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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. *Deleted topic edited out* Defining transgender women as merely a man wearing a skirt suggests massive ignorance. Its so sad to me that it has become fashionable indeed a blood sport to display such ignorance like a badge of cisgender heteronormative honor. Internationally autohoritarian demagogue politicians as varied as Bolsonaro, Putin, and DeSantis are milking such ignorance to stoke hatred and gain or keep in power.. Scapegoats are always politically useful but its not so nice for the people being scapegoated.
  2. I had a shot at 3 but 4 it was. Wordle 369 4/6 ⬛⬛????⬛⬛ ⬛⬛???????????? ????⬛???????????? ????????????????????
  3. Emphasizing the last point, forgetting the idea of a 200 a month bump and readjusting the COLA formula to better reflect reality (which will tend to result in higher COLAs) IF steps are not taken most vitally raising the income cap for payroll taxes, the system WILL NOT pay by borrowing. It will cut benefits! Given how many people rely on SS checks just to barely survive, I don't see how that would be OK at all.
  4. I'm not sure Americans "love" tipping, but back there if you don't tip massively you invite being verbally assaulted. It's more like we're conditioned to tip. It is REQUIRED.
  5. I have had both good and bad responses to tipping here. I don't tip American style here and think people that do are idiots. Some service people are indeed very obnoxious and whining about the tip too early but not tipping them at all invites conflict, but their antics definitely don't help their cause with me. Sometimes I give a very modest tip like 20 baht to a food driver and they look shocked and do a deep wai. That actually doesn't make me feel good because it indicates most people don't tip them and I think they do deserve something. I overtip hair cutters but even though not the custom those that deal with f-rangs a lot have come to expect that, such a personal service. I don't mind indifferent responses. Leaving a modest tip doesn't make you Big Bwana.
  6. If you like Amy Schumer. I do. Plus you get Michael Cera all grown up.
  7. No scrip needed. You can find dosage equivalents easily for ace inhibitors online.
  8. Raising the income cap is the obvious solution. I can't predict the future though. Many republicans want to "trim down" Social Security and Medicare at the very least and failure to pass increased income caps would indeed lead to future benefit cuts. Breaking a social contract for sure.
  9. I think there is an internal debate about that and the reasons I stated for not referring remain relevant. The DOJ is seeing everything. They are the criminal law experts. Referring may be kind of an own goal giving the Trumpists more ammo to complain about process instead of actually addressing what happened.
  10. They more than likely will just let DOJ decide. Referrals carry no weight. To refer will just increase the Trumpist squawking if DOJ acts that DOJ is partisan and reacting to partisan referrals. I hope none are made.
  11. What were they afraid of with an independent commission? I think we all know that. They never wanted the truth to come out because they know the truth is damning.
  12. This topic is not about fixes. Open another topic if you want to debate about policies for that.
  13. No. Its not Biden's proposal. Benefits won't need to be cut if the income cap for the tax is raised adequately.
  14. Its a blood pressure med.
  15. If its true that 5 mg is available now that's good news for me as my.dose is 10 so I could take 2. My recent topic was about pharmacies including Fascino saying that they had nothing and couldn't even order it and didn't know when they could
  16. Of course you don't believe any of that and are just here to provoke and hijack this topic towards right wing ideology. If you don't have anything to say that is actually on topic (repatriation stymied by housing costs) perhaps just leave it alone
  17. I hinted at this before but as this is a Thai forum, if you're going to play this at all, please give us your one word for Thailand and if you feel so inspired optionally add your one word for your home country. But the main idea is about one word for THAILAND.
  18. Some expats move abroad mostly for positive reasons of attraction to the new country. Others are more motivated by escaping from their home country (or wherever else they're living). But there is no doubt that describing any country in ONE WORD is challenging and arguably silly, useless, and prone to stereotypes. But that's the dare here. Will you play? The main ask is about THAILAND, but if you want to add your home country, even better. Remember -- ONE WORD ONLY.
  19. The hardcore will just tune it out anyway. It's not a realistic goal to persuade everyone.
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