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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Beni's does a decent roast chicken but I think it's Friday's only by booking (also roast potatoes). They do their own delivery. Beni’s food restaurant, Pattaya City - Restaurant reviews (restaurantguru.com) Nicky's on Soi Buakow does a 1/2 chicken for Sunday roast. On Grab or Panda or both, I forget which.
  2. Grab food delivery DOES accept cash. I use it often and just checked again, though I usually pay by debit card. I think if you get on their blacklist for bad behavior they can cut out your cash option, but otherwise, no problema.
  3. State Department Federal Credit Union. You can open an account from Thailand with a Thai address and passport. SWIFT wires are 30 dollars. Their ATM card unfortunately carries a one percent FX fee.
  4. NO! The Russian people are nowhere near close to "all" against. That's absurd. Yes, they've been propagandized but please stop spreading obviously false blatant misinformation.
  5. The document that I needed a witness for was real estate related.
  6. I agree with that. We don't know yet and we may never know. For example the claim of non binary might either be true or a defense gambit. Given the leading republican contender for president DeSantis is basing his candidacy on scapegoating LGBTQ people and Colorado is a more liberal state with a gay governor at least some politicalisation of this tragedy is inevitable.
  7. Florida Man demagogue DeSantis is launching his presidential ambitions on similar anti LGBT scapegoating. Just like Putin he starts with schools but be clear if that lot gets enough power, they will be copying Putin. Another thing the American fascists have copied from the Russian fascists -- falsely conflating LGBT with child abuse. Their blanket "groomer" attacks are politically brilliant propaganda but have nothing to do with truth fairness or reality.
  8. I didn't say it was difficult. It's just a nice service and the fast food places that do their own deliveries deliver to door by default (if allowed). I'm in Jomtien. Parking may be a bigger issue in Bangkok. One annoying thing is not knowing whether they will or won't until they arrive. Then you might not be dressed to "go out" if they won't. I usually message them early in the process with the request. Usually it's Yes or OK, then I know, but more commonly they don't reply at all, so it's impossible to know.
  9. Yes some condos don't allow, but mine does. Also some condos banned it during peak covid but now have allowed. I assume some drivers told me my condo won't allow because they've experienced other condos that don't and if not experienced can't be expected to know all the different policies. Of course the issue of this topic is irrelevant if your condo doesn't allow it. I do find it funny, typical Thailand that the vast majority of drivers ignore the company policy. You might cynically say they expect a tip but I've had many surprised by any tip even giving this extra not required service. Although not a tipping topic, I think not tipping if they bring directly to your condo really mean.
  10. I will add that not surprisingly the embassy staff are not allowed to act as witnesses.
  11. Not sure but I had to do an affidavit there that required a witness and I was allowed to just ask a random person in the lobby to do it.
  12. It's awful that antisemitism has become so normalized in the U.S. now.
  13. Needless to say, I'm a big user of food delivery apps and I know many of you are too. If you aren't, this topic ain't for you. Also, if you don't live in a multiple floor condo, etc., this topic ain't for you either. Anyway, now that the filtering is done, I was recently totally shocked to learn that it is official FOOD PANDA policy to forbid their drivers from delivering directly to condo units. They are only officially allowed only to deliver to outside the building or into the lobby. They are not allowed to use elevators. The shock comes up from the fact that in my experience 90 percent of the drivers do anyway (on request) and I only very recently learned about this official rule. Of course one would hope they would get tipped for that extra effort, but that's another topic. I have this officially confirmed from a very detailed and very specific incident where I discussed this with customer service. Their app doesn't bother to tell you this policy. I was also told by customer service that the policy has been in effect for a very long time, But for some reason it seems to be coming up more as an issue recently. I have been told several times by drivers that my condo specifically doesn't allow it. But I know that's wrong because my condo does allow it. So either drivers saying this are lying or it's lost in translation type thing. The takeaway (ha ha) I would suggest from all this is that IF a driver tells you that he isn't allowed by the COMPANY then do respect and believe that (but it's very unlikely he will tell you that). If he just refuses to do it without comment, then I think that should be respected as well because he's just following the rules of his company so doesn't deserve any grief for that. But I see no reason whatsoever to stop REQUESTING the service if you want it. Usually they will do it regardless. Other Companies? Grab. I don't know of their official policy. Do you? If so, share. I've found similar levels of agreement as Food Panda; I think probably higher levels. I haven't noticed anything on the app about the policy. Lineman I used them recently for the first time in a very long time. But in their case I clearly saw their policy while ordering. NOT ALLOWED. Of course I asked anyway, and the driver did agree. To add: In practice paying in cash increases the chance they will agree. Because if it's already paid they can just leave the order at your security desk if you have that. If it's cash they need to collect money and better chance of getting a cash tip.
  14. Ignorant voters thirsty for fascism. I alone can fix it, my <deleted>.
  15. Yeah it's early. Why did he announce so early? Because he thought incorrectly it would shield him from potential indictments.
  16. OK. The plot thickens. But that doesn't prove anything. Could have suffered from Internalized homophobia and or been protecting a closet with hate speech. Not uncommon at all.
  17. He grew up in gun culture areas. LGBT are human. It's not a group of angels. Try visiting the hot bars in West Hollywood if you're over 30. I'm not really a specialist in such matters but I recall it was reported that the shooter at the Pulse nightclub massacre had been there before for hookups. Again I don't know the motive. Just speculation. If I'm right usually such people would have committed suicide instead.
  18. I really don't know and probably nobody else does except the shooter. However as speculation is afoot my guess at this point is that the shooter is queer and didn't feel accepted by the local queer community. If they weren't accepting who would be? Can queer on queer violence be a hate crime? I think yes.
  19. Well in Colorado that wouldn't add anything to a sentence. But perhaps a gambit just to muddy the waters. Remember defense attorneys only need one juror to see reasonable doubt.
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