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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. I'll admit I do not watch the BBC. My main source of news is CNN. They were initially pro-Israel but lately have begun to report more on the pro-Palestinian side. The only time I see articles from the BBC or FOX is on this forum or when someone comments on them on social media. If the BBC has really been anti-Israel, that's news to me (pardon the pun).
  2. As I stated above, it goes, IMO, in almost all Western news and social media, especially conservative ones. Now, more liberal news and media are starting to include information and accounts from both sides of the conflict.
  3. The Arab Palestinians deserve as much access to news and social media as the Jewish Israelis. There are two sides to this story.
  4. The worst thing about this IMO is that so many of the voters in the USA were swayed by him and Trump's rhetoric. I still just can't understand how anyone would vote for Trump, regardless of who was running against him.
  5. OMG! A politician using money to secure power and privilege! I'm sure glad that doesn't happen anywhere else in the world!
  6. I'm sorry for this incident, but I'm sure things like this happen between athletes in many sports without a transgender athlete being involved.
  7. All Western news and social media are extremely biased to pro-Israeli information sources. It's only been lately that the pro-Palestinian side of this conflict is being brought to light.
  8. Birth certificates and passports have not been used for tens of thousands of years. They are only recent developments in the way humans record their classification of each other. They only allow for two options based on physical traits at birth and do not consider psychological traits that develop later. I don't really expect our rules on this to change anytime soon, but it's obvious they are at least being reconsidered.
  9. @Crossy, Thanks for your prompt reply and correction of my assumption. But is my assumption that this ONLY applies to INCOME FROM EMPLOYMENT and not retirement income? I assume you're not a Thai tax expert, but I'd appreciate your understanding of this. Thanks...WDSmart
  10. I apologize if these questions are too basic and have been answered before, but after reading most of the remarks above, here is what I think I understand. Are they correct? - Thai taxes are only applied to an income of over THB 150,000 per month. - And the source of this income has to be from employment, not from retirement benefits. Thanks...Bill!
  11. So, I ask for the umpteenth time, "How do you determine a person's gender to decide if they qualify to play on either a male or female sports team?"
  12. Because a man pretending to be a woman is a man so should play in the mens team. Well, what about the opposite transgender person? Someone you would describe as "a woman pretending to be a man"? And these people aren't "pretending." They believe that are the gender they claim to be.
  13. Why would you only pick out the men's teams for the inclusion of transgender people? And would that include all transgender people? If so, why? I have never wanted to play in goal for any soccer team, so whether I'm allowed or not is not a problem for me. As you say, you are not allowed to do some things in this life. That's because some people, it may be just a powerful few or it may be a large majority, say you are not allowed. I agree that you cannot say yes to everything every time someone wants to do something, but you don't have to just say no. You can try to make adjustments to accommodate them.
  14. Then they cannot participate in the sport when it involves playing against others As I said in my opening comments, we just have to have rules that help sports leagues deal with this. If what you suggest is the rule, then that's the way it will be. I don't like it because it then prohibits transgender people from participating in sports. That, IMO, is unnecessarily discriminatory. But, I know many who are in the right-wing politically demand "black-and-white" rules (pardon the obvious reference to racial discrimination), with no recognition that there are those who do not completely fit in just one of two categories. Unless we completely deny transgender people any rights, this will be an ongoing problem.
  15. That's one way to do it: physical examination. But what about those who have had transgender surgeries and no longer have the genitals that had at birth? And there will be some that have a mix of male/female genitals. What then?
  16. Why does he keep telling it? Because Trump is a big, fat, abject liar😠!
  17. What could go wrong? First of all, Trump was elected to be the next president. That was wrong. For the next four years, he will try to enact all his insane policies, and they will all go wrong. When his policies start to fail, he will blame that on someone else. That will also, hopefully, go wrong, and he will be held accountable for his failures.
  18. I apologize to the entire world for my fellow citizens electing Trump as president again. It's deplorable and very distressing to many in the USA also.
  19. Actually, socialism hasn't "failed miserably everywhere." One example is American Indian tribes, and there are many more historical examples. Socialism does not achieve equality by "dragging everyone down to the lowest level possible." Sharing lowers the level of some and raises the level of others. The result is a level somewhere in the middle. Socialism would only seem repressive and retrogressive to those who want to feel superior and live on a level higher than others. Another name for "left-wing nut-jobs" like me is "woke," or even better, "visionary." We do feel more virtuous than those on the right, but not sanctimonious or morally superior. Socialism is not the "holy grail." Communism is the final goal.
  20. Yes, socialism is sharing everything, and that includes supporting each other in all aspects of life.
  21. And 74 million voted for Harris. I wouldn't call that a "landslide."
  22. I grew up as a "have," but not overly so. Later in life, I realized that many are not as fortunate as me through no fault of their own. It's those with whom I believe we should share our good fortunes instead of ostracizing them.
  23. I'll try, but I think it's already too late. I would have never thought there were as many people in the USA, my home country, that would vote for someone like Trump. He's either conned them, or they actually do share the same values as he has. Either way, it may already be too late for the USA. I expect Trump to completely disrupt our society over the next four years, and after that, there may be no way to fix it.
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