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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Definitely true but most that do will be smart enough to lie to westerners while outside of Russia.
  2. Rude personal bait ignored. Of course same sex marriage should be legal here. It's only a matter of time until it is. You're conflating orientation with gender identity. How tedious. His relationship with a man is normal and unworthy of publicity. But a European working as a junk man in Thailand for love or whatever is highly unusual and seemingly on the wrong side of the law.
  3. The Euro guy sounds like an A hole for sure but I don’t see anything wrong with more discreetly talking to Russians about politics.
  4. I don’t think he's asking for your feelings but I feel it was extremely unwise of him to agree to publicize his activities. Now his future may in the hands of the notorious "netizens" not to mention immigration.
  5. There is a very big difference between liking some Russian people and liking the genocidal fascist politics of Putin. I've had both good and bad experiences with Russian people here. If you've never had a bad experience I would say you're very overdue or don't have very much exposure.
  6. I'd be more worried about the Russian conscripts being sent into the meat grinder by fascist Putin. Russia invaded. Ukraine wants to be independent of Russia. I hope that's OK with you. They need the west's help and there is no shame in that.
  7. Everyone's doing it but it's unfortunate that all this makes it harder for Garland to charge Trump even though it's obvious that he should charge Trump. It's complicated for the people to understand the differences. Americans like simple.
  8. Great news. Time is of the essence. Western investment in beating fascist genocidal Russia is the best investment they will ever make. Nip these batards in the bud. You can't negotiate with them. They just see that as weakness.
  9. It could be ten times that, a hundred times even, and still there would be no meaningful change. Every country does stupid things and has serious blind spots, but this is ridiculous.
  10. Sure, but Russians tend to be richer than Ukrainians, and Ukrainians have better options for being treated as actual refugees. Of course Ukrainian military age men are fighting for the survival of their country so the vast majority have stayed. So their refugees are mostly women and children. This is why I'm asking if any people reading this are close to these communities. I think they would have a better idea of what percentage are fleeing the war and what percentage regular holiday. I've noticed that Russians really do a birds of a feather thing while abroad, to help each other out. In Georgia, my impression is 90 percent people fleeing. It's obvious it's less than that here, but I'm curious how much less.
  11. That's what's so crazy. The republicans seem to be running only on these fake trivial culture wars issues and ignoring the stuff that is literally life and death for so many Americans. I think they do not respect the voters!
  12. It's funny not ha ha funny that modern right wing American politics tracks so clasely with Russian propaganda (anti LGBT, anti feminist, pro "traditional" Christian family values, etc.).
  13. It looks Neopolitan. You can get Neopolitan pizzas many places in the US but they are not one of the typical American styles.
  14. There was a hilarious satire of White Lotus on last weekend's Saturday Night Live. Otherwise it was dominated with numerous hilarious George Santos bits. Saturday Night Live is still sometimes worth watching!
  15. I've been wondering, does anyone know (roughly) what percentage of the Russians in town are of the Refugee / Draft Dodger / Fleeing (and their partners and families included) category that will wish to stay here long term or very long term? I can only guess. My guess would be about a third. But it would take people that are Russian or really plugged into the Russian scene here to give a more educated answer. It's worth noting that in other locales that have been flooded with effects of Russians fleeing, the rents have skyrocketed for everyone else, and there is a lot of backlash devoping. Particularly Georgia and Turkey. Could such a thing happen here? It's also worth noting that in preparation for new major mobilization, Russia is now instituting "appointments" for crossing land borders in an effort to clamp down on fleeing and be ready to stop people they want to draft or imprison. I mention that because as land crossings are restricted, destinations that you FLY to like Thailand may become more popular.
  16. Well, sort of. I hate pineapple on pizza but Italians tend to be prima donnas about their food in general. It's funny that Italian Americans lost that quirk and innovated.
  17. That Tony's Pizza appears to be Neopolitian style but not sure about the texture of the crust form looking. The pepporoni is American though.
  18. Don't be bullying the fat girl if you know what's good for you
  19. Ever heard of New England? Ever heard New England prep school accents? English don't need no freakin' festival.
  20. Uh oh! Something I hadn't thought of that is a big deal. For those of us that are enrolled in Medicare Part B now automatically deducted from social security if you suspend then you would need to pay for that directly. https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/planner/suspend.html
  21. Definitely useful for those making or withdrawing enough to have anything taxable. For me, it is simple.
  22. Wrong. Most of the Americans moving to Mexico have Mexican roots.
  23. WASPs have generally not experienced being othered in American history. Every other group has. Duh.
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