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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Yes, neuter them and then find them homes. Don't release them back in the streets. So you think chasing kids on bikes and attacking elderly folks is worse than killing? Your post is disgusting.
  2. Disgusting! But it's not surprising because, according to your icon, you are a Trump supporter.
  3. I don't object to the chip policy, but I do object to the classifying of certain breeds of dogs as "prone to aggression." I do support the neutering of strays instead of killing them.
  4. Well, I'm not sorry to see Biden go. I don't think he did a bad job the last four years, but he's clearly not able to carry on for another four. But I am sorry that he will be replaced by Trump. I predict the next four years will be chaos and completely catastrophic for the USA.
  5. Yes, as many of you on this Forum do, I live in Thailand. I wake up every morning, turn on my TV, and am utterly amazed that the lead story is not the assassination of Donald Trump. Maybe tomorrow... 😉
  6. I know how she feels and am sympathetic. But she, like me, must accept the fact that Trump won the election, showing that almost half of our fellow citizens have been conned by him or, worse yet, actually have the same values he has. It's a sad, sad time, and the next four years will undoubtedly be some of the most disruptive and destructive in our nation's history.
  7. I don't know what's required for a personal visit. I pay my local Immigration department THB 1,000 each year when I get a One-year Stay Extension on my visa, and they mail me the 90-day receipts about a week before the last one expires.
  8. I was only responding to your use of the word "pretending." If you believe you are Brad Pitt and start calling yourself by his name, you are not pretending to be Brad Pitt. But no, that doesn't mean everyone else has to call you Brad Pitt. In fact, everyone else doesn't even have to call Brad Pitt Brad Pitt if they don't want to. And even the real Brad Pitt does not have the right to sleep with Angelina Jolie. Angelina does have the right to allow Brad Pitt to sleep with her.
  9. Thanks. What if they are a woman (trans man?), then can they play on the women's team AND/OR the men's team - in your opinion? Transgender people are not "pretending" to be a certain gender. They believe they are that gender.
  10. So you would just ban transexuals from playing on any team sports - high school, college, professional - , right?
  11. Although I don't agree with most of what you said above, I do have one question: If you (and Trump) think the AG and the Judicial Branch of the US government were out to get him, and their prosecutions were a misuse of their office, why now do you think is it okay for Trump's AG to use the Judicial Branch to prosecute Democrats? If it was wrong before, it is wrong now, right? Of course, I know Trump has no ethics and does not care about what rules he breaks...
  12. Why would you call a prediction of a 50:50 race "phony" when the election turned out to be about 49.9% to 48.3%? US presidential election results 2024: Harris vs. Trump | Live maps, charts and the latest vote count
  13. Although I know many reports in all kinds of media are wrong or at least misleading, I would believe the New York Times over Trump any day. Of course, I would believe most anyone over Trump any day.
  14. The very problem here is that you can't truthfully answer "yes" or "no" to your "simple" question. What we define as a "male" and "female" body is at opposite ends of a very steep upside-down bell curve, like this one: The vast majority of us do fit into the definition of "male" or "female." However, some, a small percentage, do not. This applies to both physical and psychological aspects. There are male and female leagues because those do define the vast majority of people. We don't let males play in women's professional sports, and, for the most part but not always - there have been exceptions, do not let women play in men's professional sports. We're not discussing that here. What we are, or at least I am, discussing is what do we do with those near the bottom of the bell curve above, Skin color is a physical attribute. At one time in the not-too-distant past, people with different skin colors were treated differently. Now that, for the most part, has been overcome, or at least has become illegal. I hope the same will happen with this transgender discrimination also.
  15. I agree with honoring a person's nationality but not their support for a nationality not theirs during a political conflict. I do not approve of displaying your religious preference unless the symbols of ALL religions are tolerated. I don't approve of how your friend is treated unless all crosses and Stars of David are also banned.
  16. I agree with your objection to 'workplace bullying' and with your last statement, but what should we do about people who wear a USA flag pin on their lapel or a cross or Star of David on a necklace in the workplace? Where do you draw the line?
  17. “Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s Superman!” https://www.nprillinois.org/2021-06-02/a-guide-to-gender-identity-terms I think you are completely wrong. The problem with this whole controversy is not because those of us who accept trans people as who they believe themselves to be are "overcomplicating things." The problem is that those of you who do not accept trans people is that you are oversimplifying things. Above, you say, "gender identity is like acting." I think you are right in that. Those of us who accept the script we are given, practice it, and then act on it every day are welcomed by the director. Those who cast the script aside and improvise are rejected by the director and run the risk of being removed from the performance. The audience, however, likes both versions.
  18. These charges have only been postponed, not dismissed. In the worst case, they will have to sit dormant for four years until a new president is inaugurated. After that, these charges can be reopened, and the trials and sentencing can continue.
  19. I'm pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli as far as the conflict over their territories goes. As long as the wearing of the Palestinian flag colors by the BBC is just an ENCOURAGEMENT, I see nothing wrong with this. If, however, there is some attempt to PERSUADE or ORDER their employees to wear these colors, I am against it. Employees should be allowed to express their own political opinions on matters like these but should not be compelled to do anything like this by their employers.
  20. No, I don't have any links on this aspect, and there are many aspects of this that puzzle me. Some of those are the terms. Does "trans women" mean people classified as men at birth who now identify as being women, or does "trans women" mean people who are classified as women at birth but who now identify as being men? And is there a term "trans man" for the opposite of whatever a "trans women" is? Also, you bring up a good issue. It seems like there is pressure for the "trans" of male-to-female types to be prohibited from participating in women's sports, but neither "trans," female-to-male, nor male-to-female, is prohibited (as far as I know) from participating in men's sports. I know men are prohibited from participating in women's sports, but are women prohibited from participating in men's sports? I think not because I've seen female golfers participate in men's sports. Doesn't that gender prohibition go both ways? If the answer is no, why not?
  21. My point is that it wasn't that long ago that Blacks were discriminated against in many aspects of society, including the ability to play on sports teams, go to school, or share the same drinking fountains with Whites. Now, it is suggested that trans-gender athletes of both sexes should be discriminated against and banned from competing with cisgender (a term for people who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth A Guide To Gender Identity Terms | NPR Illinois) people. How long do we have to wait until those prejudices disappear, or at least their enforcement is prohibited by law?
  22. They cannot play in the game But what if someone is Black? Can they play? If you answer yes, what's the difference?
  23. I agree with your last statement, but what about people who are born with both physical and psychological aspects of both genders?
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