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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Lock him up in a blank cell, one without windows, no lights, and a solid door.
  2. Biden was misquoted, although I can easily see how that could happen since "supporter's" and "supporters'" sound the same, but the original text of his speech shows the correct version of the possessive noun. Now, I asked again, what did you answer to your son when he asked why he heard (probably on Fox News) that the president called half the people in the US garbage?
  3. Biden didn't do that. His remarks only referred to the comedian. But if he had, he would have been right about around 45% of the voters polled. So, what answer did you give your son?
  4. What's next? The birthplace of Bigfoot? 😄
  5. Biden didn't sabotage Harris. His remarks were misheard, and he explained the problem. It was the difference between a singular possessive noun (supporter's), which he said and was written in the remarks, and a plural possessive noun (supporters'), which many interpreted as what he said. The mishearing was excusable, but the continuation of the accusations based on the misinterpretation after he's explained what happened is deplorable.
  6. Everything written, even the original source, is someone else's thinking. The only differences are the thinking from sources you trust, like CNN or Wikipedia.
  7. I'm sorry, but I'd like to read more about how you think Lenin's (singular possessive) policies are similar to today's Democrats' (plural possessive) policies, but I don't trust that marsists.org site. Do you have any links on the subject to a credible site, like Wikipedia?
  8. Folks who support Trump are not "ordinary" or "normal." They are deplorable cultists.
  9. The most accurate sources of fact are CNN on TV and Wikipedia on the Internet.
  10. Yes! I let my garbage sit in cans for several months and then use it as fertilizer to grow new useful, or beautiful things.
  11. It's not from Lenin. It's from the Bible: Galatians 6:7-8 New International Version "7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7-8 NIV - Do not be deceived: God cannot be - Bible Gateway Not that I put any faith in either Lenin or the Bible...
  12. I liked this photo, too, but isn't Trump in the wrong end of the truck?
  13. You're missing the point about the apostrophes, but I suspect that is either purposeful, your belief in lies, or an inability to understand the grammar. But, yes, I do think Trump and all his supporters are "garbage," wasted remnants of citizens who have been changed from free-thinking individuals to members of Trump's cult. I like Hillary's term best - "deplorable."
  14. Sharia law would solve many problems, but, IMO, would create many more.
  15. Yes, it's difficult, perhaps impossible, to note the difference between "supporter's'" and "supporters'" when hearing these words spoken. The point is his transcript, which he was reading, had "supporter's," a singular possessive, referring only to the comedian who made the "joke" about Puerto Rico being garbage. So, that's a failing of the scriptwriters, not Presiden Biden. And he's explained that since and apologized for the misunderstanding. Which, by the way, is a lot more than Trump has done about all the demeaning names he's called Harris and her supporters.
  16. No, I'm not Karine Jean-Pierre. I'm not as pretty as her, I'm a man, I'm White, and I'm 78 years old. The only things I think we have in common are we are both Democrats, good speakers (writing, in my case now), and very intelligent. But that's for noting our comparison.
  17. Harris was not the "border czar." That's just another lie Trump has told you, so, of course, you believe it. Harris was VICE PRESIDENT. She did not make the strategic decisions concerning anything. Her duty to the president was to inform him, carry out his tactical solutions, and, of course, be there to fill in for him if he became unable to continue to serve.
  18. Harris was not the "border czar." That's just another lie Trump has told you, so, of course, you believe it. Harris was VICE PRESIDENT. She did not make the strategic decisions concerning anything. Her duty to the president was to inform him, carry out his tactical solutions, and, of course, be there to fill in for him if he became unable to continue to serve.
  19. What the hell is anyone doing out of their house, much less out on the streets in Pattaya, at 4:30 a.m.? That's just completely crazy!
  20. What a dog! All of use should celebrate the heroic actions of this American bulldog! They are precious animals and should be o the top of everyone's prospective pet list.
  21. I'm a far-left liberal and have already voted for Harris, but I take exception to the title of this article. Harrist is not "strategically" distancing herself from Biden; she's "tactically" distancing herself from him. As vice president, she was expected to support all of Biden's strategic goals. And if she gets elected as president, she still will, but her tactics to achieve those strategic goals will probably differ.
  22. An exchange of hostages between China and Thailand? What type of prisoners is Thailand sending China in return?
  23. Not that it will make any difference now, but the actual quote was, "The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporter's,” Please note the apostrophe between the last word and the final s. That means he was only referring to one supporter, the one who made the original remark. Just FYI for anyone who is acquainted enough with grammar rules and what Biden's intent was in saying this.
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