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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. Bingo For all those that howl endlessly about changes to the law, there are no new laws etc. None needed, they have simply closed a loophole.
  2. Are any of those functioning now ?
  3. Did I not tell you that Thailand is not currently taxing world wide income and not to worry about ? So asking about DTA's on worldwide taxation is horse manure. They will probably be scrapped / re-written as part of any plan to move to worldwide taxation. All the above is in black and white across multiple posts above.
  4. What are you gibbering about ? Here is your post None of the above will have any relevance should Thailand move to taxing world wide income Everything will need to be re-written
  5. Sure, play away with hypotheticals to your hearts content, if thats your thing. I don't think it is a good idea to introduce those hypotheticals to a tax thread, where some people appear to be struggling with the here and now, with only a few days left to the end of the 2024 tax year.
  6. Then why ask Questions about a DTA ? If Thialand implements worldwide taxation, DTA's will probably be consigned to history and a whole new set of rules will be written.
  7. As long as it made you happy 😀😀 Me, I'll wait until such times as they announce moving to world wide taxation and what the nuts & bolts are.
  8. How can you crunch the numbers if Thailand moved to World wide taxation without the slightest idea of what deductions & exemptions may, or may not, be available, should they go down that route ?
  9. If you do not remit your pension to Thailand, it is not assessable or taxable in Thailand. The DTA is meaningless. The DTA will only come into play should you remit that pension to Thaialnd.
  10. If Thailand moved to world wide taxation, then there would still be allowances, deductions and exemptions available, that would probably mean that you paid nothing, or a token amount on €1300 a month. Dont worry about things that are not currently happening.
  11. An interesting question and one that I really do not have an answer for. Regardless of the carnage caused, Labour will cling until the next GE or a vote on no confidence is successful. But there is interesting things happening. Red wall Labour MP's are starting to turn on Starmer. TUC are now backing farmers over the Inheritence tax raid. Civil Servants are apparently going to strike over being made to return to the office. And I think as you highlight. They are just waiting for an announcement by Streeting and the NHS will be in full strike mode. So, all in all, a very successful 6 months in power for Labour. Successfully uniting the majority of the Country in hating them.
  12. Call them what ever you like. But if they can spank the 2 cheeks of the same **** known as labour and Tories and drag the UK on an upward trajectory. I would call them winners.
  13. Not only were posts deleted, they were also ' edited ' by an unknown entity 😀😀 who was not the original poster of the comment. Thankfully, I am not the only one who has recognised this.
  14. Reform are splitting the right wing vote claim the lunatics. Here are the facts, The Tories have never been a right wing Party, they were a party that sat on the centre right. In those days they had a membership of some 1.5 million people. Over the years, as they drifted towards the Centre left, their membership has has fallen to a disputed 130k The Tories have never been Right of centre since 1990. When that Centrist, One Nationer, EU Sycophant took over as Leader. It has only went downhill since. Most notable achievements 1. Black Wedneday 2. Edwina Currie Impossible for Reform to split the right wing vote, as there are no right wing Parties, and Reform have merely stepped into the void that the Tories created in 1990 by vacating the space known as the Centre Right. A Mega poll has been carried out by the Times which predicts that if a GE was to be held today, Labour would lose 200 seats, including many cabinet members. Its only a poll, but 6 months into Labours tenure, when the carnage hasn't even started yet, suggests that the historic wipeout achieved by the tories in the 2024 GE will be surpassed by Labour at the next GE. I doubt that the Tories can drag themselves out the gutter for at least a generation, Labour are heading in the same direction, which suggests at this very early stage, Reform will probably take the next GE in a landslide.
  15. Fun fact 😀😀 Since the topic has been posted and garnered 80 posts, Reform has gained about another 800 members https://www.reformparty.uk/counter
  16. Sure, that is why I made my initial comment. Until today I had never heard of Central America or the Caribbean being part of North America Everyday is a skool day, as they say.
  17. In my Skool years I can recall North, Central and South America. Which you have highlighted above. Post Skool and pre internet days I lived and worked in one of those ' Central American ' Countries. The Postal address contained the words " Central America ' In post internet days, having frequently travelled the caribbean islands, over a period of a decade, I have never heard of them being referred to as North America, only ever the Caribbean / Caribbean Islands ( Cannot speak for Cuba, never got there ) So it is not just those from the USA that think North America consists of Canada, the US, and a pimple called Mexico. This was also my understanding and Central America and theCaribbean Island were 2 entities seperate from North Amerca. To put in a European context, the Americas were subdivided into North, Central, South and the Caribbean Islands. And until I read your post earlier, I was still of that belief
  18. Central America Caribbean Islands. I'm trying to ascertain, at what point from my skool years, until today, did they cease to be Central America and the Caribbean Islands and become part of North America.
  19. I think at that time Mexico was so insignificant it was merely a pimple on the *** of the US, sandwiched between North and Central America 😀😀 Or I could just have completely forgotten about Mexico. Whatever the reason, North America did not consist of 23 Countries.
  20. With no desire to get into a fight, when I was at skool there were 2 Countries in North America. The US and Canada. The other 21 Countries on that list of 23 made up 1. The Caribbean Islands 2. Central America Everything from Colombia down to Argentina made up South America
  21. If we are talking about retiree expats, the TRD cannot be incentivised to increase tax take from that cohort. I gave you the 3 reasons above. The other major reason is that the Thai Government would need to withdraw from International Treaties ( DTA's ) to allow the TRD to increase tax take from that cohort. Which will bring a whole new dynamic, which would also not increase the tax take from that cohort, as people would then, really pack up and move. Which is probably what will also happen should Thailand move to taxing worldwide income.
  22. That was my point It is nothing but knuckle dragging nonsense from One Nationers and Lefties
  23. Farage is the boogieman that unites the One Nationers and Lefties in a frothing mess of tears and exploding heads. Not bad for a guy that has, until very recently, has never even been elected as an MP. Love him or loathe him, he has got the 2 cheeks of the same ****, Labour and Tories, terrified. With the same predictable results and outcome " Attack, Attack, Attack " It's all they have, none of them possess the cajonies, spine or brainpower to actually debate with him. Wanting controlled legal migration is.............Racist. Wanting to halt 10's of 1000's of fighting aged males flocking across the Channel is ..........Racist Boring, predictable and bereft of braincells, knuckle dragging nonsense.
  24. Sure, that is why I keep telling you that Africa and the ME has nothing to do with But your simple mind cannot grasp that fact.
  25. I completely understand that illegals from Have got nothing to do with Africa or the ME. The laughing stock, which is you, struggle to work it out. Like most exploding heads, you all have one thing in common, which is nothing of substance. You only have hatred and invectives, too dumb to understand those are they very things that are fuelling the very thing that you hate. The rise of Farage and Reform. So dry your salty tears and watch live, as your hatred drives up the numbers https://www.reformparty.uk/counter
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