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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Your debate style is of the thirsty for liberal tears school. Dude, democrats have known for a long time that it is highly likely they will lose the house in the midterms. Losing seats is standard in the midterms for the party more in power, and given the slim majority, it would be a wonderful shock and not expected to hold the house. As far as the senate, that is up in the air, and yes if the R side takes control there, there will indeed be large buckets of liberal tears for you and your ilk to savor and enjoy. Have fun actually governing.
  2. Don't bother hoping. Super MAGAs have no shame! It's all about power and winning.
  3. Not one city was burned down, dude. But of course all lawbreakers are subject to the justice system, that SHOULD be a bipartisan consensus, including disgraced insurrectionist twice impeached ex-president Mr. Trump.
  4. Not really. I haven't done a scientific analysis. It's largely a subjective impression but I can say I find Shoppee too noisy. Also I'm probably influenced by hating their pervasive ad campaigns. I guess it's kind of like preferring one platform over another because you got used to one first, like Windows. I feel no motivation to bother switching at all. Cheers.
  5. I'm skeptical that you even follow credible news to ask such a BASIC question. Not all questions have value contrary to what MAGA types like Tucker Carlson might assert. Silly questions are cynically WEAPONIZED. So -- I won't be further bothered. BYE. Biden slams "MAGA Republicans," compares the philosophy to "semi-fascism" - CBS News
  6. I've only used Lazada. I don't like the feel of Shopee. I'm guessing it's market tested more specifically for the natives. While Lazada isn't Amazon it's such an incredible convenience. You can find pretty much anything and everything in moments, usually at a good price even with paid shipping, avoiding schlepping all over town just not to even find rarer items at all, then the items are shipped to my condo and held by the security guards (when prepaid). I prepay almost everything. I used to not trust shipments from China with prepay but it turns out they're quite trustworthy too (but slow). That's the main downside -- when the only option is shipping from China. I still wouldn't prepay higher priced items like cell phones although I've noticed some vendors require you to so if I really want something, no choice. I've been burned occasionally. I don't even bother returning as I estimate the loss is less than one percent of what I buy. OK, clothes are an issue. Sizing is a crop (sic) shoot. So if it's an item you'll want, buy one for size, and then order in bulk.
  7. Yeah a sort of toxic literalness, with indications of being disingenuous. Biden never said you can't vote for republicans or even MAGA ones but he is saying that the large MAGA faction are promoters of the big lie and are actively working to put people into power (particularly governors and secretaries of state) that will clearly put MAGA ideology over vote totals in future elections. I call that fascism. Biden calls that semi fascism.
  8. Perhaps after snake oil salesman Trumpist carpetbagger Oz loses in Pennsylvania he might want to try again in New Jersey. Or better yet not. Fetterman stroke or not is clearly the better man.
  9. Lazada has both L Theanine and Gaba that ships from Thailand. There are no import or legal issues.
  10. There is a good chance Fetterman will make a good recovery from his stroke but there is no chance that Oz will recover from what he is. Fetterman by .5 percent.
  11. He wasn't talking about all Republicans. Only MAGA types who favor fascist tactics to overturn elections.
  12. They may need to but they won't. Democracy is hard work to keep viable. Personally I think that collectively Americans are saying bring on a totalitarian state. We can't be bothered to do better. This will be regretted of course but then it will be too late.
  13. MAGA is for murdering democracy. So voting for MAGA is pro fascist, anti democracy, anti constitution, and indeed anti American.
  14. Fetterman is all Pennsylvania all the time stroke or no stroke. Electing Oz would be like choosing an alien from plastic city.
  15. "When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag and carrying a cross" Famous quote but can't be attributed by to one person.
  16. I heard that you can buy a verified checkmark without being verified. Of course that would be insane. Can someone clarify?
  17. A genius who lacks maturity. His entire Twitter adventure already a massive clustermuck (sic).
  18. Highly recommend youtube watch -- New Rule: Democracy's Deathbed
  19. It's very scary indeed. The US is indeed far down the road of becoming a Trumpist fascist state. Nothing semi about it. Trump does not need to be alive for that to happen and continue. The Trumpists have already engineered via sleazy tactics the almost total takeover of the surpreme court now a partisan illegitimate court and installed so many young Trumpist federal judges nationally. They have gerrymandered districts to the extent that democrats need super majorities nationally to control the house. The opposite of a fair level playing field The Trumpists are obsessed with suppression of voting particularly in urban areas Trump has made it clear that if he takes power again he will purge all federal workers of anyone who isn't a loyalist toady. Competence and experience is supposedly swampy. All he needs is one or a few more swing state governors / secretaries of state to insure guaranteed republican presidential wins indefinitely. As the Trumpist say control the counting control the power. Yet not enough people are getting this or caring. Historically times of inflation have set the stage for fascism. It looks like the US is there soon. These are our last one or two actual elections unless there is a dramatic turnaround. Yes people have the right to vote to end democracy. But if they do its only going to be show elections going forward. To those who say this is hyperbole, you're wrong. The Trumpists have openly told us their plans and they've already succeeded in most of them. They are winning. Democracy is losing. Believe what you can see with your eyes and hear with your ears. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/03/opinions/voter-apathy-january-6-pelosi-election-vote-fanone/index.html Opinion: American indifference will be the death blow for democracy When I speak privately with fellow officers who defended the US Capitol on January 6, the conversation often turns to why so many Americans remain indifferent about the insurrection. In other words, most Americans just don’t seem to care. An overt attempt to end our democracy? Meh.
  20. Some more background about what's at stake in Arizona and thus the nation explaining Obama focusing on it.
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