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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Trying to make sense of a man that's clearly brain damaged (from football head butting) makes no sense. However, watch the video in the article: "You go there but you lose your citizenship here in the United States of America. When you come back you got to come back legally like we should be defending the border."
  2. Back to the expat thing, I have had the experience of talking to Americans back there who know I've been living abroad for a very long time, tell me they don't consider me an American anymore. Yes of course you can (with difficulty) give up your citizenship, but American citizenship may be the stickiest citizenship there is. It's hard to imagine a U.S. senator being so stupid as to think or suggest moving abroad equals no longer being a U.S. citizen. Yet the polls are close.
  3. I wish I made this up as satire, but sadly, I didn't. Walker is in a runoff in Georgia and the race is close. He suggests expats be stripped of U.S. citizenship and should be treated as aliens if they try to return. I consider this more of an expat entertainment item because it's so totally insane rather than a news/politics thing per se. But just for "fun" imagine if this actually happened (any nationality) to expats. Herschel Walker Wants to Strip Disenchanted Americans of Citizenship (newsweek.com)
  4. Most don't and understandably the odds of a better tip with full service. Even then the majority that don't know me personally already don't seem to expect any tip even to the door!
  5. They do unless they think there will be a tip to finish the job. It's my impression that most Thais don't tip drivers AT ALL. So I don't feel guilty to ask. They can say no. Another thing I've noticed which is kind of weird. Many of the drivers seem to have a lot of pride of service in doing these jobs and I think that they get that to the door is a complete service so if they get satisfaction from doing this service, that's more satisfaction. Some may think I'm imagining something that isn't there, but that is how I perceive it with easily at least half of them.
  6. Yeah that was my assumption that even in buildings that don't allow direct food deliveries, would allow bigger deliveries like a big order of groceries. ... Or sofas.
  7. OK. assuming they catch the "suspect" which should be easy enough with the video evidence, realistically what will happen to him if he isn't super connected in some way? Hit and run after running over someone. Come on man! What would be different if the victim lives or dies? If the victim dies is there some kind of manslaughter rap possible?
  8. Confusion might have occurred because if you apply for a more regular visa at an embassy you lose the application fee if rejected.
  9. For these Nazi types black fans are useful idiots for their cause. Like Candice Owens. Also they generally hate Jews more than blacks so joining with black antisemites inflames tensions between Jews and blacks which benefits the fascists.
  10. I assume those misdemeanors would show up. Juvenile records shouldn't.
  11. OK, not for everyone, especially republicans but I thought great. Flawed but moving, it has current relevance regarding black / Jewish American tensions. Stuff is not sugar coated.
  12. Does Putin care about Russian soldiers any more than his Ukrainian victims? I think not. He's an equal opportunity genocidal war criminal.
  13. Right. If not why has he not totally condemned both Fuentes and Ye?
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