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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Grab offers the option of tipping by the same card you used to pay for the food. You don't have to decide until the order if fulfilled.
  2. It obviously depends on the specific men and women. That said, a lot of homophobia is rooted in disgust. I find eating balut disgusting but if you want to eat it, enjoy!
  3. IMAGINE that you had. Geez! So many people are so painfully literal. No tip for you!
  4. As indicated,. the poll doesn't require there to normally need tipping to be involved. This is a GENERAL thing, where you're supposed to pick an answer closest to your truth about how you respond to bad service from limited pitiful people. Obviously if you get bad service and the person is sharp and snarky, that's a totally different ballgame.
  5. This isn't only about her. So no need to go into detail. Also if you had bothered to actually read about it, you would know the poll is not only about delivery, it's about service and service people IN GENERAL.
  6. Don't look then. It no skin off your <deleted> if gay people can get married. Have a heart.
  7. This is cynical of me, but comparing Cambodia to Thailand, the reason Cambodia is so relatively visa easy is because it's attraction is significantly LESS THAN Thailand. As Cambodia improves, they will make things harder. That always happens. Thailand on the other hand dramatically over values their attractions and their onerous visa system is over the top relative to what they've got.
  8. I always say to poll critics. YOU try to do better! This and all polls here are not scientific and for entertainment purposes only.
  9. Today I had a food delivery driver. Without going into detail, she was wildly incompetent, and when I eventually got my food (her fault) it was well cold. But then I saw her and talked to her for a moment. I realized she was very much not OK. Perhaps mentally limited or however people say that these days. So instead of giving her a piece of my mind, giving her a one star rating, complaining about her to the company, I just shut my pie hole. But I did NOT tip her as I generally do for even basically OK service. So I'm definitely no saint. Thinking about this afterwards, I guess I didn't want to encourage her to do a job she clearly can't do. But perhaps that was her only option, so then that makes me an unfeeling A-hole. How do you respond to pitiful people that haven't done the job for you? This isn't necessarily about food delivery service but it can be. Pick the choice close to your own truth about how you think you would respond in a similar situation.
  10. As you can see I am the Don't Be So Smug Member. I want to change that. I've edited that field a number of times in the past, but now I can't find the place to edit it. Is it still possible? If so, where is it?
  11. Sounds like American bashing is a hobby. American palates are not a monolith.
  12. Obviously its folly to move to a country without doing your own boots on the ground exploration.
  13. Mexico has big box stores similar to Costco, Amazon Mexico, gringo bubbles like Lake Chapala and San Miguel Allende, and good coffee. Colombia has big box stores similar to Costco, a local Amazon clone, gringo bubble Poblado Medellin, and the best coffee.
  14. That's a bit of an exageration. However Nicaragua is usually included as the lowest cost option but that's questionable considering their anti American dictator and crime in Managua. Of course you don't have to live in Managua but expats are obligated to visit there for immigration and health care matters. Other than that Nicaragua has a lot of plusses
  15. Yes it's very good but there are more affordable places in Portugal.
  16. Wordle 241 3/6 ????⬛⬛⬛⬛ ????????????⬛???? ???????????????????? Yeah! My first time getting it in three.
  17. That's misleading. Middle Eastern not Arab.Turkey is in Europe and Asia. Middle East is a GEOPOLITICAL term. Purely geographically, Israel is in ASIA without any doubt.
  18. OK. How about this then. No marriage allowed except for same sex. After all it doesn't matter yeah.
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