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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Lock him up! And preferably in a cell full of water.
  2. Well, all I can say to the Demon is, "Better luck next time!"
  3. If the execution was of a dual-national, why didn't they just close half of the agency?
  4. I certainly hope that helps! Another Trump presidency would be a disaster for the USA, my home county.
  5. Oh, when I started to read this, I thought you would talk about real problems like memory, mental acuity, and balance, but I assume what you're talking about is getting an erection. I quit reading as soon as I figured that out. What a waste of space!
  6. No, you're wrong about all of these and probably many other things about the current political situation. I'm sure Harris considered and suggested many things when asked what she would do differently. And I'm sure some were accepted, and some were rejected or modified. That's what the VICE in vice president indicates. Their strategy, as far as I can tell, was to allow as many legitimate refugees into the country as possible. To do so would mean there would also be some illegitimate aliens who were only claiming to be refugees. The claims of all immigrants were examined in court, and those who were legitimate refugees were allowed to remain in the US. Those that weren't were deported. Those who didn't show up for their court appearance were hunted down and, when found, were deported. Pence went against Trump because Trump asked (told) him to do something illegal, which was against the Constitution. Harris, a law-abiding VP, did what she was supposed to do: offer suggestions, but in the end, help the president enact his policies. I'm sure if she has been asked to do something illegal or unconstitutional, she would have refused. Putin, IMO, sees Trump as his puppet and will do whatever he can to help him get re-elected.
  7. Sounds like it would be useful if you're suffering from an annoying bout of constipation.
  8. This is disappointing. As a US citizen, I thought I might be able to use this if Trump were re-elected president.
  9. This is like fighting over who is describing the best sighting of Bigfoot. All delusions!
  10. Good for them! I hope they pick up a lot of ex-Washington Post subscribers as a result.
  11. Since when is it illegal for a network to publish an interview with the intentions of promoting the interviewee, and then editing it as they see fit? That's not the same as inciting people to riot or raping multiple women.
  12. Harris may well indeed have been "put in charge" of overseeing the border crises, but in doing so as VICE president, she would have had to follow his strategies on the subject, not make up ones of her own.
  13. Too bad. I was hoping this would have been an alternative for me if Trump got re-elected.
  14. iIf it was about 4:30 a.m., this sounds like normal activity for Pattaya.
  15. If there are no other witnesses, it sounds like a "he-said/he-said" incident to me.
  16. Lock her up! (The mother, pimp, and his customers.)
  17. If White US citizens are considered an "ethnic minority," I might look into this if Trump is elected president in about a week.
  18. Lock all three of them up and throw away the keys...
  19. Of course, I did say "in their right mind." No one in their right mind believes in a delusional god.
  20. Here's my new recommendation for a ceasefire/hostage exchange: - Agree to a ceasefire for a certain number of days, say two weeks. - Return an agreed-upon number of hostages, say four. - At the end of the two weeks, hostilities could resume, and the hostages would be returned.
  21. No, no one can explain why Joe Rogan is so popular to any normal person. I'd guess he's only popular with young men whose bodies are flooded with testosterone.
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