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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The legislation reads: “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” All grades. What state standards? Parents any grade may file lawsuits. So teachers will be forced to erase the existence of LGBT people. May as well call the bill the promote LGBT SUICIDE bill.
  2. They won't but nice sentiment. I'm more concerned about the Putin loving coming out of India as they are a major power. China of course is a lost cause.
  3. The primary issue is Putin doesn't think Ukraine should exist at all. Hitler used the same excuse about ethnic Germans to invade Czechoslovakia. It was BS just like the Donbas excuse is BS.
  4. Just as futile. War criminal Putin can't be trusted. Period. End of story.
  5. Putin has become this era's Hitler. Negotiations are over. Ukraine must win. You don't negotiate with Hitler or Putin.
  6. Russia doesn't need any outside help to look bad in relation to their invasion and war crimes in Ukraine.
  7. Huh???? I never said it will hurt him. Anti-gay bigotry helps republican politicians. READ THIS LINK and then you will understand the implications in all higher grades. Rules not defined. Threats of lawsuits that could bankrupt people. It's incredibly insidious. Florida ‘Don’t say gay bill’ signed by Gov. Ron Desantis | PBS NewsHour To add, the DeSantis record of LGBT issues: 7 Times Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Attacked the LGBTQ+ Community (advocate.com)
  8. Florida Governor DeSantis, a serious contender for the presidency, has passed this horrible law. LGBT people scapegoated yet again for cynical right wing political gain. Started this topic for a general discussion of this law and it's wider national even international implications. Consider Putin, Orban, and other authoritarians have played the same kind of scapegoating game. Read this link to understand how chilling this law is. It's about much much more than what happens in very early school grades! Florida ‘Don’t say gay bill’ signed by Gov. Ron Desantis | PBS NewsHour This is just one example of a very active anti LGBT civil rights movement in the U.S. With the makeup of the supreme court, even marriage equality is threatened and quite possibly could become a state's right thing. The dream of national non-discrimination legislation around housing and employment is basically dead. But there's always Randy Rainbow:
  9. Your tone indicates that you think it's a done deal that war criminal Putin will succeed in erasing Ukrainian statehood. It turns out he has a lot more global resistance to that goal than he bargained for.
  10. OOPS! Please accept my apology but I think there was likely an error in my memory! I think the taxact threatening screen was more likely about a state drivers license not phone. I probably have been giving them a US phone number but not verifiable. Voip that doesn't accept texts. Taxact might still work for you Perhaps you can contact their customer service.
  11. Yes I know I owe nothing. The automatic expat extension is to June 15. You have to file for October 15.
  12. I never file until October so I don't remember all the details from last year.
  13. Correction. Turns out the dark side place that has mataba beef or chicken is still listed on Panda. But for me not like you get in Malaysia. Koree Roti Halal 23, Moo 5, Soi Noen Phlap Whan, Nong Prue, Bang Lamung
  14. Maybe switch to taxact? I file there free. You can get a longer extension until October 15 if you want. I must say taxact has a screen that very much looks as if the number is required but then it isn't. Maybe turbo might be the same.
  15. Its all about Putin. If he can sell a loss as a win there may be hope.
  16. I don't know but I use taxact.com and they ask for that phone number near the end of the filing process but then allow you to proceed without it. Are you really sure that turbotax strictly requires it?
  17. I found it at one place on a delivery app on the dark side but they're not listed anymore and it was a <deleted> poor version anyway compared to Malaysia. It's weird that a local business doesn't exploit this. Do it well in a good location, why wouldn't it work? Heck even a f-rang could start such a business by hiring a competent cook. Or even an Indian restaurant could do them as an sideline. This general issue has been a pet peeve of mine for years. There is such poor representation of other than Thailand ASEAN food here. It's a crying shame.
  18. U.S. national treasure documentarian Ken Burns soon to release his latest on Benjamin Frankin starring Homeland star Mandy Patinkin. WOW!
  19. Call Pattaya Memorial Hospital and ask. If they can, it'll be 1600 baht.
  20. Happy to hear its a career diplomatic That political appointment from Mr Trump was vomitous.
  21. I agree. This Russian propaganda that Russian speakers in Ukraine deserve to have their land annexed is total bull. Russia without ALL of Ukraine is a massive country. Any Ukrainian Russian speakers that wish to be Russian could be invited to be Russian IN RUSSIA. Putin is acting like Hitler did in trying to rationalize invading the German speaking areas of Czechoslovakia. Hitler was wrong then, Putin in wrong now. Don't be fooled by any Russian propaganda. Putin is on record that ALL of Ukraine doesn't even exist as a separate nation.
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