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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. Here is the Government link https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6710cf42080bdf716392f558/NWF_IIS_Publication.pdf The £22 Billion has already gone to Milliband for a dead donkey called net zero. Here is my prediction. It will be a millstone around the taxpayers neck for decades. It was not the time for 1. Raising business rates 2. The minumum wage. 3. Raising employer NI Contributions / lowering the NI threshold by almost 50% Revisit this next Christmas. Paying particular attention to 1 Unemploymentbrates. 2 Inflation rates. 3 Government borrowing costs.
  2. I got that wrong, it's actually 6500 Good luck with that. And before I forget. Apparently we will have to pay £800 million a year in perpetuity to surrender the Chagos Island. Deal of the Century, and another Labour black hole. The economic black hole, that no-one wants to talk about is £1.5 Trillion. It is caused by unfunded pensions. It is also the reason that whilst it is easy to shout for additional public spending, it is almost impossible to actually provide additional public spending. Which leaves us with Labours £7 Billion National wealth fund Or PFI on steriods, if Labour can get anyone to invest. Selling off the rest of the gold reserves or raiding pension funds again.
  3. Because neither, you or I, are not in a position to change anything. The 2 main Parties, created the problems and are not in a position to fix it. Hence the reason for this thread, which is the rise of Reform. As much I would like to drown him. Dominic Cummings has a couple of very good videos on you tube, that are worth a watch. See above. Seriously ? A £7 billion wealth fund to invest in major infrastructure projects. Having told you yesterday that the estimated cost of fixing pot-holes is £16 billion. Do you want to tell me what major infrastucture projects £7 Billion will be undertaking ? That difference is roughly £3 Billion a month in extra debt costs. Not an irrelevant sum, by any strtch of the imagination. I'll just point here, they are not my beliefs. They are the beliefs of many respected economists. Every economic metric is heading downwards. It is stable only in their downward trajectory GDP growth Ftse 100 £ - Baht / $ Debt Interest costs rising Unemployment ticking up. And we haven't got to the following yet Rise in minimum wage Increased Employer NI Rates / Decreased NI threshold to £500 Increase in business rates. The downward trajectory is stable, because the above do not kick in until April, which is when the carnage begins. Over 400 pubs closed in 2024 It wont just be pubs that will closing after April 2025.
  4. How bad is going to get ? Rachel from Customer Complaints has the answer
  5. Uh - Huh 😂😂😂 1500 across the Channel in the last 4 days and a 25% increase on last year overall. Suggests that it is not @jippytum's comment that is BS.
  6. And yet again. I have to point out that highlighting your glaring errors are not personal attacks. It's the only way that you learn by your mistakes, having your errors pointed out to you. Did your teachers personally attack you every day during your educational years ? Continue to miscontrue or blatantly lie over anything I post, I will continue to personally attack highlight your glaring errors. So you have an option. Cease and desist with your garbage or continue on your current path.
  7. Your mentalism is manifesting itself again. I never mentioned anything to do with the functioning of the economy.. I said, quite specifically You really should book an appointment to see a specialist. All is not lost, if you seek help immediately. Do yourself a big favour and make it your New Years Resolution.
  8. Public Sector Services in the UK are a disaster area. I wont go into the reasons now. The Public Sector as a whole is a net drain on Finances. They are organs of the State that require funding through taxation. Public Sector productivity in reality means nothing, very few parts of it actually contribute to the economy. But every component part of it, has layers of management that need trimmed, various others that are non jobs that are not required. This is where productivity is increased and costs reduced. I'll just leave you this. Its that honest Mr Starmer Oops Can you name somewhere that Labour is investing that will stimulate growth ? We don't know how it would have turned out. For the same reason I keep telling you that the carnage from the budget has not started yet, give it 6 months to work through the system Truss never got 6 months for it to start working through the system. Panic set in when the cost of 10 year guilts hit 4.5% They are above that now Oops
  9. If you believe that I have a very expensive bridge to sell you. The Adam Smith Institute along with others, actually advised The Government before the budget that the increased VAT will actually cost the Treasury, rather than boosting its coffers. Where are they going to recruit the extra 6000 teachers promised ? Schools are struggling to retain staff, never mind find an additional 6000. Car tax was meant to be spent on the roads. The current estimate for fixing the pot holes alone is £16 Billion. There is a very big black hole, but it is not the £22 Billion black hole Labour were howling about. That £22 Billion black came from NHS pay and pension increases and £12 Billion to Africa. Do you know what the black hole is and what size it is ?
