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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. 'Prefer not to go a whole week without Italian food.
  2. .....Wiki tells me that Yellow Curry was adapted from the British Navy's use of yellow curry powder. It's sweeter and less spicy than trad Thai curries. Throw in more chili and it's called Sour Curry (again mostly found in The South). So is it authentic? It dates back to the mid-19th century. So I say its authentic by now.
  3. It's def for real down south. The yellow-making turmeric aspect has Muslim roots. 'Had some nice ones in Hua Hin.
  4. I bought her a Diptych candle. $100, Oud scent. Once you try Diptych, you can never go back to a cheap candle. She already has two Diptychs on the go.
  5. How many baht did it cost? I never ear street food (other than 3-4 roti a year). Will you go off green curry now? For me, it's usually a very ungreeny letdown. Massaman too (too sweet). Red curry seems to most reliably deliver the curry goods. Yellow is almost never seen on a Chiang Mai menu.
  6. After a few days, you're prob past the phase where antibiotics would help. Drink electrolytes and sleep a lot. Tell us about the curry. In England, I had the super-hot Phaal Curry. Def. a colon blaster. Invented in Bradford, I think.
  7. Yeah, just a low value, humorless, nasty crank. Let's never interact again.
  8. When is the funny part -I mean, for others?
  9. Gay men have greater access to promiscuous sex than straight men. They don't have to move to Pattaya or pay. If men could meet women and shag behind a bush, they would. At least, I would.
  10. No one will remember your dopey leg humping 20 minutes from now. People are here for laughs or info. You're here......why again?
  11. Yes. My wife passed out in a restaurant. The ambulance was there in 7 minutes (Old City). There was no charge.
  12. .....And you talk here about mopping hospital floors. Teamwork makes a marriage.
  13. It ruins a roti. Apple sauce -that would be great on a roti. How can we make this cultural mashup happen?
  14. Just a lot of very brit harrumphing and self back patting. Time for you to sally forth into your next imaginary internet triumph. And then pat yourself anew. What motivates you to do this?
  15. The funny thing is: Most people on this forum never had it so good. In their entire lives.
  16. Scenery is very bare, but beautiful. Not much diff if you're looking out of a minivan or a train window, given the many empty stretches. It's a bit brutal to do in one go. Overnight in Poipet for some sleazy fun. I'd fly instead, it's not expensive. Coming back to Thailand via the Eastern Seaboard is another scenery-fest.
  17. #1 regret for everybody past 85: They worried too much about stuff that was out of their control and/or never happened. They wore themselves out for nothing.
  18. If you don't know him, tons of lesson on Youtube (he taught Dylan):
  19. I prefer leftward neurosis where they over-flatter themselves for being inclusive to rightward nonsense where it's about fear of the other. I feel bad for the oldies here who worry about "encroachment". It's like Thai people being afraid of ghosts.
  20. Zero content poster just here to pretend to be offended.
  21. Love the symbology. In Wash. DC, it's everywhere. As in all things, Black free masonry has the more compelling iconography. Avant Jazz God Sun Ra's album covers showcase it well, if anyone wants a quick, eye-popping Google Image surf. Jazz has a lot of freemasonry running through its history: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/jul/02/secret-jazz-freemason-history-duke-ellington-sun-ra I'm not a follower, but post your next meeting here and I'll try to come.
  22. Def not the White Market in Nimman. Was there last night and didn't see a single Christmas item. No surprise; most of the tourists there are Chinese. I think you need Bangkok-level foot traffic to not go broke with a quality Christmas knick knack store. Central Festival was your best shot and Bangkok-wise, it's not a proper mega-mall.
  23. I just paid for Why Not? Italian. A few people from my building were booking and I succumbed. I was misinformed about them offering oysters. They have yellow fin tuna carpaccio and roast sea bass on the seafood side and roast beef and a veal thing on the meat side. half a dozen good app choices and 4 pastas. Plus plenty of non-meat stuff for my wife. 1500 baht, including a Aperol Spritz that I don't really want. No one wants it. I'll prob down six of them just to clear the table. Pistachio cream puff for dessert -that's a pretty obscure, Sicilian choice. Not a buffet. You order what and as much as you like and then they prepare it to order for you. I prefer this setup, 'have only seen it at high end Indian buffets in Bangkok. The food is actually hot, not just steam table-tepid.
  24. I hope your connubial relations with Noi are as bland and dully convivial as you need them to be.
  25. There's not one straight man reading this that wouldn't sell his soul to live like a gay man if hetero women would go along with it.
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