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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Your post sounds like you aren't responding to the video as you're talking about something entirely different.
  2. All four of those have very good retirement programs leading to permanent residence. In Mexico you can actually get permanent residence from the start (higher financial qualifications for that of course). Often which countries that people like is a matter of taste and temperament.
  3. Yes its different. The rules changed, as I've said multiple times already meeting absurd denials of reality.
  4. NO!!!!! The 800K needs to be in there for three months after your extension, then never under 400K until the next 800k two month seasoning period.
  5. OA extensions changed to require health insurance. Pressured embassies about income letters and now some major embassies stopped issuing them at all caving to the pressure Money seasoning for 800K method. Before -- three months before. Then you could spend to one baht. Now two months before at 800K. Three months after at 800K. Then you can spend down to 400K. Not one baht. 400K. Some offices including major retirement haven of Pattaya require check in after three months to prove the three months after 800K. ALSO -- now combo method applications are harder to do and not even accepted at all in some offices.
  6. Thats kind of out of context. There are safe areas in Mexico. Cartel.violence in the Riviera Maya isn't new. Btw, its not that cheap anymore. .
  7. Yes insurance is part of Thailand Pass and it appears there is already one such fee based service provider as I suggest there will indeed be a demand for. https://www.thaiembassy.com/travel-to-thailand/thailand-pass
  8. Again if you start with an OA you need health insurance when extending in Thailand. Started with an O you don't.
  9. I'm thinking more of expats here that want to travel out and in. Tourism people have simpler cases.
  10. In this case dealing with online applications to embassies I doubt acceptance will be based on baksheesh.
  11. If this new Thailand Pass is going to be a long term or permanent change I think there will be a demand for highly competent advisers to help people comply particularly around travel timing tactics and insurance. Probably people already working as insurance agents but able to expand their knowledge. I think each case will be different and I think this is too complicated to expect all cases to be handled by forum posts.
  12. You're just wrong. But I refuse to be bullied to point you to the relevant posts or repost. You're not that special. READ.
  13. As a boomer I freely admit we failed the planet miserably. Started with sex, drugs, rock and roll and then on to greed is good and constantly kicking serious problems down the road. By the way I started out really strong. I volunteered to help publicize the very first earth day as a young teen. But Greta Thunberg notwithstanding are the current young people any better? Consider and discuss if you please.
  14. If you started with an O visa extensions in Thailand require no insurance. Very different from an OA.
  15. Yes. Definitely naive unless you are in a status that leads to permanent residence.
  16. Not exactly. You can move to places like San Miguel de Allende, Lake Chapala, and Boquette and get by without Spanish.
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