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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Some of them I assume are good people. Check out draft dodger NFKRZ on YouTube. "Your friendly neighborhood Russian."
  2. What a horrible little "man." Maybe testosterone poisoning is a real thing. Seems to be popular with red pilled incel types. I can imagine him doing these crimes but do hope he gets a fair trial. Even sleazeballs deserve that.
  3. Doesn't have to be a laptop. My host computer is a cheap box without a monitor using Linux. I power it on by logging into my host's network. Linux is much easier than windows on updates.
  4. It is but its a burden on the host person. There will be technical glitches from time to time.
  5. They aren't officially refugees. Russians enter visa free here.
  6. All I can say is whatever is working for you will work until the time that maybe it doesn't. With AI coming in who knows what's next. Don't get too comfortable with any solution. Have backups and Plan Bs.
  7. Without but be clear they know where you are even with a VPN. Financial institutions have tools. Banks etc are blocking people all the time that are using VPNs. VPNs are only good to shield your activity from your IP and accessing geo restricted websites. Probably over 90 percent of people paying for VPNs don't need them. They are oversold. Even logging in an a public wireless network doesn't need a VPN as things like banking are already encrypted. But banks are a higher level of surveillance.
  8. Not so many places. But once in Asean they can bop around to neighboring countries maybe for years.
  9. Great Freedom is another movie with heavy subject matter but this one I think more "entertaining" than Till. Great Freedom is a great movie and what an ending! The subject of German oppression of gay people AFTER the Nazis lost the war because of the Paragraph 175 law is not covered that well internationally anyway, but this is not a documentary. For an excellent documentary about Paragraph 175 (2000).
  10. He could. It would be a challenge to open from Thailand and I wouldn't assume continuation of any policies you may have heard about Fidelity in the past. I'm with Fidelity. They were aggressively investigating me for years because of Thailand logins, but they dropped bugging me after I started only logging in from the US directly with TeamViewer (not a VPN). It might be a case of out of the frying pan into the fire. I'm hanging on with Fidelity because they are good and I've been with them since I was 20. I was disgusted when they starting hassling me. It seemed unethical to treat such long term customers that way. But I would have the most confidence in Interactive Brokers long term to be actually expat friendly.
  11. I think it's OK to welcome Russians that are fleeing. Look at Georgia. Russians get an instant one year stay technically renewable just for showing up. That shows great compassion especially considering it has made Tblisi unaffordable for less wealthy Georgians.
  12. Note that the run for the borders started to happen when evil dicator Putin started his mass mobilization which started to hit Russians in Moscow and St. Petersburg. I don't think just being upper middle class is a shield. "Rich" is relative. The actual Russian rich seem to be "jumping" out of windows all the time these days.
  13. Perhaps Russia (in the past anyway) have not been sending Thailand it's best people? The scene in the past was dominated by some very rough types seemingly often from Siberia. Some of the refugees are some of their best people. Another thing about Russian rudeness that may apply to many other groups as well. Pretty decent to deal with individually but when in GROUPS, Katie bar the door!
  14. With cause. Escapees? Word is Elite Visas are now flying off the shelves with Russian buyers. Of course Thailand won't offer actual asylum like countries like Canada might in some cases.
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