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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. The obvious solution to this is to only have restrooms that are open to all.
  2. If he's guilty, he deserves to be locked up for a long, long time. But I would think the girl, even being only three years old, would be able to identify the person who did this to her. That would be the most important evidence.
  3. Sounds a lot like all the people believing all pit bulls are dangerous because a few of them have attacked people.
  4. I hope this lead continues to grow as we creep towards the Nov 7 elections.
  5. Yes, as long as you set it with Thai time. Otherwise, you'll have to continually calculate the local time.
  6. This is also a part of Trump's vision for the USA. Hopefully, he won't get re-elected and will not have the opportunity to act on itl
  7. AI is definitely useful, but it all depends on what you're using it for. Like any tool, the danger of AI is our tendency to develop a dependency on it and abandon our abilities to do what we now depend on AI to do. One thing to note is all AI I know of is done on digital computers, whereas our (humans') reasoning process is analog. Which one is better for dealing with complex problems, especially those related to human evolution, is at least questionable.
  8. Are you wanting it? I would like to own it, but I already have 12 dogs, all strays we've rescued, and I don't have the facilities necessary to keep a dog like this.
  9. Are you volunteering? I'd like to, but I live nowhere near this area. I live in the mountains of Phetchabun Province. We already have 12 dogs, all strays we've rescued. Also, I don't have the facilities necessary to properly keep this dog.
  10. I did this about ten years ago. I went to the Thai Embassy in Laos and got the O Visa, which was a 30-day visa. When I returned to Thailand, I got a one-year stay extension based on retirement. I've been getting the one-year stay extension ever since and have even switched back and forth between an extension based on marriage and retirement several times.
  11. My call to "Lock him up!" was a catch phrase meaning "punish him." I hope your prediction of the accident or other incident will come true.
  12. No, that's enough for now. They'll probably be more about that once he's been tried and found guilty.
  13. They weren't always dead, and I suspect some human killed them. Did they pour bleach on the driver, then?
  14. I've had the four ACs in my for over 15 years now. I get them cleaned once a year. The only problems I've had with them were with the remotes, not the actual AC itself.
  15. The death of the driver was unfortunate, but what about the death of all the chickens? Doesn't anyone care about them?
  16. This is HORRIBLE! I would much prefer they use a surgical castration without anesthetics.
  17. Here are some suggestions for ten books, all I wrote over the past 20 years after I retired and moved to Thailand. Most of them are sci-fi, but there is one historical novel and one non-fiction. W. D. Smart (books2read.com)
  18. And, the Republicans have been in control of the House of Representatives. But that has nothing to do with voting. Again, I'll remind you that the federal government, like the Senate, has nothing to do with the rules governing elections. Those are left up to each individual state. Each state makes up its own rules for what is required as ID to register to vote and then to vote.
  19. @diceman, Ask it again, and I'll answer it. I just don't want to scan back to try to find it. Oh! I see now. Your question is the basis for this forum. Sorry... I've given my answer, but yes, you're right. The forum does have a lot of insulting comments. That's, in part, because Trump has increased the division in the USA by a lot. I've never seen it as bad as it is now.
  20. Ranked voting, anyone? Read my opinion on this. It proposes two different ways to revise the EC, but, of course, I rather see it eliminated entirely. Rung & Bill: US Electoral College - Opinion (billsmart.com)
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