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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. No one cares. Oh, I care. What I mean is Musk and Trump don't care about anyone else but themselves.
  2. You are going to Liverpool, England, and are not knowledgeable about the rules in the USA. A president can only pardon someone (or himself, although that's never been done before) of FEDERAL charges, not STATE charges. Two of his four indictments are state charges, one in New York and one in Georgia. The STATE charges cannot be pardoned.
  3. He deported himself already. I said "deported to," not "deported from." What I meant was to have him deported to Thailand from whatever country he is now in. Maybe we could say "imported." 😄
  4. Yes, I agree with you. I think Biden said he would not pardon Hunter because he thought he would be found not guilty or, if found guilty, would face fines, not prison.
  5. Find him, have him deported to Thailand, and lock him up!
  6. I'm a far-left liberal and a strong progressive. I wouldn't join Elon Musk on anything.
  7. As a far-left liberal, I say "No!" to pardons for either Hunter Biden or Donald Trump.
  8. Yes, I understand all that, but some of us just don't have 800K that we can keep in a bank. I used to do that, but recently, my balance dipped below the 800K threshold, so I've gone with the 65K or more monthly deposits. My monthly Social Security pension is about 90K, and it is deposited in my USA bank account. So, I have no problem meeting the 65K minimum, even if I have to use some of those funds out of my USA bank account for other things. But, yes, it does cost me a little more in money transfer fees, but that's the price I have to pay to stay in Thailand with less than 800K in the bank unless I want to go with a one-year extension based on Marriage, which requires a lot more paperwork. I'd rather pay $50 a month or so in transfer fees rather than go through all that hassle of gathering up the Marriage paperwork.
  9. My Immigration here in Phetchabun does not require 800K in your account if you meet the 65K monthly deposits. This is backed up by the information online: How to Get a 1-Year Extension of Non-Immigrant (O) Visa in Thailand? | Strictly Thailand
  10. I have most recently been on a Type O visa and have gotten a one-year extension based on Retirement with 800K in the bank. Last year, my balance dipped below 800K, so I thought I would have to switch to a Marriage one-year extension, which takes a lot more paperwork. When I talked it over with my local Immigrations, they suggested I look at a Monthly Deposits extension. For that, you have to show you make monthly deposits into your Thai bank account for more than THB 67K (I think this is the amount). I transfer my USA Social Security monthly payments to my Thai bank account every month, so I easily qualified. Long story short... Last week, I went down and got a one-year extension based on my Retirement using monthly deposits. Just a suggestion for you to check out...
  11. I am now 78 and have had an enlarged prostate for about ten years. When I first went to a doctor here in Thailand, he wanted me to take tests, which would require the scraping of tissue from my prostate, to see if it was cancerous and, if it was, have it removed. I asked several of my long-time friends who were doctors in the USA about this, and they all said that even if I had prostate cancer, it would grow at a very slow rate. So, at my age, at the time, I should not have any problems with that cancer for the next 20 years or so. Therefore, unless I started having more severe problems, they discouraged me from having any scraping tests and especially from having my prostate removed. So far, so good. I have to get up twice or sometimes three times every night to urinate, but other than that, my prostate (and PSA levels) have not gotten worse.
  12. Trump's challenge is not balancing anything but his own policies and actions.
  13. I, who identifies as a far-left liberal, do not "hate peace and prosperity." As far as peace is concerned, we'll all see what kind of "peace" the Trump administration achieves over the next four years. I don't think we'll see any, but if we do, it will be a "peace" brought about by forcing some countries and peoples to accept conditions that are "surrender" and actually "victories" for those now attacking them. And prosperity? I'm all for that as long as it is prosperity for everyone, not just the wealthy, and not just for a small set of countries. Prosperity, like peace above, is often brought about at the cost of others. That is not acceptable to me.
  14. They do so, as they also have in the USA, either because they've been duped by false information or because they actually have some of the same selfish values their executioners have out of a desire for revenge on the supposed and delusional "deep state."
  15. No, I don't, but up in the mountains where I live, we don't sterilize our male dogs. We think they need all the testosterone they can get to survive up here. We do sterilize our female dogs, which helps in two ways. It, of course, prevents them from having puppies but also reduces the fighting among the male dogs trying for dominance over them. But both our males and females do chew on things when they get a chance.
  16. Yes, IMO, to not be guilty of some kind of homicide charge, he has to have done what he did in self-defense. He doesn't have to "sit on his thumbs," but he does not have the right to take the "bad guy"'s life just because he was threatening people. Again, this is just my opinion, and I am not a legal expert. It's my personal point of view on this.
  17. I agree that the solution is to capture and then relocate these dogs off the island. I would not agree to just killing them,
  18. If he did this in true self-defense, then he should be found not guilty. If, however as it seems, he did this just to subdue someone making threats, then he should be found guility.
  19. I live up on a mountain with no neighbors less than a couple hundred meters near me on either side, and those are Thais living in bamboo huts. All of my stray dogs were picked up on the road leading up the mountain from a small village at the base. I suspect Thais living off the mountain bring their unwanted dogs up here and dump them out. Some of them are with a litter of puppies or even puppies left on their own. And, yes, I do put on the brakes and try to pick up any stray dog I see. That only works some of the time. Most are afraid and run away, off into the jungle. I do carry some dry dog food in my truck, so leave them food. Sometimes, after I've done this with the same dog (who usually stays in the same place, probably waiting for his owner to come back for him) a couple of times, they will trust me enough to let me load them in my truck and take them back to my property. There, I unload them and introduce them to my other dogs, who sniff them up and down, but after that, usually leave them alone and eventually even make friends with them. So, that's how I have come to have so many dogs.
  20. Yes! And that's part of the wonderful aspects of living in the jungle-covered mountains!
  21. what about your neighbors? japping all day and night That's part of why I adopted all of the dogs. My neighbors are now so intimidated that they have ceased yapping all night. Actually, I live up in the mountains in northeastern Thailand on about ten rai of land and don't have any neighbors who live close enough to me to be bothered by my dogs. Also, all the people up here have dogs, and many of them have several dogs, so my having so many is not a problem for any of them.
  22. I've adopted well over 20 dogs over the past 20 years. I have 12 right now. I don't regret adopting any of them.
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