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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Sounds like the Russian should be found liable for the assault.
  2. Thailand's current laws seem to be sufficient to me. They just need to be enforced.
  3. What in the world, or at least in Thailand, could have caused this????!!!! 😮
  4. How about these? These are two photos of Ellen (now Elliot) Page, who starred in a very good 2007 movie, Juno, the story of a very young girl who got pregnant and her struggle with the decision on whether she should have an abortion or give birth to the baby. What gender is she/he?
  5. What gender is the person in the photo below, and why did you assign them that gender? (And I assume this photo has not been Photoshopped)
  6. And, I ask again, how do YOU determine what gender THEY are?
  7. You keep misinterpreting the problem. It's not what gender YOU THINK this person is; it's what gender THEY IDENTIFY with.
  8. How do you tell one from the other? If he actually identifies as a woman, what's the moustache about? If I got caught skulking around in a lady's restroom, claiming that I'm trans would be my go-to response. Might even buy me enough time to get away before any consequences. An an aside, do you have any data to support that factual claim? The only way you can tell what gender a person identifes with is to ask them. You can make a guess at that by their appearance. Both genders have facial hair. Some women have mustaches, but most of those remove them. I would never be "sulking around" in a lady's restroom. I might go in one to relieve myself if the men's restroom was closed, but I would do what I had to do quickly and leave ASAP. I didn't have any data to support my claim that 99.9% of rapes were done my straight males, but I did not look in up on the WWW, and found that 93.6% of sexual assaults were done by males, and hetrosexual men are responsible for the "majority" of sexual assults. So, my claim of 99.9% was an overstatement, but the data online, although not conclusive, would support maybe an 80% claim. Quick Facts on Sexual Abuse Offenses (ussc.gov) Statistics In-Depth | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
  9. And how does someone determine, especially if you're just an observer, who is a man and who is a woman? As I'm sure you've read in other posts here, this division has not been the standard used "for centuries." In many countries, including the USA, in certain circumstances, no segregation has been enforced regarding the use of toilet facilities. Identity politics and "Wokeness" are features of modern society, and they will only grow in popularity as society becomes more educated and tolerant of those who do not conform exactly to our now binary definition of gender.
  10. Or a dressing room at the department store ehh? And 99.9% of these rapes are done by "straight" males, not those who identify with a female gender.
  11. Crap is good fertilizer. If you embrace "woke crap," it will help you grow.
  12. So then, what would you say about: - clean-shaven men hanging around women's toilets? - bearded women hanging around women's toilets? - bearded men hanging around men's toilets? - clean-shaven men hanging around men's toilets? - bearded women hanging around men's toilets? - smooth-faced women hanging around men's toilets? Do we have to have a rule for every circumstance, or can we just accept everyone as they are?
  13. No, it gives you a license to be a woman if that's the gender identity with which you feel most comfortable
  14. I believe you can apply for a one-year extension on the day before your visa or current extension expires. I always go in about a week ahead of time, just in case there are some problems with my paperwork I have to revise.
  15. I am a woke, "climbed-out-of-the-hole" individual. The gist of the forum is not what the cops will do if you use the "wrong" restroom; it's what those unwoke, "still-buried-in-the-hole" individuals think of those who claim a gender and use a restroom different from that which they think they should. I don't know what to say about your anxiety while in school, but I applaud your acceptance of the unisex toilets used in Japan. I've traveled all over the world, too, but now I live in Thailand, where, as you probably know, they do have male/female toilets. However, women, or people who appear to be women, clean the male toilets and probably the female ones, too.
  16. This is just another "put all pit bulls down" post...
  17. Yes, he's a "perv" (pervert). The question is, are we as a society going to accept those who aren't what we have considered natural, or are we going to realize our definition of what is natural is too narrow?
  18. You shouldn't talk like that about the people who post comments on these forums!
  19. For me, it would be children and elderly first, then handicapped (blind, crippled, etc.), and then the rest of us. None of these categories would be further prioritized in regard to gender.
  20. No, sheep could identify as an ewe or a ram (or buck). I don't think we're at the point in gender identification where we broaden it to species identification.
  21. Yes! And here it is... 4 minutes ago, proton said: Women need to be protected, not put in danger by predators
  22. Less babies being born everwhere is part of the solution to the problem of human overpopulation.
  23. Perverts and rapists paradise People-who-have-to-go-to-the-toliet's solution.
  24. Sounds like inconclusive, circumstantial evidence to me. If the dogs are strays, I recommend the authorities find them homes.
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