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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. OK. Getting into the weeds here. Combo method was always complex. For those of us that can't get income letters anymore the complexity is multiplied. There needs to be a monthly import and bank account for such people. The qualification levels are confusing. Surely not all offices will even accept combo. The Integrity Legal.lawyer guy recently said combo was finished. You're saying at least for your office you can do.it OK.
  2. Dude. You said nothing has changed. I proved to you that you were utterly wrong. So instead of being decent and saying yeah I was wrong you deflect to an attack on Americans. I'm not playing your game.
  3. Americans weren't allowed to show proof of the income by our own embassy. That was hardly their fault.
  4. No! The assertion that all or most Americans that were using the letters before were lying is a disgusting lie.
  5. As an American. No income letters possible. Combo method out. 800k .money seasoning rules radically changed. Insurance for OA extensions.
  6. I would be comparing to other retirement destinations. Note how Thailand is rated very low in multiple categories.
  7. Perhaps but the total numbers are definitely way down from 5 years ago. I would only recommend Thailand now to wealthy retired expats. Less than that there are better options.
  8. Its obviously not only about Pattaya. Its about lower and mid level budget retired expats in Thailand in general.
  9. "Pattaya can longer rely on elderly retiree expats While substantial Thai tourism will certainly resume once the pandemic subsides, the traditional expat market is already in steep decline. These are the guys who retired here on fixed pensions to enjoy the golden years before the prospect of the crematorium became a near-term possibility. Journalist Sarah Scuzzarello describes this group as “Elderly retirees enacting privilege over local people because of their superior wealth.”" https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/pattaya-can-longer-rely-on-elderly-retiree-expats-388987 It appears that it is indeed headed that way. BTW: Compliments to Barry Kenyon for all his columns. Is he not the most brilliant writer on expat issues here?
  10. You actually don't know the specific details of my personal finances. The topic was started as a GENERAL discussion about one of the hottest topics in the US now.
  11. I don't believe there is a one size fits all plan. In fact I totally REJECT that. There are good reasons to sell up: Great timing for large profits Taking the primary residence tax break not available to landlords Needing the windfall to fund expatriation Poor temperament match for being a landlord Avoiding the possible great complications of being a landlord from abroad even using management firms KEEP IT SIMPLE Investing windfall money in other investment classes. If you love real estate you can buy reits. Age when selling, estimated life expectancy Ties to the US or lack thereof Strong intention to never move back though of course minds can change Each person faces their own unique decision making process based on complex factors There is no guarantee of making the best decision whatever decision is made.
  12. A relevant podcast getting into a lot of the details of the situation. But I think they are sounding too cheerful about it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/podcasts/post-reports/why-your-rent-is-going-up/
  13. I just had my Moderna booster today after the initial two AZs. Had to pay for it. No problem. I would have been fine with the free Pfizer but I was not comfortable with the super spreader environments of the venues I had access to for it.
  14. No. There are many exceptions. I listed them before. Nobody is saying D is any kind of panacea. Its more like there's very little downside, it might help, so why not?
  15. This is kind of funny in a good way. So I went in for a jab and made some noise about the Thai number not being on either of the documents I had from the sign up phase. The response without even looking was that even so it was already in the system. I insisted that they verify that it was the previous correct number. It was. Now have the shot, a new updated certificate, and update in Morphrom too.
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