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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Holy Guacamole, if SWITZERLAND for Christ sakes can finally take a side after failing to do so in WW2, surely it's safe for Thailand to. There is careful and then there is so careful that you look like weenies to the entire world.
  2. If I get your gist this is kind of what I've been thinking. The west MUST stop evil Putin ASAP. Nip this madness in the bud. It may already be too late. He got away with so much before with wrist slaps if that. If there is WW3 it's because that war criminal wants it anyway, sooner or later. In other words it's likely inevitable. Taking the risk to stop him now (and help stop China too) may well be worth the risk. I would go even further. When Ukraine gave up nukes they were promised protection from both Russia and the West. Nato or not. Both Russia and the west have broken their promise. Maybe it's time for the west to make good on it.
  3. Most yes. It's a myth that most are against him. But of course if they're abroad they understand the new pariah situation. It's like when the allies won WW2 you couldn't find a Nazi in Germany. Mysterious.
  4. I don't have much of a problem with the current RoosterrantTM but I do have a few comments. I agree don't hate on Russians in general as you don't know their individual stories. HOWEVER, their behavior on Pattaya "baht buses" is notoriously atrocious at least when they used to dominate in numbers. There is no mistaking that of all the f-rang groupings the Russians were the most obvious mask shirkers, indoors and out. At the time of Putin's theft of Crimea, there was no mistaking the obnoxious chest puffing mood of the Russian tourists here, many sporting pro Putin t-shirts. That was distasteful then but now I reckon I reckon more are ashamed and embarrassed if abroad, but more worried about getting access to cash. I can't speak for all by as BBQ I can say confidently that I know the Thai word for the baht bus trucks. If I was in Nakhon Nowhere, I would use it. In Pattaya, they really ARE called baht buses,. Deal with it, Roast. It shows your intolerance that you don't get there are localized terms for things. Cheers
  5. I like Russian tourists in reasonable numbers as they're fun to watch and the younger ones are often stunners. But.when they dominate things get ugly like having to sit on them when they don't make space on baht busses
  6. Well of Russians anyway. They should be building new markets. Mexicans anyone?
  7. Yes there can be medical.reasons. They can take a picture of my ding dong if they want as long as they don't separate me from that bank account.
  8. Moldova, good chance. Nato countries, not so much.
  9. Putin is likely to win this phase and install his puppets. He's showing now that he's willing to bomb the country to smithereens rather than lose. A crippled Ukraine serves his purposes as well. But that doesn't mean it's over. Some analysts are suggesting a protected resistance struggle of 10 to 20 years with Russia ultimately losing.
  10. The Putin side is the Nazi side. Ukraine will never agree to demilitarization.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean. Maybe you're referring to the significant Tucker Carlson wing faction of republican party Americans that are pro-Putin. They love a strong leader, never mind the war crimes! But even there, there has been at least some moves toward less divisiveness in the U.S. at least on this issue.
  12. This is complicated and I don't pretend to be an expert but here goes. Medicaid with Medicare is no panacea! Why? The income requirements are very low. A little bit over no go. There are ASSETS rules. You can only have a little bit banked. Owned housing is exempt but if you're a renter you're screwed again. Applying for and using the program complicated. The care is on a different inferior track. If you're very low income with very little in the bank and a renter your odds of homelessness become high upon first large bill or rent hike. Even harder to navigate these programs if homeless. If you are low income Medicaid eligible or not having large non exempt savings is what might literally save your ass. You might need to spend down if needing a Medicaid nursing home. As far as rental housing subsidies there aren't nearly as many Section 8 units as needed and more desirable HUD senior sliding scale rent housing typically has multi year waiting lists and always has a selective application process.
  13. Nomad Capitalist company targets very wealthy expats but provides information that can often be useful to less wealthy expats. At least if you use your imagination.
  14. Simple or not in your estimation, the products have different specs implying they will not all work the same for my need.
  15. You're giving Putin's irrational paranoia way more credit than it deserves.
  16. Silly comment. It's not the cost as you rudely assume. These items appear to be shipping from China on Lazada. That takes a long time. Geez Louise, since when is trying to make sure that you're buying the right tool for the job that will actually work some kind of federal crime worthy of childish ridicule?
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