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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This is very misleading. It ignores LONG COVID which is very common.
  2. That sounds like the best of all possible visas if you want to enter Cloud Cuckooland.
  3. We can only hope this current onerous scheme is temporary but I see it lasting at least one or two years and perhaps permanent. The horror!
  4. You buy it for the time until your current extension of stay expiration date. Upon renewal no insurance needed. This isn't a matter of honesty. Just following the current rules.
  5. The 800k needs to be in for five months, not six. Two months before extension application and three months after.
  6. Probably over 99 percent of people claiming medical reasons are faking it which of course hurts the small number of people with legitimate reasons. If you really have a problem I would not worry about letters in Thailand. Can't you tolerate a flimsy one layer cloth mask?
  7. You'll be denied entry to most places.
  8. I think its opening up to SRRV visa applicants though. Tourists not far behind.
  9. OK. A boatload. I was just surprised people were taking it seriously.
  10. The OP's story has a tinge of inauthenticity.
  11. Yep. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
  12. At least so far I don't think Fluvoxamine has become fashionable to stock up on like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Why is that? In my opinion, Fluvoxamine in such a short course is safe and probably works. Fluvoxamine has happily avoided any political baggage unlike those others because of the likes of Bolsanaro and he who is better off never named became much more about culture wars than science and medicine. The latter excites people. Happily, I don't think Fluvoxamine will join that club.
  13. Americans used to say light in the loafers. That cracks me up.
  14. No idea but I don't want to find out. Obviously though we pay for everything. I have seen the teams arrive at my condo in the Covid space suits to literally come and take people away. Maybe they were very sick. More likely not.
  15. Temperature monitoring to enter my condo for example. Could be contact traced. Authorities have been known to isolate housing blocks with outbreaks. Many ways.
  16. Well here was the dose used in one study anyway. 100 mg twice a day.
  17. Probably not. Especially when people are afraid of being tested as being positive even without symptoms can lead to medical incarceration. Of course in western countries you'd need a scrip for antidepressants.
  18. For Covid it's a very short treatment. I seriously doubt there would psychological effects.
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