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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. Why do you not answer? It is not baiting, but you just troll from your alternative, I know all, universe.
  2. So this week you are back supporting Trump. I post a reminder of what you said last week! See consistency is not a strong point, or are we seeing the same as Trump’s cognitive function issues.
  3. 555555 You really are in an alternative reality. Al Jazeera is you unbiased, truthful news source???
  4. Think you need to turn off Fox news and try the real world,
  5. This maybe a starting point. Use trains a lot, but never with bike, sorry. Mostly I book online in advance, but have bought tickets at stations on the day. https://www.thailandtrains.com/carrying-bicycles-on-thailand-trains/#:~:text=First you need to buy,to 130 THB per bicycle.
  6. This is the man pleading his innocences. Outside his circus of lies, the bully shows what a coward he is. Lets see if he does the same on 6 November, under oath. If you Trump fans cannot see through this con man, I have no comments that are printable.
  7. Can not meet you for a run, have better things to do, like watch paint dry. Reading your false facts and having you deny your own posts, is painful enough.
  8. Can not remember this, you have a link to the NHS claim?
  9. Myself, stevenl and Emdog all say he is a democrat. It was you that claimed it was being denied. You have changed from the facts from your own post, and lost all credit. We know you do not like facts. Must of missed you morning medication.
  10. This is what you posted. Stick to the facts. Now you claim something else, similar to what Trump does.
  11. When is that been denied? You seem to think that Trump should only be judged by people he likes! 🤡
  12. 55555 Dropped my coffee again. Everyday you defend Trump, but then try to deny it. Stop making yourself look silly.
  13. Other than your selective few lines, your post does little to support your view on the judge being bias. Did you read your own post?
  14. Bet you think Trump should pick his own judge. Read the indictments, listen to the tapes and take your blinkers off.
  15. https://www.dlt-elearning.com/ 1. You can do it up to a year after expiry, and will therefore get up to 6 years, until birthday. Never have done it early. 2.You watch the video and do questions until you pass, it is easy. 3. QR code is valid for 6 months. I did medical cert 2 dys before, but was told they would accept up to a week. 4.https://pcec.club/Thai-Driving-License This link is up to date for Pattaya area. 5. I had one QR for both licenses a few months ago.
  16. He has to keep the circus going, how else would he able to raise funds to pay his costs. Only a clown, after being found guilty, would continue to abuse the judge that will decide his final fine. But like the pathetic bully he is, he has to do it online, in court all he can do is listen, lie and storm out like a baby. I sure his fan club will be along to protect their hero.
  17. thaibeachlovers said: I wonder what "incentive" Cohen was given to cause his change of testimony? Seems the judge isn't very impartial. He's not supposed to make comments about evidence before a verdict is announced, IMO. Be careful, this poster does not like facts. He will add you, to his often quoted, pages and pages of blocked and ignored posters
  18. As of September 30,2023 at least 571 people have been killed and 1,947 other people have been injured in 487 shootings, in the USA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023 And you dig up one incident from 12 years ago. Can you not really see the difference!!!!
  19. I am a troll, 555555 I was replying to your posts about Powell’s plea deal. Below is the post, if you have forgotten. Maybe it is your need the assistance, see the graph above. Time for me to move on, have better things to do than reply to a flat piece of cut wood.
  20. Good graph, but I think this quote sums it up.
  21. Ok I surrender, a Typo, but I sure you knew I meant QAnon. I should not try typing replies on my phone and wait until on a larger screen. But the typo makes not difference to the implied content of my post. Maybe I should post Covfefe, then you would have missed it with your blinkered views.
  22. 555555 First time you have heard of QAnon,55555 dropped my coffee for the second time today. Another one that says and implies one thing and then back tracks when called out on it. Sure your not JonnyF alternative log in. You remind me of a John Cleese quote on Dunning Kruger effect, google it !
  23. It was you that implied Powell accepted the plea deal, but was innocent, straight out of the AQnon playbook. 🤡 Just pushing back on the falsehoods posted. When you releasing the Kraken?
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