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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. The USA (Trump) will not protect Taiwan. It just doesn't have enough mineral resources to pay him.
  2. Actually, I just found out last year that I could qualify for a one-year retirement extension based on monthly deposits of THB 65K. Before that, I thought it had to be retirement income. And that used to have to be verified by your consulate, but the US consulate quit doing that 15 years ago or more. So, after that, I've always relied on the THB 800K in the bank, that is, until last year when an Immigration official at my Immigration office told me I could just show proof of THB 65K each month. My US retirement (Social Security) is much more than that, and I always transfer that from my US bank to my Thai bank every month. So now, I'm all set. 🙂
  3. 65k OMG! Has it changed already? 😄
  4. Of course I don't know for sure, but I'm confident they will NOT take a drop in the exchange rate into consideration. THB 67K has to be THB 67 K on the day it is received.
  5. My amended prediction is that Hackman died of natural causes in the mudroom. His wife found him and then killed the house dog and committed suicide.
  6. Doubtful as they weren't even in the same room. She, supposedly in the bathroom on floor, and he was elsewhere, on floor with cane nearby, from one news-blip, quoting sheriff's dept. 1 dog dead, in a kennel, inside, and 2 other dogs outside, so a bit strange if suicide. I hadn't heard about the other 2 dogs. Were they dead, too? If so, that might change my prediction above. Also, some more information on the deaths has changed my prediction a little, but I'll wait until I hear if all 3 dogs were dead.
  7. This is the same problem as the USA's concerning the general election results vs. the Electoral College results. It's the difference between a democracy and a republic.
  8. Don't Federal laws forbid this under gender non-discrimination laws?
  9. I use the terms "expat" or "foreigners" when talking with other Farangs. I use the term "Farang" to designate expats or foreigners when talking with Thais.
  10. Ocassionally...
  11. Lock them up, fine them, and then deport them.
  12. Fine the shipping company and arrest and jail the ones who did this.
  13. I predict it will be a suicide pact between Hackman and his wife and the killing of their dog.
  14. Trump will probably veto this and then try to SELL the islands to Mauritius.
  15. It's obvious that the "weponization" of the entire government is one of Trump's most seditious activities.
  16. I'm not always in synch with Greta's protests, but I definitely support this one.
  17. In the cases this forum is discussing, disturbing the peace, I'd think any regular policing unit would have the authority to address and even arrest the offenders.
  18. So its only Foreigners? How do they deport all the Thais breaking the law. They don't. If they are Thais, just arrest them and lock them up.
  19. Arrest them, lock them up, and then deport them.
  20. I think the US citizens who voted for Trump or took part in this survey will soon realize what a mistake they made in believing Trump would do anything beneficial for the US. The next two years will be a disaster, and unless the control of the House and Senate changes in the election two years from now, I think the US will be all but destroyed by the end of Trump's term as president.
  21. I think I contracted this flu a few weeks ago while visiting a hospital for a routine checkup. That night, I started developing symptoms: a runny nose, lungs full of phlegm, cough, and severe tiredness. The symptoms lasted strongly for over a week, and now, two weeks later, I'm just now getting over them. I tested myself at home for COVID and flu, but those tests came out negative, so I don't know what I had, but it was not pleasant!
  22. The police have plenty of video of this incident. Identify and find the boys, and then lock them up!
  23. Except he is a lot smarter and saved on visa fees. Yeah, he's so smart and has saved so much money that he's now arrested. I assume he'll spend some time in jail and then be deported back to the UK, where he might be subject to additional penalties, such as losing his passport or even worse.
  24. Wow! This guy's been in Thailand about the same time as I have!!!
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