able to afford, moving along from one country to the next mixed with maximum visa runs, merit based immigration if highly skilled, or seeking asylum in a western country if they have a strong case. Every Russian has their own story.
  13. My understanding and this has of course never been tested is that if elected president while in prison, he would be let out as long as he is president. Of course trump would become a president for life as he's obviously a wannabe dictator so that would take care of it. Also the new president if not him could pardon him like Nixon was pardoned.
  14. Credible reporting makes any journalist in Russia vulnerable to arrest, including of course Russians. It's a line they've crossed arresting this American. The Real Reason Russia Charged a WSJ Reporter With Espionage | Time
  15. Yes, it's possible. But more indictments are coming. Even more serious ones.
  16. Most of the time he was there there was no genocidal war against Ukraine.
  17. Cohen went to jail for doing what Trump ordered him to do. Is that justice?
  18. I hope and indeed expect that the judge will order the twice impeached Florida man to muzzle any speech or social media that can even remotely be seen as inciting or predicting violence. Violation would mean contempt of court charges.
  19. Trump faces more than 30 charges related to business fraud. Makes sense for the greatest grifter con man the world has ever seen. Georgia is next. Then the DOJ
  20. In Russia being a legitimate journalist is illegal. North Korea redux.
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