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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Why do we have words that mean the same thing? Is it outstanding? or is it, you know, outstanding?
  2. ATM tattoo on forehead preferred
  3. They covered this at the beginning of reservoir dogs
  4. Note on the news they report the shooter as a “registered republican” but don’t disclose the previous financial donation to Biden campaign. Things that make you go hmmm
  5. He gave 15 dollars to biden (fact). And then all the sudden registered republican. lol. Those are the facts folks. Do what you want with them.
  6. It’s impossible to bookmark all the posts that won’t age well. Esp in the covid forum
  7. So you can assault a thai cop, as long as you have money. Sounds just like every other country’s “justice” system
  8. I don’t need to back up the fact that rain clears the air. Everyone knows it already. It is literally a fact.
  9. When it rains, the air is very likely good bro. There’s nothing to talk about. You’re over analyzing something that needs not be analyzed. Rain good. No rain bad. (For air quality). Don’t @ me bro it’s over
  10. Gonna have to bite the bullet and get the new metal beams. The roof material is super cheap nowadays but it is loud in the rain.
  11. Right. They need to make money with your money before they can give it back to you.
  12. Bro. If it rains, the air is probably gonna be clear. Kinda like the sun is most likely gonna come up tomorrow. You’re not doing yourself any favors, turn your brain off. Enjoy the decent air (yes after the rain)
  13. There’s a video with trump and the govt snipers in the same frame. It looks,to me like the snipers had the assassin engaged *before*, yes before he shoots and trumps hand goes up to his ear. Maybe you were referring to this video? But yes a lot,of,questions.
  14. The other thing I forgot to mention is if you buy olive oil it’ll last longer than you think in Thailand because no Thais will use it 😂
  15. Where do u get lard? Serious question. Do you buy it in a container or do you actually buy animal fat?
  16. Coconut or peanut oil for pan frying. Grape seed oil may be really good but that’s $$$ Use olive oil for everything else. Good olive oil isn’t as expensive as you think because you’re not buying things like salad dressings (you are making your own salad dressings with balsamic vinegar and oregano etc, right?). And plus your doctor bill goes down. Think about that one for a while, I mean avoiding one trip to the doctor pays for the oil 10x over. If you go on lazada there are a few good olive oils. They used to be 5L for like 1000 baht for good Greek oils etc! Now the prices have doubled tripled and even more! But it’s still worth it to me.
  17. Bro. When it rains air is usually pretty good in bangkok. You’re thinking way too mut
  18. I assume that means you can legally drive a car (non rental) without an (in country) license. Is that true? If so that’s news to me.
  19. The store, makro in this case, get charged a fee when you use a credit card. I know because I’ve had businesses. It’s a huge expense that needs to be worked into your costs ie customers end up paying for the fee. Cash is king. It’s indisputable. Nobody has any idea what you’re talking about.
  20. You gotta get over this cc thing. The best way to transact is cash. Like we do in markets. That way nobody else is involved. As I tried to explain earlier, when you pay with cc the store is charged a fee. Sure, maybe you don’t see it on your bill, but it’s there. We all have to pay for it. It’s just the banks sticking themselves in the middle of the transactions and taking a piece for no reason whatsoever. Overuse of credit cards is a sign you’ve been manipulated imo. It’s not that difficult to stop and be part of the solution.
  21. The best and the brightest. The story we were all told. Just be smarter, work harder. But it’s all a lie. Otherwise, everything is fine
  22. Guys a full blown lunatic and doesn’t even realize it
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