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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I can't take anyone seriously that doesn't get the reality that the U.S. is experiencing historically severe problems. That's real. To wit: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-15/how-much-are-home-rents-rising-prices-surge-by-record-in-hot-us-housing-market?srnd=wealth&sref=9YK1BnKg https://variety.com/2022/film/features/ken-burns-documentaries-benjamin-franklin-donald-trump-pbs-1235182021/?utm_source=digg Is it any wonder that for many or even most American expats in the world, repatriation is a LAST RESORT?
  2. They are a good organization to support but you can get entry into SDFCU much cheaper. I used a US consumer organization. 5 or 10 bucks.
  3. I haven't needed OTPs. I think they have a program if you choose to do that. No, I've only done direct SWIFT and it's been very fast. I did determine that if it's over 10K USD they will probably call you and ask some annoying questions.
  4. It's a credit union. Not a bank. You need to join something initial. Like a consumer organization. I think it cost me 5 or 10 bucks one time. They are somewhat quirky and very security minded but officially accept expats. But you could still be rejected for other reasons. It's easier to open initially with a US address and driver's license and change the record later but you can open with a passport. I use them to direct deposit my social security check so YES on that! Online SWIFT wires are 25 dollars. Federal Credit Union in DC, VA, & SC | SDFCU
  5. The question is clear. It may be interesting to know the percentage of boosted expats compared to the percentage of boosted Thais and other regions / countries. I recently read the boosted rates in Europe are about 50 percent and in the US 27 percent. So how do the expats here size up?
  6. Not answering your specific question, but can address how banks know (or begin to suspect and then investigate) that a customer is living abroad. EXPAT ADMITTING IT! Logging in all the time from abroad Trying to contact with your U.S. phone number and it not working See a VOIP US number could raise a red flag Customer using a mail forwarding service as their main address Customer unable to do 2FA (no US cell phone in their name) Mail sent to the US address on record sent back. Mail sent to the US address requiring response not responded to Issues with activating a new ATM card Some financial institutions are more aggressive about this than others, but the trend is not good. If you've already moved abroad, opening a new U.S. based account is very difficult and impossible with many firms. Future expats should open many accounts where they move because over time they will lose some (or all) of them. Open a backup expat friendly account at SDFCU There is no perfect answer anyone can give you! This is a moving target. Policies change (generally getting less expat friendly). The U.S. financial system never promised expats a rose garden.
  7. Who knew? https://www.cnet.com/news/why-wordle-had-two-different-answers-in-one-day/ Why Wordle Had Two Different Answers in One Day Fans of Wordle took to social media Tuesday to express frustration and confusion about the game's latest move. The problem? Wordle, which was acquired by The New York Times in late January, was showing two different answers to Tuesday's word riddle, Wordle 241.
  8. Happily for gay men, this is a straight men's problem. But I will pipe in. Why not ask them?
  9. Many or even most US banks don't want expats if you're honest with them. This has been an issue for many years especially after the Know your customer rules arrived. I suggest opening with SDFCU which will deal with expats at least as a backup. https://www.sdfcu.org/ For other accounts I fake it. US phone number US address Logins online showing US not Thailand But now more and more banks are requiring two factor authentification with a US cell phone in your name! Acceptance of voip numbers / google voice on the way out. This can be a major PITA.
  10. Message to Admin / Support: As I can't currently edit this myself, kindly change my member label from Don't Be So Smug Member. TO Privileged Migrant Member Thank you.
  11. Message to Forum Technical Support: Please restore the user edit function for the custom member label field to the advanced members that previously had that capability.
  12. Oh drats! Any chance of it being restored? I wanted to change it to Privileged Migrant Member
  13. I really think you're reading too much into this. People that deal with many transactions daily usually can make change. I wasn't saying that all such people that say they don't have change are lying, but some are, and this is a well known tactic of service people all over the world to try to game a very large tip. I don't blame them. I think it's kind of cute and I would probably try the same thing. But you had your fun to preach about colonialism and i wouldn't dream of denying you that pleasure. Anyway, I find paying and tipping by card makes this easier for both parties. As far as having change myself, funny that you say that. I never said I don't have the change. I try to collect change so that I have it when I need it. There is a driver who works for a specific restaurant that comes frequently. He's always ready to change 1000 baht for me. I'm sure he suspects I have the change and that I'm "using" him to get change. Kind of like how people use 7-11 for change. But the thing is I always have a generous tip for him and give a very large tip like for new years. So we have an implied arrangement and I think both of us are good with it. Of course maybe he hates me and is spitting in my food. I guess to you that's so very colonial.
  14. To me Thai is neutral. Doesn't bother me, doesn't annoy me. European Portuguese annoys me in a similar way to Vietnamese and I've got issues with German too. Brazilian Portuguese and Argentinian Spanish on the other hand, I find charming. Like I said, temperament is a factor.
  15. Thailand is actually very conservative. Its one of the most religious countries in the world. Look beyond the superficial.
  16. Paying and tipping by card eliminates the issue of change. Drivers sometimes lie that they don't have change. I don't blame them really for trying it on but I'm not playing.
  17. Well actually I think you CAN tip earlier but I wait. They even allow you to take it back later.
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