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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Well here was the dose used in one study anyway. 100 mg twice a day.
  2. Probably not. Especially when people are afraid of being tested as being positive even without symptoms can lead to medical incarceration. Of course in western countries you'd need a scrip for antidepressants.
  3. For Covid it's a very short treatment. I seriously doubt there would psychological effects.
  4. I agree of course that people should get vaccinated.
  5. Right. I don’t care what people think. The way they are locking up low symptom and no symptom positives to me is something out of dystopian science fiction. You can't trust the official numbers. The disincentives for getting tested are great. Note I wasn't interested in the meds that have been promoted by right wingers. This one unlike those seems like it really works and there isn't a downside. Hilariously this one doesn’t have the political baggage of those others. As someone that is vaccinated and yes I do want an eventual booster I think my odds of having a serious case if infected are low already but if I can help the odds a little more, why not?
  6. My impression is that the government here has considered 70 per cent good enough. I see no evidence they're even trying for higher. Keep in mind there are anti vaxxers here too.
  7. Don't have a cow but based on the encouraging findings I would like to buy a supply of fluvoxamine in case I start to develop Covid symptoms. Why? Well I'm vaccinated but understand that I still might become infected and I think becoming infected with Covid in Thailand has become criminalized so I would prefer to try to treat it discreetly at home without even being tested. So the 64,000 baht questions I have are is fluvoxamine available in Thailand, is it sold without scrip at regular pharmacies, and if not named fluvoxamine is it available under another brand name? https://khn.org/morning-breakout/widely-accessible-antidepressant-may-cut-danger-of-developing-severe-covid/
  8. Yeah, 90 percent should be the goal and that's the entire population not only registered locally. Fourth months out should still provide good protection against hospitalization and death. That's the important part, protection against infection is secondary.
  9. It's not the best way to tax, not even close, but as long as we're into U.S. tax policies, the only reason the democrats are trying to do this is that their hands are tied in reversing the absurdly massive trump tax break for the rich that should have never happened in the first place. "Conservatives" whine about deficits when they're out of power, but when they're in power they support such horribly fiscally irresponsible tax breaks for the rich. So they want their cake and eat it too. Sooner or later, somethings gotta give. Now the republicans can demonize the democrats for more scary (to the rich) sounding creative measures, when the perverted truth is they're the side that has (mostly) created this mess.
  10. Of course I know they won't change it. Just expressing my opinion that I wish they hadn't gone there.
  11. I saw a video where Jerry Seinfeld mentioned that Sebastian Maniscalco is the comedian that most reminds him of himself, and that he thinks he would be like that if he was Italian (American). So I've started to sample Maniscalco's stuff (videos and specials). My first impression is that I get the similarity but that Maniscalco's style is much more physical. I'm not there yet on deciding if I like his work or not. Also I wonder if his over the top Italian American stereotypical way of behind is the real him or just a part of his act (I find it somewhat grating). With Jerry performing, he seems the real Jerry.
  12. Yeah she's lucky as she's off the hook for any charges related to actual murder.
  13. Hi there, I think the info you got is mostly accurate. The window to enroll and starting date is certainly true. An exception is if you enroll when you turned 65. Another exception is if you have what they consider qualifying health insurance as an expat which may exempt from the penalties. I'm assuming you don't have that. The place to contact if you want to do this while still abroad is: [email protected] Yes that's connected to the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines. There are NO such services in Thailand! However, I think you could do this after you arrive back in the U.S. as well. You will also want to look into how to get started with Part D or Advantage (seek a Medicare consultant). For that you will need to know exactly what your new U.S. address will be as it's based on zip code. Yes, the penalties for deferring Part B are horrible. That's why I decided to pay Part B as an expat. If you miss the enrollment period window then you may need to wait as long as 15 months to begin your coverage. Lucky you, the enrollment period is coming up so you could be started in July.
  14. This is promising news but I reject the conspiracy theory implications of the framing of this topic headline.
  15. How do you know it's mostly about not wanting to be vaccinated?
  16. Your loss! The Americans’ final season is one of the best ever made - Vox
  17. That's more like an assertion of religious faith than anything to do with reality.
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