  10. Here is another one Now surpassed 150k https://www.reformparty.uk/counter Pointing out your glaring errors are not a personal attack, but inventing something that has not been written is not only wrong, it is seriously delusional, there is help available.
  11. Keep going cabbage head. You are doubling down on your own stupidity.
  12. What is austerity got to do with the Tory Party moving from the centre right under Thatcher to centre under Major and to the Centre Left today ? You are making the Tottenham Turnip look like a MENSA member.
  13. It's not, but when people throw hypotheticals about. Dont be surprised when others throw hypotheticals straight back. Bright enough to have worked around the world and accumulate more money than I will ever need. Without falling foul of any tax jusidiction. That can be split into 2 parts. I worked around the world, on lowish wages, but half decent conditions, in return for a gold plated, index linked, Government pension, at a very young age. I then worked around the world for very high tax free wages, but crap conditions, in return for a retirement that is free of any monetary stress.
  14. Out of that whole post you managed to find something that I did not post. Not once did I mention manifesto's. Not once did I mention tax on working people. Get a refund from those prestigious Education Establishments that you apparently attended. They failed you drastically. You are making Lee Anderson look like Einstein.
  15. How do you know it will still be valid or even exist, should Thailand take the leap to worldwide taxation ? Is it beyond the realms of possibility that taking the huge leap from current taxation to a worldwide taxation, that 61 DTA's could be ripped up and replaced with one single, generic, worldwide DTA ? Jeez, right enough.
  16. Which no-one seems to have mastered. If economists were anywhere near as good as they think they are, they would all be multi-millionaires.
  17. Give your head a wobble. It will become a valid wangle if and when Thailand announces it will move to worldwide taxation. Until that point, it is nothing but garbage.
  18. So, as of today, I think we can rule out any private sector growth that will have any impact. We are on a downward trajectory, a growth killing Budget was just delivered in October and the effects of that will not really impact until April. Hope is not a plan, nor is any basis for assumption. The Fully funded mantra can be kicked right into touch. It was nonsense before the budget, just as it is nonsense today. Which brings us onto tax increase. How long in general did Labour in general, and Starmer in particular, howl about the biggest tax burden in 70 years under the Tories ? Only to increase the tax burden in October.. A 1st year student economist could tell you that to create growth, you need to cut taxes, not increase taxes. Which is why I keep saying, that the carnage hasn't started yet, and the full effects will not be felt until the delayed tax rises take effect from April. So with no growth since July. Q4 will be a negative, Q1 2025 will be flat or negative, another tax raising budget will be required in April....... And on the doomloop will continue. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy0n14ywzqpo Regulatory bodies are not the people to be asking for help in producing growth. But at least it shows that they possibly recognise the depth of the doo-doo, but do not know how to deal with it.
  19. As the poster does not remit his pension to Thailand, the DTA was a moot point. The poster was trying to wangle his DTA into something that may or may not happen in the future, Thailand introducing world wide taxation.
  20. Whilst it might have nothing to do with the topic. It is actually bang on the money. Governments / Government economists make forecasts on a yearly basis, we will raise xx amount via YY taxes and therefore we can spend ZZ amount on various Services. Doesn't appear to be working out too well in the Western World, does it ? Just 1 of the reasons that the UK is on track to borrow £200 billion this year. Or do you have a better explanation that is not out there in left field or flat earth territory ?
  21. And spreadsheets are very rarely accurate. Hence Western Countries being in financial tatters.
  22. Yes, I know. That does not mean that the cannot be changed / updated / amended. Especially during a massive jump to worldwide taxation, if Thailand adopted it.
  23. Sure, it something that I have also ignored for years, mainly because I was never a tax resident anyway, even though I cannot claim to have known the actual rules back then. It was whatnit was, as they say. It has ended, and it is wise to follow the rules from here on in. Ignorance is no defence, as they say.
  24. They wont want to read this either. From the Tory loving BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy0n14ywzqpo Private school fees is just 1 of many, crisis that are about to hit the UK. PS. Economists are also predicting that living standards will not be improving in 2025. PPS. Local authorities will now have to pay to return pupils, mainly SEND pupils back to the same Private School that their parents have just removed them from, due to the VAT hit. All hail the economic geniuses that are Labour, being led by the economic colosus Rachel from Customer Complaints.
  25. I dont really believe that the Thais were interested in closing the loophole. I am still of the opinion that it is only being closed because of the adoption of CRS.
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