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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Party at Trump's tacky palace not hardy! What a loser. Trump's Mar-a-Lago Midterms Party Falls Flat As GOP Falls Short (businessinsider.com) Trump midterm results-night party at Mar-a-Lago fell flat as candidates he endorsed fell short of victory Democracy was on the ballot this time with the party of trump representing fascism, and happily democracy is still breathing! I'm surprised but of course pleased. The vulnerability remains though.
  2. Yes Independents are very big in the U.S. But for me being a democrat will always make sense as I can't relate to a party (republicans) that is largely based on white resentment. Also keep in mind there are very very few people actually running as independents, so at the end of the day, there really are only two parties that have real relevance in American politics. Sounds like you're from a country with a parliamentary system. That's not relevant to American politics.
  3. I've always been a democrat. Never denied that. Voting for another party candidate doesn't change your party. As we have two choices of major parties respecting independents, now we have the pro democracy party the democrats, and the MAGA trump white nationalist republican party representing allies like Putin, plotting to end real elections, basically America's fascist party.
  4. I don't usually consent to answer obvious personal baits, but what the hell, I will answer that one. YES. During my first time voting. I won't say who but the guy turned out to be a total liar as he ran as a moderate republican, completely changed his politics to far right after being elected, and grew to became a felony level criminal.
  5. That's literally true. Imagine that selfish blowhard as president of a HOA that you live in. Nightmare city!
  6. It was an accurate response. Maybe up your game and steer away from personal attacks and there might be something of substance to respond to.
  7. Who cares how long he can talk if it's toxic garbage? Castro and Chavez also could spew verbal diarrhea for hours.
  8. MAGA candidates are actually about putting people in key positions where they can control the vote counting and rules processes to make sure only MAGA candidates ever win any future elections, whether they actually win more votes or not. Yes that would be killing American democracy. It's a fascist, anti-democracy movement without any doubt.
  9. He fills a hole for the phony strong man dictator thirsty brigade. Only he can fix it. Very Putinesque but at least Putin has a coherent (but wrong) ideology. Trump is basically all about his perverted grievances and magically getting so many people to irrationally personally relate to them.
  10. It's a cute nickname but way too much of a college word for his "I love the uneducated" cult followers. No way that it sticks. He'll need to go more basic with something like Smelly Ronny.
  11. Congrats to Fetterman. Oz was a plastic suit and not even a Pennsylvanian. Go back to pushing useless pills. What a quack!
  12. In my opinion the main motivation for him to run again along with the timing is directly related to saving his own financial and legal keister. You see if he wasn't running, he couldn't grift very much anymore as then he would officially become a has been (loser). So he needs to run for that. But he is also hoping (and it might work) to use the presidency to shield him from legal consequences for his many alleged crimes. As president he can't be indicted, so he would have four years of protection and that might be enough for life, plus as he's obviously an anti-democracy fascist he would likely try to engineer a presidency for life thingie like Putin. The reason for the very early announcement right after the midterms is quite obvious. He will use that as a political pressure and propaganda tool to make the case that the DOJ or Georgia or New York cannot/ should not indict him because he's actively running for president, and threaten to rile up his violent militias such as the proud boys if they do. so that bullying tactic might work. I don't think that it will but hard to place odds on that.
  13. If he can dodge convictions he will be be favored for the nomination assuming he has numerous oppontents. But DeSantis might be able to beat him. If republicans agreed to make it more of a one on one race I would bet on DeSantis. But they won't. Not writing this as a DeSantis fan as I think he's horrible too, but Trump is massively more horrible.
  14. After the midterms. Republicans thought it would be damaging to do before.
  15. For the vast majority of us Nate is irrelevant. So an American Mormon man boy who you don’t know who makes videos not intended for us has made a big youtube success in the Thai market. So he has another boxing and marriage adventure that has nothing to do with you. I don’t understand the point of relating to this story either positively or negatively. Yes I have sampled him and found him rather a clown so I presumed there is a good market for Thai fluent f-rang clowns in Thailand. I wouldn't begrudge him his success but nothing to do with me. Leave him be unless you're a fan which is weird because you aren't in his intended audience which are Thai youth. I do happen to be somewhat emotionally invested in a number of youtubers that I do follow. Such as NFKRZ your friendly neighborhood Russian. I recently discovered Sanctioned Ivan a chubby young Russian draft dodger in Turkeye who drove in with a Cadillac Escalade ( his Freedom Car) who is having all kinds of often comical adventures and speaks fluent English in a hilarious style particularly his overuse of Flippin'.
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