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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. So you're anti gay. Quelle surprise. That's quite an accomplishment.
  2. Like it's my fault that only some fascist pols have said Thigh Land? I would have included anyone else. It's OK with me if you hate my posts. As if I could care less.
  3. Thighland is a bad one but I don't think people should feel overly embarassed for mispronouncing things but also they should be corrected when heard. There are a number of words that I learned from reading that I never heard spoken so it was easy to guess their pronunciations incorrectly. Go to New York to Houston Street. Unless you know how it's pronounced there you're likely to get it wrong. Or New Orleans.
  4. I want a Swedish massage. I'm in the wrong country.
  5. You didn't know women were different? How is that possible?
  6. Biden didn't say Thigh-land. You know -- the topic here.
  7. So what? I will add that I think teaching that way isn't great. Talk about males and females, penises and vaginas, sperm and eggs. But also mention that transgender people exist and such people as for example transgender men that may have vaginas can give birth too, etc. No need to spend a lot of time on that, but there is no reason that students shouldn't be taught facts in a comprehensive way. Given that transgender people are the number one target of American fascists for scapegoating, I think society owes it to youth to teach the facts about transgender people in an objective way free of ignorance and hatred.
  8. There are such things as objective facts, I do understand the odious fascistic US movement to make transgender American's lives as miserable as possible (including genocidal rhetoric to eradicate them) is not interested in objective facts, Rather all they really care about is exciting their base with hatred and intolerance. Transgender facts - Mayo Clinic
  9. They are going anywhere that they can all over the world. It's interesting to compare what's happening in Bali to what's happening in Phuket and Pattaya. ‘They don’t respect us’: Backlash in Bali as Russians flee war | Russia-Ukraine war | Al Jazeera
  10. Yeah Our Boys is very good and if anyone is worried that it is pro Israeli propaganda, it is anything but that.
  11. Looking at more comprehensible chunks fascist dictator Putin has taken Muscovy back at least 50 years and young people coming up there are going to have to live what that horror at least a generation or two.
  12. The majority yes also including the could care less contingent. Younger Muscovys are more likely to be accessing international info.
  13. No second date for you! The point is DeSantis and most everyone else in the US that knows that Thailand exists, knows that it is not pronounced Thigh-land.
  14. This seems splitting hairs to me. Biden tends to use qualifiers for such things for political reasons. Like semi-fascist instead of fascist. Such things are best not taken too literally.
  15. No it doesn't. Transgenderism is not only about genitals.
  16. First they came for the transgender people. ... Fascism is afoot in the maga controlled republican party.
  17. Thighland in the news again from U.S. politicians. Previously we had a politician mispronounce Thailand as Thighland out of ignorance. Now we have a report of a politician INTENTIONALLY mispronouncing Thailand as Thighland to see how compliant female dates are. If they corrected his pronunication, it was game over. Rather revealing behavior. Wonder why Thighwan doesn't get this kind of fun action? Now that the cat is out of the bag, the Thighland gambit is now useless. Perhaps, men afraid of assertive women can say Singerpore instead? Or Vietname? How about Bally for Bali? Feel encouraged to come up with your own date testers. Gov. Ron DeSantis used to pronounce Thai as ‘thigh’ to assess dates, former Yale classmate claims (yahoo.com)
  18. So will China help Muscovy in this way or not? China is trying to build it's good guy image with soft power in the global south. The global south is not joining the western coalition to help Ukraine, but I don't think it would help China's image to be explicitly arming an invading and genocidal nation (Muscovy).
  19. Hardly. The fare is 10 baht. The urban myth that it doubles at this light or that light is invented by f-rangs. Quite rarely, you will get a driver saying things like that, but it's rare. If a time comes that a significant percentage of drivers object, then and only then would I change my advice. That said if you've been on a very long ride as the only passenger, the fare is still 10 baht but I suggest a situational response in such cases to pay 20.
  20. But it happens. Especially to drunks.
  21. Another one that doesn't get it. Although it does sound illogical, the actual intended meaning of could care less is exactly the same as couldn't care less. Again, they are both informal idioms. There is no requirement of logic for informal idioms. It would be like insisting on perfect logic in slang.
  22. Yes baht bus fatalities are very rare. There have been a few crashes over the years too. You can choose to not stand on the back. In my view other than back standing, the risk is in the drivers taking off quickly before people are seated after boarding. Compare to the risks of riding bikes, and it isn't even close.
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