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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. https://www.politico.eu/article/viktor-orban-warns-of-dangers-of-european-empire/
  2. There are many legitimately debatable issues related to globalism. Immigration, trade policy, internet freedom, changes to traditional local cultures, etc. etc. But I really don't think anyone in their right mind particularly expats wants the fact of life of globalism to go away. Think about the restrictions to international travel under Covid. Perhaps necessary but painful and unpleasant. More globalism in that regard asap! In any case it seems very stupid to me how the very words globalist and globalization have been weaponized. Even given the downsides just consider how most of our lives have been enriched because of globalization. Of course many people suffer because of it too. It seems almost impossible these days to have civil disagreements on such matters.
  3. Bad timing. The trick is to know what time to.arrive. It ain't rocket science. However in your case I think you arrived after the office was closed for multiple days because of Covid! Of course that would mean huge numbers of people coming in for days after the closing! The same phenom happens close the holiday closings.
  4. I'm not suggesting globalism is a black and white issue. Globalism is a fact of life. It is not new. The ancient Chinese silk road is a classic example of that. Globalism has both positive and negative consequences on people and societies. Globalization is about the levels and speed of the spread of globalism. Anti globalist sentiment is not only from the right. It is also from the left. For example in railing against mulit national corporations. As expats I would argue we couldn't exist as expats without globalism. International travel connections, currency transfers, being able to establish a home in a foreign land are manifestations of globalism. Thus I would argue that it would be clearly hypocritical for expats to espouse extremist anti globalist sentiments.
  5. Globalism, globalist, and globalization have become hot button weaponized words used by diverse political sides in many countries. But there are more sober not loaded definitions and ways to consider these words. I was thinking about this from an expat perspective. Aren't most all expats globalists to some degree or another? I think that they are. So the question here is IF you're an expat, do you see that connection, and self identify as a globalist or not? This POLL is intended only for expats (or former / future expats) but if you're not that, I can't stop you from voting! Who Is a Globalist? - The Globalist
  6. Yes. It's the best of all possible worlds. Critical thinking is the hobgoblin of the ladies who brunch Satanist cabal.
  7. That's brilliant! Traveling to Thailand? PASS! This rivals the rollout of Chevy Nova cars in Latin America. Nova = Doesn't Go
  8. Indeed. Some people are so smug. They don't personally have a problem yet they lack the imagination to understand that many other people legitimately do.
  9. Well I can tell you my personal experience the last time I mentioned that I was there for a retirement extension. Total deer in the headlights reaction.
  10. Any local expats here (that want it) that STILL haven't had their first dose? https://healthrisk.bangkokpattayahospital.com/rvs_covid/rvb_en_add.php
  11. That's too much pressure on the eight! Ever gone to a large live theater venue and there are eight people in the audience? Call off the show?
  12. You couldn't make this stuff up but TAT could and did.
  13. Me. Been there done that. Mazatlan Sinoloa is a wonderful destination and viewed by expats as a lower cost alternative to Puerto Vallarta.
  14. I was about to say fresh meat doesn't know too much yet but I guess that is redundant.
  15. Astra is not Mrna but it still can be used as a booster.
  16. Indeed. Flashback time. It sounded like this but didn't look like this.
  17. I'm curious about the medical implications of getting an Mrna booster after two AZ doses earlier or later than the optimal time. I think the optimal time is 6 months after the second dose. Correct me if I'm wrong. So I'm assuming 5 or 7 months later? But how about 9 months or a year later?
  18. Not the end for all. But the end for many. I do not recommend Thailand for retirement.
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