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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Harris was not the "border czar." That's just another lie Trump has told you, so, of course, you believe it. Harris was VICE PRESIDENT. She did not make the strategic decisions concerning anything. Her duty to the president was to inform him, carry out his tactical solutions, and, of course, be there to fill in for him if he became unable to continue to serve.
  2. Harris was not the "border czar." That's just another lie Trump has told you, so, of course, you believe it. Harris was VICE PRESIDENT. She did not make the strategic decisions concerning anything. Her duty to the president was to inform him, carry out his tactical solutions, and, of course, be there to fill in for him if he became unable to continue to serve.
  3. What the hell is anyone doing out of their house, much less out on the streets in Pattaya, at 4:30 a.m.? That's just completely crazy!
  4. What a dog! All of use should celebrate the heroic actions of this American bulldog! They are precious animals and should be o the top of everyone's prospective pet list.
  5. I'm a far-left liberal and have already voted for Harris, but I take exception to the title of this article. Harrist is not "strategically" distancing herself from Biden; she's "tactically" distancing herself from him. As vice president, she was expected to support all of Biden's strategic goals. And if she gets elected as president, she still will, but her tactics to achieve those strategic goals will probably differ.
  6. An exchange of hostages between China and Thailand? What type of prisoners is Thailand sending China in return?
  7. Not that it will make any difference now, but the actual quote was, "The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporter's,” Please note the apostrophe between the last word and the final s. That means he was only referring to one supporter, the one who made the original remark. Just FYI for anyone who is acquainted enough with grammar rules and what Biden's intent was in saying this.
  8. I am a Harris supporter, I've already voted, and illegal immigration is not a big deal for me. Having said all that, I'll just note that these are just estimates and not based on any actual counts. And, most of all, during this period, Harris was VICE President, not President, so although she could be assumed to have backed Biden's strategic approach to issues, she should not be judged on Biden's tactical approach to any particular issue.
  9. Here is Wikipedia's definition of fascism. After reading it, tell me just what aspect of it does not absolutely directly apply to Trump... "Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism, fascism is placed on the far right-wing within the traditional left–right spectrum." Fascism - Wikipedia
  10. I moved to Thailand 21 years ago and have been married to a Thai woman for 20 years. I don't consider my life "ruined." I am very happy with both my marriage and the other aspects of my life here.
  11. Well, the Jews believe in a delusional god, so I wouldn't say their IQs are exceptionally high. I'd guess their IQs are average, like all other peoples.
  12. Oh, I thought this article was about the elections in the US state of Georgia. I'd suggest that the AseanNow Forum save this headline so they can use it later. I'm sure, win or lose, the Republicans will claim voter fraud.
  13. I agree with RFK, Jr. that nuclear war is a looming threat, but I don't agree that the threat would be worse with Harris as our president than Trump.
  14. I am about as anti-Trump as anyone can be, and I wish the Washington Post and all newspapers would endorse Kamala Harris. Though it is despicable to me, I don't believe it is illegal for a newspaper owner to "make a deal" with a politician regarding endorsements (or non-endorsements). It's then up to the newspaper's readers to decide how they will deal with that. I understand that thousands of subscribers have canceled their subscriptions to the newspaper.
  15. My general reply to this is simple. Don't absolutely believe anything you see or read on the Internet, even on sites like AseanNow. Treat all this information the same way you'd treat a lively conversation between your friends and strangers sitting in a bar and drinking beer. Listen to their stories, tell some of your own, and enjoy them - but NEVER NEVER NEVER place an absolute belief on any of them that that is true. All this is just entertaining conversation.
  16. Totalitarianism (autocracy) should be on the far right. Democracy should be on the far left.
  17. What you've posted is just someone's opinion. I have my own opinion, and I disagree with that one. I've posed an image describing what I agree with when I use the terms Left and Right, Liberal and Conservative. I won't bother posting it again, but that's what I believe. Socialism and capitalism are economic systems. Authoritarianism and libertarianism are governmental systems. You can mix and match them, as well as other economic and governmental systems, any way you want.
  18. I disagree with this chart. I think the arrows should be labeled More Social Awareness and More Individual Obsession. I agree with the Left Wing and Right Wing descriptions, but not the Far and Extreme Left and Right descriptions.
  19. The government, whatever kind it is, could suggest I work somewhere on something, but the final choice of where I work and what I do would be mine.
  20. No, I would work where I wanted and thought I could contribute the most value to society. In return, society would provide for my needs as best it could. That's socialism.
  21. "Could" means "that's a possibility, one of many." Socialism is an economic system and can exist under almost any form of government. That includes authoritarianism and democracy. In fact, a socialist democratic republic is exactly what I hope the USA, in fact, the world, will be someday.
  22. Not that it matters to me, but I'd guess from your AseanNow Forum name you're from Ireland.
  23. Yes, I agree that warning anyone to leave a public space because of their race is "crossing the line" out of free speech.
  24. Best post of the day. ' laugh and the whole world laughs with you. except for some on here. And the "some" include all those voting for Trump.
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