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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I can't answer all your specific questions but I will respond another way. I have found an overwhelming consensus that Capitol One is the best bank for expats. Not Schwab. Open an account with them before you move. I recommend having numerous US accounts. Banks close. Banks merge. Bank change their policies. I did this and it saved my ass. I suggest SWIFT wire transfers to send money to Thailand. Best if done online. Etrade bank currently does that online but they will soon be JP Morgan so I don't know about later. Some banks will require an in person visit to sign initial SWIFT authorization. I would also suggest opening an account with the State department federal credit union before moving. You can openly change to your Thai address with them later and they do have online SWIFT service. You will need a US phone. You can use google voice, magic jack, vonage etc. but they won't work with two factor verification. Google voice might still work with some banks but that will likely be phased out.
  2. I have always had to return the next open day at Jomtien to collect my passport. I have been given the order to come back to show bank info in 3 months every year since they changed the policy about post extension balance requirements. This has nothing to do with first extension. Dude you got your extension! Don't stress.
  3. Are Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Chiang Mai, Phuket & Phangnga on that circuit? NO! Only Bangkok is. But this guide offers some cover of Thailand. Pattaya has been a major destination in Thailand. There are definitely some restaurants in Pattaya at the level of some on the list of other places here. This was definitely a weak kneed ignorant snub based on the sex industry here as if Bangkok and Phuket don't have a sex industry. Perhaps Amsterdam is best known for coffee shops and whores in windows. But it also has some restaurants that would be in such a book covering Europe.
  4. You forgot about the house? Without knowing the specific money flow details, perhaps just perhaps if she had rented a cheap place until she was in better shape to buy a house she would have had a better chance at not losing her tool for livelihood, the van.
  5. It can't be stopped from spreading here but that's not the same as inviting it in. The truth is we're in the very early stages of learning about these new variants and jumping to conclusions that this alone means the end of the pandemic is total folly.
  6. On the subject of bankruptcy I'm wondering if the Thai education system should place a higher priority on teaching about personal finance management. Particularly how insidious being overly in DEBT can be. There is no legal gambling here supposedly but isn't overborrowing in effect gambling (and a bad bet at that)?
  7. I call B.S. There is regional Thai food in Pattaya. Plus exceptional Thai seafood. They didn't include Pattaya because it was intentional snub for reasons not related to food.
  8. Did they visit even one restaurant in Pattaya, pre-pandemic the most popular beach resort city in Asia, and now the tourism city of the future according to genius city planners?
  9. OK. I want to see the actual WHO source on the change if anyone has it.
  10. I'm skeptical of that. Do you have a link? All I'm reading says wait 6 months after the second AZ jab if you got two AZ jabs and that its a much reduced benefit if you don't. Many in Thailand got Sino then AZ so it might be different for them. Also why not a Pfizer booster after two AZ? I think thats more standard internationally than Moderna. You can also boost two AZ with a third AZ but mixing with an mRNA is probably better.
  11. Yeah, I didn't forget to mention Trainspotting. I intentionally didn't mention it because it is in very well known category internationally and of course I've seen it. I was trying to highlight little known outside Scotland, UK, etc. films that may be hidden gems to most. The tv show mentioned gives samples and commentary about scads of those.
  12. Sorry but I don't find your report credible. You know these cases, eh? Like people you know? Stuff you've seen on that reliable misinformation source Facebook? Yes, there is a very tiny risk of death from these vaccines, not really different from vaccines in general. It's a case of the overall benefit outweighing the overall risk.
  13. False. They are massively effective at preventing death from Covid. The jury is still out on future jab needs. It might turn out that three times is the charm.
  14. BBC Scotland's Wha's Like Us Everything you ever wanted to know about Scotland's depiction in movies but were afraid to ask. Plus the Simpsons: So much more than Braveheart. Scots might know most of the scads of movies (from very old to more recent) mentioned in this show, but I only knew a small number. Based on the clips, many looked very intriguing and I don't think you need to be a Scotsman to like them. Some random examples:
  15. There is luxury vinyl and I like it. Haven't installed in Thailand though but it's available now. What is Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring? Pros and Cons of LVP and EVP. - The Flooring Girl
  16. The misinformation is so pervasive and associated with so many famous people that I think the repetition is creating even more Person As. Also to mention a related trend. The Person A's rhetoric has become much more violent. Calls to literally hang and shoot people associated with rationality and science have become very common. Dehumanizing them -- very common to call them devils and to mix religious fanaticism with the misinformation. How does this end well?
  17. Indeed but it's really global now. I just heard today vaccine hesitancy in South Africa is being driven by American misinformation sources like Joe Rogan. I've also heard that Facebook is particularly weak in addressing misinformation in non English languages, particularly Spanish in Latin America.
  18. Exactly! All we really (mostly) know now is that it is more infectious than Delta, quite possibly much more infectious. We don't yet know the vaccine protection info on it. We don't yet know the danger compared to now dominant Delta. We don't yet know if it will replace Delta as dominant or not (although being more infectious indicates that is very possible). Even if it is less potentially deadly than Delta it could potentially kill many more people than Delta due to it's speed of infection. So again, WAIT for more info please.
  19. Actually they aren't equivalent sides at all! If a Person A says Bill Gates in the devil's seed and wants to implant tracking chips in vaccines, any half way rational person knows that is total garbage!
  20. I was educated fairly well to be a critical thinker. To always question authority. Looking at history, that makes very good sense. But something extremely insidious has happened to that POV in recent years and it has spread (like a radically anti-intellectual virus) very rapidly internationally thanks to the internets and assorted global crises. While before this dangerous rational discussion killing distortion when a person said 'Do your own research / I do my own research' it was almost always said with sincerity and to encourage independent intellectual inquiry. That has been turned on it's head! Go on the internets for minutes and you will see this done again and again, no doubt millions or billions of time. Person A: Broadcast blatant conspiracy theory garbage / dangerous misinformation. Person B: (if a masochist) Trying to bring the discussion back to the real world of science, logic, and credible evidence. Person A: You're a sheeple! Do your own research! In other words, get brainwashed by misinformation from endless bad sources so you transform into yet another Person A. Short of that, Person A and Person B have nothing left to discuss. Is there a way out of this cesspool? If there is, I don't see it. It seems to be getting worse and worse over time.
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