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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. There would probably be bipartisan support for that but it would need a constitutional amendment so no chance.
  2. It appears that Biden has been grossly underrated. Go Dark Brandon!
  3. Today's the day. Here's the real reason Trump wants to announce his candidacy now — and it's not about money - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  4. Absolutely. Especially when the leading republican alternative to Trump is a Trumpist as well, and arguably more dangerous as he appears more competent and more grounded in reality. Trump was an entertaining clown. DeSantis is potentially the enforcer. His moves to scapegoat LGBT people, demonize any mention of them to children as a pedo thing, closely mirrors how Putin got started with that issue. Fascist demagogues always need scapegoats.
  5. Good work Voters! The level of success against these anti democracy pro fascist Trumpists has been beyond my wildest hopes. They aren't going away though. The struggle continues.
  6. That's pretty much it. He still retains his core cult super MAGAs including the violent ones. If he's indicted which is probable you can bet the house he will incite his violent militias. He's the biggest loser. For a severe narcissist that many of his own party see him that way is about as bad as it gets. He's cornered. Things are falling apart coming from multiple directions. Like Putin that makes him even more dangerous than ever.
  7. What Trumpist propaganda network will pick her up though? Battle won. War continues.
  8. This is a big deal. Lake was very dangerous. Election deniers are getting defeated. Hope remains to defend democracy against the dark forces of Trumpist authoritarianism.
  9. None of those especially not Pence. Larry Hogan Popular, very likeable, and very successful ex governor of a blue state. Chris Christie also known for obesity had his peak time and he didn't grab and also he's very rude which Americans are sick of. Make America have a very fat moderate republican president again. Well I don't want him, but I think he would be a winning choice for the republicans, but they're probably too dumb to go with him.
  10. I don't think Bangkok ever did this. Only a few offices do. I think Jomtien is the only major office doing it. Of course Agent users would be excluded. But again you can ignore it.
  11. Not bad advice in general but in this particular case there are no consequences to ignoring it.
  12. You are correct. Sorry. I obviously confused this topic with the other one about show money reports at Jomtien.
  13. The report can be ignored. HOWEVER! The balance maintenance laws throughout the year are part of official national immigration law. I strongly suggest strictly following them. If non compliance is detected at the next extension the consequence is rejection. This topic is only about the show money reports.
  14. Good job synching but unnecessary. 90 day address reports online are super easy now! I suggest you try it. Very efficient. The show money thing as stated you can ignore with no consequence.
  15. Nobody is going to be able to report consequences at Jomtien as the only purpose of the orders are to strongly encourage expats to follow the actual balance rules to be proven upon the next extension.
  16. Again, unfortunately, this is about much more than getting rid of Trump which of course must happen and will happen in some way or another. It's about getting rid of Trumpism. Trumpism dominates the republican party. They would be more honest renaming it the MAGA party or the Trumpist Party (or go historical with the know nothing party). Ron DeSantis: more Trumpist than Trump (and perhaps the next president of the United States) (thecanadian.news)
  17. Trump was first elected based on white resentment. His original motivation was not to actually win but to boost the value of his brand. After he won, it turned out he loved the POWER of the office and starting actively flirting with being a dictactor. That peaked with the coup attempt and failure to ever concede that he lost and fueling the Big Lie and endless nutty conspiracy theories. It's always about him as he's a narcissist. He thinks his base supporters are morons. He demands loyalty but eventually throws everyone under the bus. He always wanted the approval of elites and of course never got it. His main motivation to run now is that he falsely thinks it will shield him from indictment. It won't but if he's elected again, it will.
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