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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It doesn't really matter. He definitely did say the McCain comment which would have justifiably sunk the political career of anyone else. The comments about the WW1 soldiers are entirely in his sleazy bone spurs character and he never apologized for the McCain comment. Defending Trump is a fool's errand.
  2. It doesn't really matter. He definitely did say the McCain comment which would have justifiably sunk the political career of anyone else. The comments about the WW1 soldiers are entirely in his sleazy bone spurs character and he never apologized for the McCain comment. Defending Trump is a fool's errand.
  3. Yeah if we have to have any republican president, Christie would be much better than 45 or DeSantis. He's not responsible for his neice.
  4. There are always lots of people that want things to be super simple that favor strong man dictators. Especially in complicated times. But trump has got to be the most ridiculous clown of a wannabe strong man dictator there ever was. Perhaps the U.S. has gotten lucky so far to still have somewhat of a democracy, because he's so <deleted> at that role that so many crave to fill their soul hole.
  5. Indeed. He is truly a despicaple human being and deserves no support from any decent American.
  6. Trump commits political suicide? Again. Trump finally committed 'political suicide' with his latest 'stupid' comments: conservative (msn.com)
  7. He doubles down. Of course he does. Trump doubles down on calls to 'terminate' Constitution in furious all-caps Truth Social post - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  8. Trying to defend trump at this point is truly a thankless job. He reeks of guilt.
  9. "Citizen" Trump is really very transparent. All his attempts to try to dodge consequences for his actions are quickly crumbling. Announcement of running for president stopping aggressive investigations? Nope. Special master bait stall tactic gambit? Nope. Expecting that he owns the Supreme Court? Nope. Lifetime experience of being above the law continuing? Nope. Own goal of having a Dine Kampf Nazi dinner party damage fading away? Nope. Yes he is very desperate now. Indictments are coming and he knows it. His only hope is to unconstitutionally become president ASAP. Then he couldn't be indicted and he would never give up power. But alas that is impossible. The Biggest Loser in a political death spiral. That's your Truth.
  10. Good call. I did expect the USA to get past the Netherlands but not really further than that. A big factor looked to be bad luck with near misses as they were dominant enough to win. So I'm sad but recognize it was a big accomplishment even to make it to the knock out phase. So my supporting energy will shift to Argentina and Brazil.
  11. Young Royals, Season 2. (Illegal in Russia) Shock Ending! The villain is so villainous.
  12. What do you expect from the fascist leader of the American fascist party?
  13. They are him. I exposed Nazis — I know it’s time to call out Trump | Donald Trump | Al Jazeera
  14. Maybe Hitler would say, well he always said good things about me.
  15. Elon can do what he wants but so can advertisers.
  16. You keep playing the mental.card. It doesn't wash. What is he? A candidate for president.
  17. This is dumb. He's just a scummy racist against Jews and blacks. Stop giving him cover. Even with the mental illness thing he blames a Jewish doctor for an alleged false diagnosis. He never apologizes just like trump. What more evidence do you need? https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2022/10/11/kanye-west-antisemitism-bipolar-disorder-mental-health/8235254001/ No, Ye's mental health does not excuse antisemitism, experts say
  18. Awkward. At least she didn't have to sit through the now infamous Dine Kampf. To add I personally detest Jared Kushner but not because he's Jewish but because of his actions in life. That's a mistake Mr. West has made. He may indeed have been treated badly by some specific Jewish people. But that's not "the Jews."
  19. Because he's popular with so many millions of people. He spews violence and hatred against Jewish people and many of his followers are infected by that poison.
  20. Enough already! The mental health lame excuse doesn't pass the smell test. https://forward.com/opinion/523444/mental-health-antisemitism-kanye-west/
  21. No mention of the Jewish Nakba? https://besacenter.org/what-about-the-jewish-nakba/
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