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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Non Roth IRA retirement account withdrawals are taxable income but not counted as work income as far as penalties. I don't think there is any penalty for working income after full retirement age. As this topic is about suspending benefits after FRA. The formula for taxing social security starts with a base of 50 percent of the benefits. So many people on social security pay no tax. But non Roth IRA withdrawals are counted 100 percent so doing a suspension might create a tax consequence based on other income to replace it.
  2. I thought I knew all the angles, but I just learned this tonight. Once you have reached full retirement age (which varies based on your birtdate) if you've already claimed (as early as age 62) you can choose to SUSPEND your benefits until age 70 and thus increase your benefit about 8 percent annually when you restart. Can You Suspend Social Security and Restart Benefits Later? (aarp.org) Some points: I assume you can suspend anytime after FRA up to age 70. The increased future benefits accrues monthly so even suspending for six months would get something. This is only for old age type social security. Of course you need to be able to afford to live without the benefits while suspended. You have to consider your tax situation. Social security benefits are not fully taxes. Withdrawals from retirement accounts are. You can restart the benefits before age 70 (if it turns out you need the income, etc.) But I have one MAJOR question? Do you still get COLAs during the suspended time?!? For example if your benefit when you suspend is 1500 monthly is the increase when you restart calculated on the 1500 or does the base of the calculation INCREASE annually after each COLA? It seems to me that would make a big difference on the attractiveness of this option.
  3. Not only in the past. Jews are the top target of hate crimes in the U.S. and Europe. The Charlottesville fascists were chanting "Jews will not replace us." The background to that is the right wing "replacement theory" that they blame mostly on the Jews. The man that did the synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh was motivated by his opposition to a Jewish group dedicated to helping poor (mostly Latino) refugees. They think it's some kind of master plan to increase non-white voters. No plan is needed. It's happening naturally. The only way for the white nationalist types to win is through aggressive voter suppression policies, etc. If people remember, when Joe Biden announced his run for president he said his main reason was to oppose the Neo Nazi fascism represented in Charlottesville. So yes scapegoating LGBT people, trying to whitewash black history, abusing (mostly non-white) undocumented immigrants, is something American Jews (for the most part) can relate to as horribly wrong on a very deep level. What is the great replacement theory and what does it say about Jews? – The Forward
  4. More would vote republican and have done so before if the Republicans dropped their association with white resentment and worse.
  5. Not only because they are a minority but because the majority of American Jews are passionate about civil rights for all minorities. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/tikkun-olam-repairing-the-world/
  6. OK. But he's not likely to win many more Jewish votes than trump if nominated as the vast majority of American Jews will reject him because of his scapegoating of other minorities particularly LGBT people.
  7. See the post above. You have admitted either not reporting the income to IRS or reporting it incorrectly. So basically you've been getting away with that so far. The IRS is understaffed. It's good that you're reporting that on FBAR as far as potential penalties. Most people would prefer to avoid such complications.
  8. Hmmm. I've been getting a lot of strange SMSs in Thai that ask me click and they show baht figures kind of indicating they are something I should know about. I translated the messages, they don't make any sense to me, but of course I haven't clicked on any of the links.
  9. The good news is that he hasn't been tested at all on the national level. Florida is a very weird state. Whether Don't Say Gay Florida Man plays in Peoria is undetermined. Also he appears to lack charisma and likeability, saying he is going to kill woke and nothing else is going to get real tired real fast. Hopefully the republicans can find a way to nominate neither Trump or an another Trumpist like DeSantis although at this point, I don't see much point in optimism. I heard today that Nikki Haley who will probably run is trying to position herself as to the right of DeSantis on social issues. Sigh. The View calls out 'robotic' DeSantis: He has the 'charisma of a cup' and that’s why he’ll lose against Trump in 2024 - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  10. Maybe the opponents think that its "racist" to teach the real facts of American history such as redlining that have economic impacts to this day. Or about the massacre of "black wall street" in Tulsa. Of course it's not. It's like they want students to be ignorant. How Redlining Kept Black Americans From Homeownership and Still Does (businessinsider.com)
  11. I certainly hope so. In my time, not really. I do recall being taught the Mexican hat dance in elementary school though.
  12. A number of African countries are welcoming the black diaspora and many in the black diaspora are going for it.
  13. "Some" that couldn't actually DEFINE CRT to save their life.
  14. The sides are NOT equivalent. Nobody is trying to ERASE the history of white straight people or make white straight people INVISIBLE. The fascist politics that DeSantis is running with is basically a next step after Trump's politics of white resentment, white nationalism, or worse.
  15. Whatever, dude, but if your macho son turns out to be gay, please still love him the same.
  16. I realize a lot of people actually like liverwurst but sorry I really really don't like cockroaches and wouldn't like to eat them either.
  17. The reactionary "anti wokes" that rail against CRT almost never can actually define CRT if you ask them directly.
  18. The oppression is really happening. The policy of the fascist DeSantis law is rooted in the intention to ERASE the existance of LGBT people including students in Florida schools UP TO GRADE 12! In Miami there was a proposal to include some information about LGBT HISTORY in the 12th grade! To 17 and 18 year olds. This was rejected because of the fascist DeSantis law. Erase the history, erase the people. To add, I don't really believe that DeSantis hates LGBT people. Instead I think he thinks he can demagogue this issue to put him into the white house. What a total sleazeball. Putin would love this fascist law. That's how Putin started with the schools but now has gone further to criminalize anything gay (such as in books or movies) for the entire population. Schools were the first step and may well be in the US as well. Equality FL Responds to Miami Dade Public Schools Vote to Reject LGBTQ History Month | Equality Florida (eqfl.org)
  19. I don't care but I'd be happier to pay much more here if the result was proportionally better than the 100 to 200 places.
  20. His reputation is actually correct. All fascist demagogues need scapegoats. DeSantis is betting his career on his vile Putinesque hate tactics. His main scapegoat of course is LGBT people but also the fake campaign against critical race theory. Quacks like a duck. Is a duck. When people tell you what they are about -- believe them. Ron DeSantis’s War on LGBTQ People Is Essential to His Agenda | The New Republic
  21. American democracy under threat. Trumpist without the baggage. A real and present danger. DeSantis Is 'Very Dangerous Individual' Without Trump's Drama: Expert (businessinsider.com)
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