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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. Really is that it. 555555 Where does it prove that Europe and the EU are not concerned about the conman. Where is you evidence to prove Trump was not anti Nato., with his many threats to withdraw. Here is a reminder of what Trump said “You need to understand that if Europe is under attack we will never come to help you and to support you,” and “By the way, Nato is dead, and we will leave, we will quit Nato.” So you ignored what I posted from John Bolton, you know the man Trump, your hero, made National Security Adviser! My rant, you really should look at your own posts. Bye and remember your donations.
  2. So in response to a firework factory explosion that killed 23 people, you compared that with a hot muffin in starbucks, to show us how regulations are wrong? So I will ask again, do you think there should be no regulations? Do you think that the a factory explosion that kills 23 is acceptable?
  3. Here is one from last month. Doubt many statues survived. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/huay-kaew-temple-in-phitsanulok-suffers-200-million-baht-fire-damage
  4. Thank you for proving my point. Another one that refuses to see the truth about what Trump had to say about leaving NATO, or was what he said just to feed the zombies, Then you use IMO to get around those facts, and deny reality. My comment was facts, and yes this story and concern was raised in the EU parliament, or do you believe the EU should not have discussion or debate? Or do you think they should just shut up and bow down at the feet of ‘the man made by God as the American caretaker’, from the conman's own posts. Have you a link showing Trump saying a positive about NATO? Maybe have a look at the link to what John Bolton said, or do you consider him a traitor/ never Trumpter.now! Bye and have a good day, I have given up debating with cultists, but remember to donate to help pay for defamation trial. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4136979-bolton-trump-second-term-nato/
  5. You do understand that NATO is not just EU countries? Albania, Canada, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Türkiye, the United Kingdom and the United States. Don't let that hatred of the EU distort the facts
  6. So are you saying that regulations are mad? You seem a paranoid about it be about control. So you want no regulation, so accidents like this are acceptable to you?
  7. Please continue to post the case dockets, I find their give a rare insight into the cases, that are not easy to find.
  8. Agree with your comments about the trials. This outcome will be appealed after the level of damages have been set. Trump will have chance to outline his defence at both appeals, unless he decides that using social media is better for his cult, and continues to believe he is above the law. The issue of his alibi, our opinions are going to differ.
  9. 55555 I don’t always agree with what you post, but I think that was a perfect response.
  10. He was not denied his right to an alibi, he did not appear in his own defence at the original trial, his and his lawyers choice. He can try to give his alibi at any appeal, but this trial is about the amount of damages, it is not a retrial and is not the place to submit new evidence, as stated by the judge. I like you posts, you show details and facts that not easily found, and are interesting reading, but I find it hard to believe you do not support Trump, as almost everything you post is pro Trump.
  11. https://apnews.com/article/trump-carroll-defamation-lawsuit-70d4477120399373934253c7e450643e
  12. Yes fully agree. Too late to try again for another leader, so time to try and do outdo each other for when Sunak resigns after defeat.
  13. Seems the rebels lacked any conviction in the end. Just more hot air and self preservation. https://news.sky.com/story/rwanda-bill-relief-for-rishi-sunak-as-legislation-passes-final-commons-hurdle-13050320
  14. You ignore everyone that disagrees with you. You always choice to ignore the truth and facts. IMO counts for nothing. Maybe time look at yourself and ask, how did I get so far from reality and where did I go wrong.
  15. When there is no enforcement of safety standards, for either manufacturing, storage or transportation of fireworks, what else can be expected. Under the DOT classification system, accepted world wide, fireworks are class 1, explosives. (Normally 1.3 or 1,4 depending on type of firework), and need to be treated as such. When profit over rides safety, there is always going to be accidents. The blame is not with the poor workers, but owners, managers and enforcement agencies. Was this place ever inspected? A few fireworks internationally in the last 5 years.
