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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. As a fellow PTSD sufferer, I urge the OP to spend some around dogs in an ultra chill vibe. This post is the opposite of self care.
  2. Chinese tourists will be seeing the dog holocaust and saying, damn we could have had that for lunch. Maybe the next Amazing Thailand campaign?
  3. And what if you kill the wrong head case’s dog? This dog eradication idea - it seems disasterously half-baked.
  4. I have problems with burning a Buddha or a Koran, Do you? Buddha statues are often fake-aged by burning them. Sometimes, they say it was from a temple fire. Has anyone here ever seen a wat ablaze?
  5. 300,000 unnecessary Covid deaths, 1700 from fattie urging retards to drink aquarium solvents. If you love him, show it by drinking a bleach cocktail tonight -that’s after you shove a light bulb up your keister, which was his plan B. Mass murder-wise, he was no Pol Pot. But Manson would be jealous.
  6. We live in Buddha land. Being the dog eradicator means coming back as a cockroach.
  7. Very hard to find a rental in Pai, they’re all air bnb. I like tourists and restaurants and could happily live there. My wife calls it Nimman on Valium. MHS is lovely with a very strong hilltribe vibe. Met a couple of Russians living the straw hut life for$200 a month. 3 days tho, and it’s a one and done. Mae Sariang would offer more for a long stay. So call that one good for a week. Only Chiang Mai offers the amenities like gyms and a bit of social life in the north. I thought Chiang Rai was a lot less beautiful as a town, with a lot less of everything to pick from. If you’re out in the sticks in the north, it’s all similar. Your life is your GF and waiting for a piece of fruit to drop from a tree.
  8. Other culprits: Uneven steps, no handrails, usually occurring together. I recall a post here about the problems of mobility scooters. They break often and need a truck to transport them to the repair shop.
  9. I don’t think you’re a homo. Go ahead and bask in that.
  10. So much of his message is that someone is laughing at or disrespecting his followers. Other than me, that’s largely untrue. It’s like the trans worriers here. These are privileged people with no real discernible problems who are determined to go out with blood hounds and find an imaginary grudge to clutch to their nutty bosoms. I recall Tucker citing Mexican check cashing places as proof that America was being overrun. For Normies, Mexicans cashing checks is hardly a hill to die on. For a Sun-reading oiky Brit here, it’s a completely unfathomable problem that they feel the odd need to claim as their own. Some people just can’t stop being professional pretend victims. Their perma outrage is a kind of narcotic. This derangement syndrome charge cuts both ways. The venn diagram between fleeced by Noi in Pattaya and gaga Trump love is probably close to a perfect circle.
  11. I agree with the OP. Dim Sum is mostly underachieving globules of pork with a bit of hohum shrimp in the mix. Even at the high end, you will wish you had paid less for a proper entree than a sad collection of odds and sods. I have had it all over the world at every price and have never been wowed. I like the idea, but it’s wholly lacking in imagination. It’s like tapas (another letdown for the money) for try hards. Best to date was the W hotel in Silom. Good, but hardly great.
  12. Taylor Swift. She can throw the next election if she wants to.
  13. They invented the iron pot. Without which, we’d still just be pulling overdone meat out of the fire. So respect.
  14. It’s comical to read Trumptrash here parroting straight up Kremlin disinformation about wack stuff like cultural marxists somehow impinging on their manly freedom. 2 free Guinness pints to any piece of trash here who has met a self admitted cultural Marxist. I actually have. My ex stepson teaches Marxism at a high end college in England. For the Chinese students paying absurd foreign student rates to keep the lights on, it’s an easy A. Other than that, my life is as untouched by cultural Marxism as the average Maga genius who’s quaffing aquarium solvents to beat Covid.
  15. The dems are out-raising the Republicans 2 to 1. Even the Koch Brothers don’t want to toss their money down that futile well. They’d actually prefer to take it out to a field called Nikki Haley and burn it. Has Nikki Haley ruined Nikki-dom forever? Does she owe Nikki Sixx an apology? And he’s only going to get more crazy. How long will Trumptrash want pay millions for his sexual assault defamation claims? Other than forever? But those are dollars not available for campaigning. Luckily, he’s a magic billionaire who can fund his own campaign out of pocket without breaking a sweat. Just like he claimed last time. And then immediately reneged on.
  16. You live in cheapskate paradise. You can finally have some kind of sex with an agreeable, thin woman. Finally. Why so glum, Chum?
  17. Great. This board needs more Mormon representation. I just found out that you can easily google and stream the 10 hour version of Story of O. I suggest this only to people who do not need magic underwear for sex.
  18. The proud boys beg to differ. Sedition, insurrection, what’s the diff? And: In Col. evidence was put before a judge, to which Trump was free to respond. The judge ruled insurrection.
  19. No. imaging never happened liberal tears is simple delusion. Be nuts, whats it to me?
  20. Opium tea. You will sleep like the dead. Don’t drink too much of it with booze or that may turn literal. The only gym in the country is currently closed. Laos is still very Covid-like. Much of it is still closed, a lot of it will never reopen.
  21. You’re overly attached to your years old meme, and your fantasy object who looks at you like something he scrapped off his shoe. You could use a dose of tune out yourself.
  22. Do you believe that criminals are entitled to prosecutors and judges of their own specific political preferences? or do they just get what they get? If they commit crimes in blue states, should trials be moved to red ones to be on the safe side? Because that’s what Trump believes.
  23. 95% conviction rate on fed crimes. And he has 91 charges. They do not indict if they aren’t at least 95% sure they can convict. That’s a lot of well coordinated political persecution from coma addled Biden, huh? Are globalists and the deep state helping too? Let me laugh at you: Is he innocent of all 91 charges?
  24. You can clearly see her looking around first before her big wail. Not exactly spontaneous. Whatevs. You take pleasure in some chump’s torment. Very you. Me? Not so much. Can we come together as Trumptrash and Normie and express surprise that that’s a woman? I was sure it was a guy. So thanks, I guess.
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