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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. Total nonsense, flashing lights and sirens warn other road user, and allow emergency vehicles to treat a red light as a give way, and can only proceed when safe to do so.
  2. Total nonsense, flashing lights and sirens warn other road user, and allow emergency vehicles to treat a red light as a give way, and can only proceed when safe to do so.
  3. 5555 your on every Trump threat, but you don’t like him, just hate Biden! Used the new stock photo option and searched your user name. Surely something went wrong.
  4. Yet another Trumper in denial. Everyday you post your support for Trump and his propaganda. Now you called him an ahole. So predictable.55555
  5. A rabbit hole is not deep enough for this poster(the kiwi beachlover). He is just a vast echo chamber as he puts everyone on ignore, when you call him out on facts.
  6. No, there are rules, if you choose not to follow them, then tough luck. He probably had a superiority complex, and thought he was special, or has listened to some of the poor advice given on these forums.
  7. Think we have enough trolls pretending to be human already, Where BobS to today?
  8. So you now support violence and intimidation to support Trump. What kind of alternative, empty echo chamber, reality, do you live in? Do you make a conscious effort every day to make yourself look silly in your posts or does it come naturally?
  9. Seems not to be you lucky week with money transfers. Today moneygram, yesterday Western Union.
  10. What else do you expect. Mr F off is on another rant about The Guardian. He seems to think it should not report facts. I think the true reasons is he tries to hid his real views, as he seems to wants to jump straight in on every thread about immigrants/ non whites.
  11. What will be the plan tomorrow??? If you are real, please sit down and think to yourself, what do you want? Sorry, but you seem to be disaster waiting to happen. Please never invest any more that you can afford to lose.
  12. 55555 Where was I banned? All I have asked you for is the links to real facts. Youtube posts, like in your other thread is not facts. So lets stick with the originally thread, which was quoting facts about what was said at the hearing, it was not opinion piece from the The Guardian, it was a statement of the details of the hearings. It was you that went off on a rant. If you cannot remember see below. Talking of abuse it was you calling people “snowflakes”, then start whining when people call you out on your false facts.
  13. How is stating facts an insult? Happy to be on your long ignore list.
  14. Yesterday you were worried about the length of her name, and were planning to move to Spain. Less than 24 hours later you want to buy her house and 30 + 30 lease. What could ever go wrong!!!
  15. Keep digging, all your doing is backing up what I said. The Guardians reported facts from the hearing and you do not like facts. You seem to thinks you and only you are ever right. Your rigid and narrow minded perspective of the world really prevents you from seeing the facts. So what happens when again you don’t like the facts, you go off on another rant.
  16. So you would like your news sources not to report the facts and quotes from the hearings, which the Guardian has done here. You seem, again, to only want to read news that meets your agenda, and bias views. You really do find facts difficult!
  17. Good post, but you trying to show facts to a Trump fan, they will not believe it. They can only repeat “facts”(propaganda) from Trump, the man that has never lied. 555555
  18. How do you know there is no one around, are you outside monitoring every-time you hear a siren. Seen and investigated many accidents when sirens were not used in the UK and people then got in the way. It has nothing about them feeling important, it’s about avoiding accidents both rural and urban. More like another post from someone with a sad boring life, full of their own self importance that needs to whine and blame someone else, like most of you postings here, like you self induced extension cancellation, you keep reminding everyone of. I suggest as it seems to concern you so much, call or message you local rescue service, police and fire, and tell them, also give them you address and telephone number, so if you have an emergency you don't expect them to rush.
  19. Sirens are to give advanced warning for both vehicles and pedestrians. So you suggest they only use them when something or someone is or has pulled out in front of them, that will be too late. Hope if you need them, they are not delayed, as the noise must be so annoying!! Then looking at you posts, your whining seems to be on par with any siren.
  20. Bottom paragraph. https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-if-you-retire-abroad#:~:text=in your circumstances-,Claim State Pension abroad,State Pension you may get.
  21. I have to stop reading these posts during my coffee break, too much risk of spillage. Another Trump fan in denial. Every day you post pro Trump propaganda and now claim you don't support him. 555555
  22. Why do you not answer? It is not baiting, but you just troll from your alternative, I know all, universe.
  23. So this week you are back supporting Trump. I post a reminder of what you said last week! See consistency is not a strong point, or are we seeing the same as Trump’s cognitive function issues.
  24. 555555 You really are in an alternative reality. Al Jazeera is you unbiased, truthful news source???
  25. Think you need to turn off Fox news and try the real world,
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