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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I assume most Americans have been following this. Massive price spikes in real estate in the U.S. for pretty much any place that you might want to live. If you already own something even marginally decent there, you're probably happy about an unexpected windfall. But what if you don't? For most expats, the first backup is repatriation. No visa needed. But some kind of housing is needed! To underline this situation, here's the flip side of this historic price spike: Real estate investors from across the U.S. are buying homes in Peoria, Ill., sight unseen - Washington Post
  2. Why did it take so long for this topic to happen? Can be weird and wonderful, guilty pleasures, or serious stuff too. To tell us, I suggest that you include a sample video of the channel instead of linking to the channel's summary page. More fun, no?
  3. Look I fully realize I'm coming from Old Fogeylandia with this and that many people have made boatloads of "money" with bitcoin and treat it almost as a religion. But looking at history, how can this NOT end badly? Or maybe history is passe, huh?
  4. The question has come up about the rough percentage of expats living in Thailand that have a Thai I.D. card (including when obtained from a yellow book). Driver's license is not a Thai I.D. card! So if that's all you've got then the answer is no. So I'm doing this poll. I guess that expats that have become citizens or permanent residences all do have a Thai I.D. so I'll add that as a separate category.
  5. Well, folks, here we go. We got an announcement that foreigners are to be included (and free as well as if that matters) in the Thai national vaccine program. But oh no there's that cliche, the devil is in the details. I like many expats want a vaccine ASAP. I'm definitely in a risk group. I want to be included along with the Thais in the EARLIER priority time for higher risk people, but the government has not made it clear whether they intend to include high risk foreigners in that priority. If anything, there have been hints that we are not included in that, but again, it's just not clear. I would prefer not to get the Sinovac or Sputnik but will if there's no other choice, or it would be mean waiting longer for a better choice. Traveling outside of Thailand for a vaccine is a non starter for me. I do not have any kind of Thai ID number and won't be having that. Apparently the app for signing up for this REQUIRES a Thai I.D. number! Problem, yes? I have a passport number. I am not registered in the Thai social security system. I'm not signed up at any hospital on any kind of vaccine list. I'm aware that the enforcement of these vaccine programs may be very different, locality to locality. That's why I think it's justified to have a specific PATTAYA topic for this. What's true for Pattaya would have nothing to do with Phuket. etc. I know for a fact there are many many expats in Pattaya that share at least some aspects of my situation. This thread is mostly for those that are OUTSIDE the Thai social security system because those already in it will presumably be contacted about a vaccination the same as Thais. I don't mean to exclude those in the system in any way from this discussion. I just think people OUTSIDE of the system have a bigger problem. UNLESS they fix the app to accept passport numbers instead of Thai I.D. numbers, I'm assuming that I will need to somehow try to sign up manually at a physical location. Where? How? When? I realize this information likely isn't available yet but hopefully as things might become more clear, people can share specific PRACTICAL information about how to sign up for a vaccine on this topic. On the topic of private hospital access for pay, I would love to have that option. But recently the government said that private hospitals can't independently buy vaccines. So for the time being, I'm going to assume that that option is not happening. Obviously if that changes and it becomes an option for expats to simply go to a private hospital and pay for a vaccine, that would be fantastic news. But we can't count on that! Thanks for your attention and participation.
  6. I don't think there is any doubt that the Thai-English google translator is shockingly poor. I wonder why exactly. I can compare it to Spanish-English which I would expect to be better, but not so MUCH better. I assume a large part of the problem is the nature of the Thai language. Is that the only reason? Is google's tool not as good as other automatic Thai-English translation tools?
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