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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. Funny things do happen, 55555 Lets see the right wing spin, the posters can put on yet another embarrassment, showing how out of touch their views are. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-67401753
  2. Airlines will follow IATA guidelines. Check IATA, the. With airline if concerned. OP can type in details below. https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/GB-United-Kingdom-passport-visa-health-travel-document-requirements.htm
  3. Yes agree, would be a good idea to get confirmation from Home Office, to take out any check in/airline issue. Contact details of Home Office for the OP. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/home-office
  4. What is your problem? You seem to think no one has more knowledge, training or experience on any subject. Seem to also think on you are every right. Do you have inferiority complex? Is your IQ that low? Do you just Troll? Has your life been that unsuccessful? Bye, stay with youtube for your knowledge, sad …… …..
  5. Standard reply from you, no qualifications or experience to what you claim you know. You have no facts and just post falsehoods, or trolling. You seem to think the fire service does not work with the police, 55555. Maybe if you had incident command knowledge, you would know about the UK gold, silver and bronze incident command structures. I have been silver and bronze commander on many incidents, protest demonstrations and political conferences. If you really interested I was seconded for two years to the Met, for the implementation of the UK, Crime and Disorder Bill 1998, and enjoyed going through the police riot and civil disturbance training. My experience has taught me that you are the type of persons that would not survive one day in the police, without sh**ting your pants. So end of discussion, with a final thought.
  6. Sorry, but the question was about if his son will have a problem entering on his UK passport and then living in UK. Your input really has no or little relevance to that question.
  7. We do not need you to tell us the history of your day, no one is interested. As you seem to know so much about the Met, can you tell us what your experience, knowledge, training and possible police rank was, so we can judge if you are qualified to pass such comments. Or was it all something you saw on youtube, like normal.
  8. Stephen Christopher Yaxley-lennon goes by the false name Tom Robinson, as he seems to be shamed by his own view.
  9. Where were you yesterday? You missed your chance to add your one sided narrow minded false facts. Thought you must be locked up for shouting “England to I die” Maybe on a short ban, for some of the other recent posts
  10. Where you get, the non bias Stephen Christopher Yaxley-lennon., social media account?
  11. This video was posted to youtube over 5 years ago,! If you want to stop it try this link. https://www.komando.com/privacy/stop-smart-devices-from-listening/753004/
  12. False, his son is British and has right to abode. Why post when you have no idea and give wrong/poor information. What you state is not even true for a tourist/non British passport holder. https://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control/before-you-leave-for-the-uk#:~:text=You must have a valid,to come to the UK.
  13. Yes exit Thailand on Thai passport and enter Uk on soon to expire Uk pssport. No issues entering UK, as he has right to abode in UK, under the Immigration Act 1971, see below.
  14. Another morning of your non stop Trump propaganda and support. But last week you posted you do not support him. You post are so inconsistent, you really must be in on an alternative reality, or you are just a troll, or you need a cognitive function examination.
  15. And predictable posts from the regular Trump supporting echo chambers, who believe the BS Comer keeps feeding them. Then they both post denying they support Trump.55555
  16. Have you fead the thread? This was using examples to explain the situation in this accident, in Thailand. Maybe if you have nothing constructive to post, stick to quoting Enoch Powell in you other posts today.
  17. As you seem unable to use google to search, here are the links. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1984/27/section/87 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2002/3113/contents/made Car magazine article also, just for reference. https://www.carkeys.co.uk/guides/laws-for-emergency-vehicles-explained Uk regulations as I am from the Uk, but same in most countries, that includes Thailand. Go to your local fire station and ask a trained driver. I have family in Thailand in fire and rescue services and I asked them, not just shouting my mouth off in a forum, with no knowledge, experience or training, like you. I also read that Dunning and Kruger were looking classic examples for their research, you seem to be will suited for that. Bye, as I have better things to d than try to educate TROLLS.
  18. Go back to your bar stool, you may find someone who is impressed with your BS. Leave facts to those that have the knowledge, training, skills, qualifications and experience
  19. I passed the UK EFAD course over 35 years and did regular refreshers up to a few years ago. Have driven fire trucks, water tankers, cars, landrovers, turntable ladders and hydraulic platforms, on blue lights hundreds if not thousands of times. Your experience and qualifications? Zero I bet. I will quote the Uk reference for you again. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Section 87 The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 Keep left: Section 3(15)(2) Double white lines: Section 4(26)(5b) Zig-zag lines: Section 4(27)(3c) Red traffic light: Section 5(36b) Exemptions from Road Signs Police, fire and ambulance can exceed the speed limit if it would hinder progress. This includes ambulance rapid response units operated under the NHS. Police, fire, ambulance, bomb disposal and blood service can drive through a red traffic light and disregard a keep left sign if it would hinder progress and can be done so without endangering anyone. A rule of thumb is that a red traffic light should be considered as a give way sign. Police, fire and ambulance can stop on zig-zag lines at the side of the road but no exemption is given for crossing double white lines down the middle of the road. Sometimes emergency vehicles may need to disobey other signs and regulations. This will depend on the professional judgment of the driver and they could be liable for prosecution if the act was not proportionate to the circumstances. Road signs can be disregarded by anyone if directed to do so by a police constable in uniform. This gives police drivers the opportunity to give themselves permission to disregard a road sign
  20. Certainly wins “most silly post of the day” Think you need to find a hobby or something.
  21. Seems you want to start a thread, “who has the longest overstay.” You seem to be proud of you 10 day fine. Think you need to be more worried about buying gf house or getting her to Spain.
  22. Can you recommend a “prosecuting attorney” in Thailand I can ask? i remember you had previous experience after getting pushed by a Juristic Entity Chairperson.
  23. Exemptions from Road Signs Police, fire and ambulance can exceed the speed limit if it would hinder progress. This includes ambulance rapid response units operated under the NHS. Police, fire, ambulance, bomb disposal and blood service can drive through a red traffic light and disregard a keep left sign if it would hinder progress and can be done so without endangering anyone. A rule of thumb is that a red traffic light should be considered as a give way sign. Police, fire and ambulance can stop on zig-zag lines at the side of the road but no exemption is given for crossing double white lines down the middle of the road. Sometimes emergency vehicles may need to disobey other signs and regulations. This will depend on the professional judgment of the driver and they could be liable for prosecution if the act was not proportionate to the circumstances. Road signs can be disregarded by anyone if directed to do so by a police constable in uniform. This gives police drivers the opportunity to give themselves permission to disregard a road sign. References Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Section 87 The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 Keep left: Section 3(15)(2) Double white lines: Section 4(26)(5b) Zig-zag lines: Section 4(27)(3c) Red traffic light: Section 5(36b)
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