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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Dude, I already said there was a BRITISH MANDATE OF PALESTINE. It was not an Arab NATION STATE. During it's existence Jews, Arabs, Muslims, and Christians, etc. refered to themselves as Palestinians. That's why I think the specific Palestinian Arab identity was artificially invented (I think Arafat said as much). There are a number of other Arab nation states in the world. But only one Jewish one. Apparently so many can't tolerate even ONE!
  2. British mandate Palestine existed long before WW2. There never has been an Arab nation state called Palestine. Early Zionist pioneers identified as Palestinians. Israel came into existence via the United Nations. A bit of history for you about the British. Not how you painted them, huh? https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/quot-exodus-1947-quot-illegal-immigration-ship
  3. That is true that the genetics are similar but I'm not sure why that's really relevant to the political situation. Italians are also genetically similar. An unfortunate flaw in the reason for Israel's existence -- finally a safe haven nation state after thousands of years of persecution in the diaspora is that now the majority of the world's Jews are in one very small country. Israel has compensated of course with their incredibly advanced security systems, but no such system is perfect.
  4. A lot of Arab activist rhetoric talks about driving the Jews into the sea. The terrorist rogue state of Iran has certainly been clear that they want to completely wipe out Israel.
  5. That is not true. You can criticize their policies without being called an antisemite except if your criticism is obviously infected with antisemitism.
  6. The Arabs in the region certainly have very legitimate grievances. But they are in a neighborhood where tiny Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. Which is why I talk about REALISTIC. For things to improve, there needs to be buy in from Israel. Israel is now controlled by more right wing forces than ever. So the Arab side to have any chance at all for things to improve in this environement will need to eat some very strong humble pie. Formally recognize Israel's right to exist. Raise political leaders that support cooperation with Israel, to increase peace and prosperity for all. We all know they won't do that. They are very proud and that's understandable, but not being willing to radically change their attitude towards Israel and PROVING that to Israelis means quite simply there is no REALISTIC solution in sight for the immediate, medium term, or even long term future.
  7. Somehow I don't think his core fan base of pimply teenage American incels is gonna save him ...
  8. Perhaps but comparing him to Hitler is disgusting. You clearly have no shame.
  9. No. I don't see much change from the status quo but even more so from the more right wing Israeli government at this point and of course the status quo is not good. The Arabs in the region can't possibly defeat Israel militarily, Israel does have more and more acceptance in the greater Arab world, and it is not true that the USA is Israel's only foreign ally. They're not that stupid to rely on only one ally.
  10. That's a very obnoxious comment but based on your line of posting, sadly not at all surprising.
  11. So pretty much you're in the same boat as everyone else. No realistic solution at all.
  12. I knew you were going to attack the source. Too predictable Dude you are living in the past! Hopes for a two state solution are over! There isn't strong support for that on EITHER SIDE! FACT
  13. It's not irrelevant. If neither side trusts each other at all any kind of peaceful solution is impossible.
  14. Not BS! Only 14 percent! https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/palestinian-majority-rejects-two-state-solution-backs-tactical-compromises
  15. This is getting bizarre. Do you think most Arabs in west Bank, Gaza, and the diaspora accept Israel's right to exist?
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