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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yep. If it quacks like a duck etc. continuing with the poultry theme.
  2. Defending fascist trump is a rough job but someone's got to do it. Or do they? We just had Thanksgiving. Might I suggest the time has come for Republicans to fully drop the Turkey, AKA The Biggest Loser.
  3. As a globalist, I much prefer soccer. I don't watch any USA football and haven't for decades.
  4. People are gutting prematurely overly excited by that trumpist demagogue. It is way way too early for his coronation. He is untested.
  5. You're forgetting how passionate the opposition to Trump is. Trump's crimes are much more serious. To pardon him signals support for authoritarianism.
  6. I think not. I assume DeSantis knows what happened to Gerald Ford.
  7. There he goes again. BTW, I think it's totally fair to associate the white supremacist fascist stain of Trump on his supporters as well, especially now after all we know about him (insurrectionist). Trump once again does his two-step with white supremacists (msn.com) Trump once again does his two-step with white supremacists Trump’s own ambassador to Israel condemns him for dining with 'human scum' (msn.com) Trump’s own ambassador to Israel condemns him for dining with 'human scum' Donald Trump's ambassador to Israel on Friday condemned his meeting with two men notorious for spreading anti-Semitism in America. Just how bad is Fuentes (if you don't know already)? OMG, shockingly bad. In his own quotes on the MeidasTouch YT channel.
  8. ??? He knows who Kanye is. He has not condemned him. If anyone believes he didn't know who Fuentes is, he has not condemned him either. No excuses MAGA is a fascist movement.
  9. Guess who's coming to dinner? A vile antisemite with his good buddy a holocaust denying white supremacist neo Nazi. But they both love you Sir. Steak, chicken, or fish?
  10. When you pay for deliveries you're paying for convenience. Less shopping, less getting transport, less cooking, easier clean up, etc. So logically since you're paying for convenience the more convenuence the better. Not delivering to your actual unit for whatever reason good or not is less than optimal convenience. Say you lived in a gated villa community and you were required to visit the guard gate for every delivery. Not good. It's fine if you're satisfied with the incomplete deliveries at your building but I reckon you wouldn't complain if you could get deliveries directly to your unit. Also to note there may come a time when you are ill, injured, disabled, or a frail elder. Surely you would appreciate complete delivery then I would think. Cheers.
  11. The USA Iran showdown should be a sizzler. Especially with the political angle including protester Iranian fans being harassed by their pro regime countrymen.
  12. I think Kanye is running alternative party so the republican primary is irrelevant.
  13. He does have a lot of supporters. Look at the comments section of any youtube video about him. They love his antisemitism. But I don't see how that translates to people going to the polls to throw out their votes if he's even on many ballots. Such people are much more likely to vote for Trump or Trump 2.0.
  14. The same kind of thing could happen in restaurants. A friend of mind once told me that he regularly farted on the pies of a locally famous restaurant (that my family regularly went to).
  15. Kanye and Milo belong together. I guess file him under novelty acts.
  16. You can get around that by paying 5 dollars to a U.S. consumers organization one time. That's what I did. Anyone can do that! Look into it more closely. It's very popular with expats that have ZILCH to do with the State Department. It may seem Mickey Mouse to even have to play that game but it's totally legit and because they are a Credit Union, not a bank, I think they are required to require something like that.
  17. I can't process not using the mobile app.
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