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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. If he wants he'll be able to launch a tactical nuke which then is likely to lead to total war. Putin definitely has mental and possibly very serious medical issues. I think its entirely possible that he might be OK with taking the planet along for the ride.
  2. Since forever. Gay is not limited to sexual. It also includes emotional. I recall such attraction as among my earliest school memories. Though I was never into fashion!
  3. Yes He had been in the Navy. But more relevant here his fight against Prop 6 Briggs and his ideology that gay people must come out. Its probably for the best that Milk did not live to see this current national plague of anti LGBT laws by a right wing that is much further to the right indeed fascist than the right wing of his day. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/navy-launches-ship-named-gay-rights-leader-harvey-milk-n1283409
  4. Here is some very specific information about what is wrong with the Florida law. Again: ALL GRADES. Again: A hateful effort to ERASE LGBT people. Try to imagine if the same anti LGBT bigots were trying to erase Jews. Of course some of them are but they can't pass laws about that. https://www.kaplanhecker.com/newsroom/florida-parents-and-students-challenge-“don’t-say-gay”-law-harmful-and-unconstitutional Florida Parents and Students Challenge “Don’t Say Gay” Law as Harmful and Unconstitutional
  5. The plague of anti LGBT laws brings to mind this old (censored) song.
  6. Teachers aren't robots. I recall numerous teachers announcing their upcoming or recent marriages to the class and of course they gendered their partners. Also kids do ask questions. It appears the anti LGBT bigots want LGBT teachers to lie.
  7. Yes unfortunately. Its blood money but German leaders don't have much choice at this time. The pain of sanctions goes both ways.
  8. Putin is very very motivated to win or at least have a way to fake a win. He loses he's finished. Ukraine is an existential threat to Putin. A protracted war at least keeps him going. Putin as dictator will do almost anything or even anything to stay in power. He'll find the money.
  9. Not this denialist tripe again! This part refers to all grades and the supporters of the bill confirm that. or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students
  10. Harvey Milk assassinated by a right wing bigot is rolling in his grave.
  11. The right wingers which is nothing new want to ban LGBT teachers or at least mandate them to deep closets. Under these new fascist big brother laws any out or outed teacher is subject to the right wing spy kids whose parents can sue them for almost anything. Of course schools will avoid risks and be more likely to avoid hiring LGBT teachers in the first place. Of course I am angry. I've been opposing this anti LGBT bigotry in schools since I was 15. Then against Anita Bryant and California Prop 6. I thought these battles against the bigots were won decades ago. But they're back stronger than ever and now they have total control of the supreme court.
  12. Still plenty of money from energy sales. If Putin clearly loses then he's toast. Strong man becomes weak loser so bye bye. But if he can hold on for a protracted war then he keeps his power.
  13. Exactly. Its a fake issue just like CRT in schools but sadly a lot of reactionary low information suckers are eating it up. Not really surprising in a country that is sliding quickly into authoritarian fascism, that elected trump once and may again.
  14. A slow burning Lamington of a movie, worth the calories
  15. The right wing anti LGBT activists are promoting social INTOLERANCE.
  16. It covers all grades. Parents can sue the schools if they don't like anything that happens in class in all grades. Perhaps a student class project. A book report. A teacher that is out or has been outed. That is fascist big brother stuff. Ignorant intolerant parents watching everything every day. Right wing kids recording on cell phones. These right wingers want to cancel everything LGBT under threat of bankrupting schools. So out of fear there will be a big chill and they win. These laws just like anti CRT laws are totally unnecessary and are being passed for toxic political culture war reasons only.
  17. So Zelinsky isn't brave enough for you? That really takes the cake. Its feeling like your taking the <deleted>.
  18. Not following you at all! The risk is already there if Putin continues to lose.
  19. Not following your logic. Nobody is happy that thanks to Putin there is now a small chance that we are in the nuclear end times, but that is the situation. https://www.businessinsider.com/tactical-nuclear-weapons-escalation-us-russia-war-animated-strike-map-2019-9?op=1 A terrifying new animation shows how 1 'tactical' nuclear weapon could trigger a US-Russia war that kills 34 million people in 5 hours
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