  16. Yes, and lets not forget this quote below. Some other posters would still come along a defend their hero, remember he recently claimed “God made Trump to be America’s caretaker”
  17. If it is scrapped how will Rwanda find the 10 million a year, to continue its Arsenal shirt sleeve sponsorship. 555555 https://www.goal.com/en/lists/arsenal-visit-rwanda-uk-government-sleeve-sponsorship/blte61b855f1c586982#cs4322eea206657827
  18. That seems to be little more than hearsay. Contains that really credible statement, “I am not a Trump advocate “. Any lawyer would discredit the writer in minutes under cross examination. If this is an example of what the defence are hoping to overturn him being found guilty, it smells of total desperation. It is also not enough on its own for an appeal and has nothing to do with this trial.
  19. He has always used the legal system to threaten, delay and bully, so he gets his own way. The problem now, seems to be that others are not being intimidated, so the courts are hearing the cases and he finally facing the reality that he can not use his money, as a get out of free card. He has abused and not paid so many lawyers, he is now forced to use the current set who are so incompetent, and seem more interested in their 15 minutes of fame, doing as many TV shows as possible. When they stop representing him, the conman then launches into an attack of them. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-lawyer-tacopina-withdraws-manhattan-legal-team-2024-01-15/
  20. It’s funny that in many ways we see most things the same way, but just have a different view on some parts of this case, and it’s good to have that open debate. I can’t answer about other convictions, as have never researched it. But Trump is again not helping himself with his posts today. From his Truth Social account. “I feel an obligation to be at every moment of this ridiculous trial because we have a seething and hostile Clinton-appointed Judge, Lewis Kaplan, who suffers from a major case of Trump Derangement Syndrome,” “Now, because I want to be at this Witch Hunt 100% of the time and watch what is going on, my attorneys asked the Judge for a one day delay so that I can attend the funeral of my beloved mother-in-law, with my wife and entire family, tomorrow in Palm Beach, Florida,” “The Judge, angrily, and somewhat surprisingly, said NO, you can go to the trial, or you can go to the funeral, but not both. He is abusive, rude, and obviously not impartial but, that’s the way this crooked system works!” But the zombie cult will continue to support and keep that money being donated.
  21. Yes you are trolling. You started to attack me for my opinions to someone else, then claim everyone is entitled to post their views. Seems you want to censor me. You only consistency appears to be your inconsistency. This is also not the first thread you have posted similar comments to me, or have you forgot!
  22. So you don’t support the whole justice system? This decision? This state? This jury? This judge? I did not see all the evidence, and I am sure you don’t either., as I was not that interested in all the details. A guilty decision was delivered and if it was ‘micky mouse’ it will be overturned on appeal, let’s see. It does not matter what we both think of Trump, but he is not above the law and the same laws apply to everyone, but it seems he has total lack of respect of this trial. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-e-jean-carroll-truth-social-attacks-manhattan-defamation-trial-2024-1
  23. So why are you posting again to me, stop complaining about my posts that have nothing to do with you. If you don’t like my comments to someone else, let them defend themself. That is where the failing is, because that poster ignores everyone that disagrees with him. i do not care what you think of my posts, if you do like them you are welcome to comment. Have i ever been rude or insulted you before? It is you making a fuss, 3 times you have tried to lecture me. You do seem to have some sort of superiority complex. Maybe stop trolling me or I will have to report it.
  24. 55555 Thanks, I did get the link, but not sure I needed a picture to reinforce. You also still seem not to get what the trial is about. Trump has been found guilty twice, his lawyers presented his defence and as the judge said at the start of this trial. “Since Carroll was able to prove she was sexually abused under state law, Trump's statements painting Carroll as a liar were defamatory” So you seem to be saying that the justice system is only ok if you agree with the outcome? Are you questioning the integrity of the court? The judge? The jury? All countries have their own justice system, you either want to follow it or pay the price if you don’t, unless you support anarchy.
  25. He has been found guilty of sexual assault. He has been found guilty of defamation. This trial is about how much he has to pay for the defamation, which he nows continue to do, and could lead to further defamation suits, but like his lawyer , Rudy. But a least it allowed you to post a picture of a female in lingerie !
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