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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Change your hotel bookings. Buy a RT air ticket to a nearby country before your first 45 days. Show that ticket your airline in the US will let you board. Why not make a great side trip of it like to Siam Reap Penang, or Singapore, etc.? My understanding is that currently land visa runs should be booked through a specialist company on places like Pattaya and Chiang Mai. I can't address your existential worries. There are pros and cons to any approach. I was actually looking for feedback from a seasoned expat on my idea. I personally have had no need for a visa run in over a decade. Good luck.
  2. Why not just fly in get your 45 days at the airport and then do a visa run out and in air or land? Another 45 days. That's 90 days. Am I missing something? To me it's totally bonkers to bother with a 90 day O from the US unless you intend to convert that to an annual retirement extension in Thailand from that, which you don't even need to do because you can usually get the initial 90 day O IN Thailand when you want to do that (bank account method 800K baht).
  3. On regular liquid savings accounts there is trivial interest. There is protection up to only one million baht including all Best to use multiple banks if much more than one million.
  4. We won't know when Trump is over for sure until the fat lady sings. Many thought he was over after his Jan 6 failed coup attempt including Republicans. People forget that a candidate with 25 percent support can win the republican primary in a crowded field.. Things do indeed look grimmer for Trump now but arguably risk of indictments may end up being more permanently fatal than DeSantis. Or health reasons real or staged.
  5. That applies to all the balance rules throughout the year. If you haven't complied then best not to even show up for your next extension. Then your options may be using an agent or leaving Thailand and starting over.
  6. Which office? My comment was really about Jomtien. I should have clarified.
  7. You can safely ignore a 90 day show money report. But do not ignore 90 day address reports!!!!
  8. Jack is indeed correct but I don’t think its reasonable to expect people to always post any oddball regional outliers.
  9. They do but none have the great advantage of any incumbent including unpopular ones.
  10. Yeah and it turns out Pennsylvanians are smart enough to know you can fix strokes but you can't fix quack carpetbaggers.
  11. Better for the American people that he boards a very slow boat to Russia. They bought him they should keep him.
  12. Yes. There is word now that he may delay the announcement. The incoherent curiosly fertile serial absent father anti abortion Georgia football player in the senate runoff might be a factor. An interesting question is whether Trump will even be welcome in Georgia for the campaign. He's the kiss of death. That said I do still expect him to run to maybe help him dodge prison. He'll still probably have his 30 percent Super MAGA deplorables no matter what. What else is he gonna do? Flee to Sochi?
  13. Well as a man that likes his steak very well done with ketchup prison chow won't be so much of a downgrade.
  14. I agree Harris can't win but if Biden doesn't run the democrats have many other strong options. Some you haven't heard of but a fresh face can have a lot of appeal. Particularly democrats that are winners in red and purple states. As far as big names Gavin Newsom is a very talented politician. Not saying I love him but he would make an apt contrast because of his historic role in marriage equality (now very popular) to the DeSantis game of scapegoating LGBT people which is straight out of the Putin playbook. As clearly DeSantis is about culture wars well two can play at that game.
  15. I have a prediction that I am very confident about. You're seeing DeSantis at a very high point in his career. He does not face a cake walk to the presidency. There is much to be revealed and publicized that won't smell as nice. Also to note if it's clear that Trump won't be nominated early enough Biden probably won't even run. Biden would beat Trump again but probably nobody else. To those that think the democrats don't have a bench you are very wrong.
  16. Report: Trump Thinks a 2024 Presidential Run Will Keep Him Out of Prison | Vanity Fair REPORT: TRUMP THINKS A 2024 PRESIDENTIAL RUN WILL KEEP HIM OUT OF PRISON Donald Trump famously hated the actual job of being president of the United States, given its emphasis on reading documents, listening to experts, and giving a <deleted> about other people. On the other hand, he did enjoy the power, and one aspect of the power he really seemed to like was the fact that, according to his lawyers, he couldn’t be held accountable for any crimes while in office. Trump will definitely still run. His motivation has nothing to with hoping to be a good public servant for the American people. Rather it's a desperate attempt to avoid facing any legal consequences for his many allege crimes. He's hoping that the DOJ etc. would never dare to indict once he becomes a formal candidate as he could spin that as political interference. Of course nobody knows if that game will work for him but it makes sense for him to at least try that on in case he does.
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