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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. They're coming to work. Hardly freeloaders. Immigrants in the US are amazing. We need many more of them. Yes there are too many coming illegally which is why comprehensive immigration reform is needed to open up better paths for sorely needed legal immigration.
  2. The Russians have accused Whalen.of being a spy. So it's never going to be easy to get him out.
  3. Well young people have always gone through phases. Sometime they stick and sometimes they don't. I knew two people while young that told me they felt they were female in a male body That was shocking and definitely wasn't trendy back then. One turned out to be cisgender gay and the other cisgender straight. Also even the guys I knew that were into just gay stuff turned out to be straight. Very disappointing. Adolescents and their parents shouldn't jump to premature conclusions. It's natural to experiment and try on different hats. My favorite peer growing up was an openly bisexual adonis that enjoyed dropping acid while getting top marks and being the star quarterback of my high school football team. I don't know how he turned out. I suspect he peaked in high school.
  4. It's "funny" (not ha ha) that the anti Griner rhetoric from the American right wing mirrors pro Putin Russian propaganda. Who is copying who? James Carville: 'Most' Critics of Griner Deal Are Racist Putin Lovers (mediaite.com)
  5. Yes and once you've been president as Trump has been it's much harder to present yourself as a Washington outsider. Trump has learned how to use the levers of federal power to become a dictator. He knows all the loopholes now so he's very dangerous if he gets power again. The founders didn't imagine a president as corrupt and malicious as he is. It would be shocking if he's reelected again, but interestingly since he announced he's running for 24 he hasn't done any public events. So he's the weakest he has ever been politically but still strikes fear into republicans who can't wait for him to be indicted.
  6. Yes and some people that are well screened will only realize later that they made a mistake. Life and the pursuit of happiness is messy. There are no guarantees regardless. But the reactionary generally far right wing people that act like variations in gender id are not real issues for many people need to be strongly resisted. They just want scapegoats.
  7. I imagine many or most people are seeing this story as interesting pop culture news in Kanye's case like watching a train wreck, but ultimately not very impactful in real life. The Department of Homeland Security correctly gets that it's serious, and that hate speech translates into terrorist violence and murders. DHS warns of domestic terror threats to LGBTQ, Jewish and migrant communities (nbcnews.com)
  8. Heck, it's a feature. Kevin McCarthy going for house speaker voted to not certify the election after the January 6 coup attempt, a promoter of the big lie, in the recent midterms there is a trend to reject such people in general elections, but the infection persists.
  9. So that's the story of one person and of course there are others. There are also people who have transitioned that are very happy that they did. Neither proves it's always right or wrong to do so. It is of course a massively impactful decision either way for those that feel that's what they need to do. Such people should be treated with compassion by society, not turned into political scapegoats by fascist politicians worldwide (Putin. DeSantis. Bolsonaro, etc.). Just so you don't think I'm trying to spout a one side narrative about this issue, I would refer you to some content by Bill Maher where he correctly points out there is a trendy aspect to this amoung young people. He points out it's much more common in LA to encounter young people that are transitioning vs. Middle America. While of course people in conservative areas are more likely to feel oppressed and not pursue their happiness, it can't be discounted that trendiness is a factor. It's a shame that anyone would go in this direction for that reason. There are no simple answers. People considering this really do need psychological professionals to help objectively evaluate each case.
  10. Obviously. All he's ever cared about is himself. That's not a problem for a random private citizen but trump still controls the republican party and at least for now is most likely to be nominated for president again again God help us.
  11. I had an early SS claim using Thai address. As stated above, I was automatically enrolled in Part A at age 65 but not Part B. To enroll in Part B, contact Manila FBU.
  12. White Lotus season 2 has turned out to be as deliciously entertaining as I expected it to be. The finale drops today US time. It has proven so popular that a season 3 is already assured and reportedly it will be set in Asia!
  13. Jewish Americans are Americans. Israelis are Israelis. They are very different groups. Yes, Israelis love him. Israel is more right wing than ever. Radically so. The vast majority of American Jews have always seen Trump as a dangerous fascist buffoon. American Jews are majority on the left and feel alliance with other minority groups that have been "othered" by American society, generally non-whites (the base of the democratic party) and LGBT people. Lately, with the disgusting racist Ye and his Hitler loving holocaust denial promoting a fresh wave of antisemitism through pop culture, it's been sadly highlighted that the alliances aren't sufficiently mutual. The fascist American right wing is white nationalist and would like the USA to become more of a white ethno state. They see Israel as a Jewish ethno state. I can't say they're wrong about that even with a 20 percent Arab minority. They also love Putin's Russia because they romanticize that as a "traditional values" Christian white ethno state. Wouldn't it be great if all American Jews moved there so the USA could be more white? White Christian evangelicals love Israel not because they like Jews but because it fits their religious dogma about the end times, in which all actual Jewish people are doomed if they don't convert. Israelis will take such toxic allegiances as support is support. American Jews see through it. I realize the above post is a strong statement but it reflects my opinion. I am only representing my opinion with it. Cheers.
  14. Mask it. Get a container like an empty tea can. Put in some baking soda. No need to fill. Place some whole cloves on top of the soda. Optionally add some drops of essential oil This will suck up the stink and lasts a long time. Optionally cover the container with foil and put holes in it. Good if you have pets.
  15. I don’t believe that the US favored Griner because she is lesbian or black. Nothing to do with woke which has become right wing code for being anti LGBT and anti teaching real history. She was prioritized because she's a sports star and her league lobbied aggressively for her. Also Putin wanted to use her as a pawn because LGBT people are now the top scapegoated groups in Russia and he's linking them to the west and Ukraine. If you don't know about this research modern Russian propaganda about LGBT.
  16. Taken to the cleaners implies he was fooled. He knew the deal and he took it anyway. I agree Putin got the upper hand though.
  17. That wasn’t the time. It was massively inflated for political purposes.
  18. There was a lot going on with this case. She is reasonably famous in the US. That shouldn't matter but it does, on both sides. Pressure for the U.S. government to do something and the value of the catch for Putin. Of course she played in the U.S. She felt she wasn't paid enough compared to men so was ALSO playing in Russia for the money. Her being lesbian made her a more valuable catch for Putin as Putin is framing the genocidal war against Ukraine in terms of fighting the LGBT tolerant west. The American far right wing, sleazeballs such as Donald Trump Jr., demonize LGBT people in a similar way to Putin and were against getting her out because they see lesbians as not worth anything. Also what she did may be illegal, but there is no doubt that the punishment was very extreme and not anywhere near normal for such a case in Russia, meaning the obvious, that she was held completely for political and trading power purposes. But Russia still won on this trade both objectively and propoganda-wise as Bout is a really really get get for Putin, and a basketball celebrity man or woman, doesn't really compare. Moral of the story: Stay the F out of Russia!
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