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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. This is completely barking mad paranoia. No one has "controlled" what you say. You know that. Jesus, what a whiner. You can have all the "preferences" you want. But claiming that one race is superior to another is not a preference, it is the simple definition of racism. I won't go down that stupid rabbit hole where you claim to be a PC victim of "the type of person I am" -a person who wishes you well on your zany plan and has given you good faith advice on how not to get hosed. Only the tiniest scintilla of western men move to SEA -and that's for every reason under the sun. Claiming that you are part of a mass movement, throwing off the shackles of feminism means that you need to get off of Reddit and touch grass. Your posts are full of red pill rage. Anger makes you stupid; try to be less stupid when get over here. Or not. I see some very entertaining posts from you in my future.
  2. This is a racist statement. Benign, flattering racism is still racism. This is another sentiment best kept yourself. I am the least qualified person here to give you advice. I am married to an older white woman and live over here, BUT: My lack of need for a relationship brings high quality Thai women within flirting range of me often. If my wife dies, at least 2 of them will be getting in touch. Coming over here thirsty is a big disadvantage. And another thing you should keep to yourself. -Like Andy Capp's dumber brother above me urges.
  3. This belief is going to cause you problems. People are pretty much morally the same everywhere. Poor people everywhere lack options and tend towards opportunism when it presents itself. The west is full of women who would be (and often already are) great moms. That you choose a place where the women are "better" and also happen to be a size two and (supposedly) deferential, indicates that pumping out a kid is not your sole, altruistic concern. Thai people will tell you what they think you want to hear -that poor person problem again. Your belief that poor, uneducated Thai women can frictionlessly solve your long running dating incompatibility issues will def make you a target for opportunists. I'm not dissing your goals or plans. I am def saying: keep them to yourself.
  4. I hate to admit it, but if she was good looking enough........
  5. Was this a case of shove that quartz where the sun don't shine?
  6. I just had my first Reiki treatment (I know nothing about it, booked it on a whim). It was very relaxing, a cross between a mental foot massage and a pre-dream state. Not a lot to it: a sweetie gently touched me on the head and ribs. I noticed my breathing changing and tension coming and going. The hour went fast. I'm resistant to spa stuff and new age-anything. I fear crystal worship is next. But it did make me feel better. Any Reiki, esoteric massage, acupuncture, or other alternative-type stuff that people have tried?
  7. The English are def people of the parsnip. Never seen it much anywhere else. 'Waitrose Ginger Parsnip Soup, had it at least weekly. Americans will tolerate a bit of parsnip in a 4 to 1 carrot/parsnip ratio.
  8. Yeah someone else from here recco'd it. Time for the quickly aborted Chiang Mai meetup? My last offer was a bit of a drubbing.
  9. I went to a soapie in Udon in 1988 and the place is still there. So def go there.
  10. Punchline from my youth: Help me find my car and we'll drive out.
  11. Quite the big spender, lubricant-wise. I guess you spent it all on the Rolex.
  12. Sorry, lovin' the new, ultra-lite moderation style.
  13. Average Russian income in the cities is about $300 a week ( a fair bit less in who cares?-istan). So those 500 baht spliffers I keep meeting represent the upper tier of Russians. They all have new iPhones. The elite have voted with their feet. I wanted to alert Bob Smith about what's going on at The Green Dog Pot Cafe. Many here, including me, have thrilled to his adventures as an incontinent swinger. But what of Bob the visa vigilante? I beg the Thai government: properly diaper him up and press him into service.
  14. I see them smoking tons of pot. Specifically, at The Green Dog Pot Bar in CM, which is near a hostel that they favor. Money is no object; 500 baht for a high end, one gram spliff is nothing to them. Most of them arrived with no plan. And now, paralyzed by indica, I predict that onward plans will remain elusive. I was prepared to blow someone to get out of Vietnam, so I can hardly throw stones at them for dodging a war with much higher death-possibility. During Vietnam, I could have prob blagged my way to being a supply clerk, far from the fighting. In Russia, you're getting sent immediately to the meat grinder-front. So pretty much every male with say, $3K saved up, has voted with their feet. They are starving Russia of manpower and creating a massive brain drain, which I think is great. As I said to one Russian youth recently:
  15. I just wiki'd Barely Legal Magazine. Started in 1993. So no, it aint new, tho sadly, such interests are common enough to be called normal. They were selling driver's licenses on Khao San Road around the same time. So, the same.
  16. I used to go to the fabled Bottom Line nightclub in New York. They had separate menu's for Japanese people with inflated prices. In my deeply Trumpian hometown, there's a tax on hotel rooms. They have no prob putting aside their fervent anti-tax posturing to squeeze outsiders for a few bucks. Europe is contemplating visitor fees in places like Venice. Most cruise ships pay to dock in a port. Those fees are hidden in the cruise price. Thailand does none of these things.
  17. What about eating a hot dog without the bun -grey area?
  18. For many women, a menage au Bob is a sexual bucket list must.
  19. In Appalachia, my father in law had a statue of a cartoony black jockey eating a slice of watermelon. He had it out by the edge of his lawn, so dogs could pee on it. On the other hand, he thought having a confederate flag was trashy.
  20. If they can raise the div above inflation, and will, and have, then a stock bought at about 4.5% yield or a muni ETF in that range is as good as life gets. Pension funds and endowments are all buying these same stocks -as are the income elf's- so they're not so volatile. 95% of retirees should be buying about 10% of income stocks. Treat them as bonds that (hopefully) keep up with inflation.
  21. Call it Hendrix to U2, 15 mind-blowing years, the likes of which will never be seen again. I like to read books about acts I have no interest in. Phil Collins autobiography was great. So I bought this very serious book about Steely Dan, of whom I have never given a passing thought. https://utpress.utexas.edu/9781477324998/ They seem like Traffic on Quayludes, prob a one and done for me
  22. I'm value-dividend. So selling is rare. If they don't raise the div for 2 years, it's time to look elsewhere. But if it's a high yielder throwing off 5-8%, it can def blunder along for a while.
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