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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Fair question. When I lived there there were tensions in the Mission between the majority Latinos and gay people who were mostly white and correctly seen as gentrifying. I know it's changed where there are more rich tech people, more whites, and more Asians I could be wrong but my understanding is that the homeless masses are mostly downtown Market Street, Tenderloin etc.
  2. It is true that we don't really know that this was a hate crime. Maybe it was but maybe it wasn't. He didn't say anything to that effect. If they caught him he wouldn't be charged with a hate crime. It would be a violent assault charge.
  3. Well it's not a Biden problem anyway. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-racist-rhetoric-blamed-145-175221823.html "Trump’s racist rhetoric was blamed for a 145% rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans. Now he’s at it again With Donald Trump’s return to the campaign trail this week came the resurgence of another familiar theme as well: racist language designed to denigrate Asian-Americans."
  4. That's interesting. Where's the source for that 95 percent? The one time I experienced anti Asian hate in SF walking down the street with my Vietnamese date the perp was mighty white. To be clear the Vietnamese was the target but I am not Asian so only witnessed it.
  5. Oakland is a separate city across the great bay. A city actually bordering SF is Daly City which is very Filipino.
  6. The best neighborhood I ever lived in. Rich in culture and excitement. Riding the bus there was wonderful.
  7. You clearly are not informed about the demographics of San Francisco. It is only 6 percent black. Very very low for a major city (see Atlanta). The non-whites living in San Francisco are overwhelmingly Asian and Latino. Yes, it is true that anti Asian hate crimes started to spike due to "President" Trump's racist characterizations about the pandemic and San Francisco being so heavily Asian would logically be getting more than the usual share.
  8. Why would you assume he's a foreigner? San Francisco’s Latino Heritage | San Francisco, CA (sftravel.com)
  9. Hope that their next target isn't people staying under true pretenses but having a bad attitude.
  10. Sounds like a CYA from the owners that your booking Is AYOR as it's illegal.
  11. DeSantis is actually more vile than Trump on social issues. Again he has done nothing for Florida. Midterm results prove voters want more than demagoguery.
  12. It will be neither of them. Trump isn't really running for president. It's a show run to try to shield him from prison. It's way way too early to coronate DeSantis. There are 100 other republican possibilities. DeSantis is untested nationally and it turns out he has no accomplishments. He's only about culture wars. Plus Biden being the incumbent means he's structurally favored to beat any republican.
  13. This was surprisingly excellent. I had expected a one sided hit piece for either the red or blue tribes. Instead it went very deep and explored the grey areas. It showed that the real truth of this social media event and its fallout didn't really match either of the extremely partisan narratives that the public saw. Red and blue tribes should both appreciate that.
  14. Till. This is a very good movie about the true story of the famous lynching of Emeitt Till age 14 and his mother's bold decision to show his dead body to the world. If you don’t know the story already you should know it and this movie though not a documentary would be one way to learn about it. The actors playing the mother and child were both brilliant. But that said while the movie definitely fully held my attention there was an element of aloofness about it that didn't fully engage me emotionally. Perhaps because I already knew the story well. Also I guess most people wouldn't consider the tragic subject matter particularly entertaining.
  15. Heck Trump deserves life in prison. He arguably deserves the guillotine for treason. But jailing ex presidents is so radically outside American norms (as was trump of course). So it will continue to appear unlikely unless and until it happens.
  16. This is already a big war but if it stays in Ukraine, think Marshall Plan 2.0 with Europe playing a major role. Of course if Russia wins, it'll be on them, but they don't care about the people there so Russia better not win.
  17. Not sure if it's possible but he may be able to dodge prison with some kind of grand plea deal that is designed to preserve the American normality of not jailing presidents. But for that he would need to admit guilt and Trump doesn't do that, so ... The chances of him being sent to the big house have been increased because of how much weaker he has been politically including of course own goals such as Dine Kampf. There will be fear in the DOJ that convicting him could spark a civil war but as his support is slipping away, not that much.
  18. Indeed he has lots to run on and also some missteps as any human leader would have. We don't need campaigns all the time. When the Biden campaign starts I expect he will employ good messaging to get him over the line. For example in the midterms many fellow democrats said lay off the save democracy stuff from republican fascists and focus only on the economy. He ignored them. Biden was right. Bottom line, he's an underrated politician and president. Remember the amazing comeback in South Carolina when most everyone (including me) had written him off. There may be power in people not fully getting his effectiveness. From Let's go brandon to dark Brandon, who's laughing now!
  19. And if it doesn't Ukraine will cease to exist as a sovereign nation. Let's face it That guy has a propaganda agenda for a motivation that he won't reveal. Waste of time.
  20. So they should be slaves of Putin then.
  21. You're positions are virulently anti-Ukranian regardless.
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