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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Cool story bro. Nobody cares still
  2. I cannot access article but I like this stuff. Big believer in doing logical things and, you know, thinking before turning on the ac. I don’t really turn on home ac in daytime I just feel like it’s fighting it. There’s usually a room in any home that’s cooler. This isn’t rocket science. Window film can help too and there are some decent options to self install on lazada. I like to roll all windows down in my car and air it out before I start the ac on the road.
  3. If Biden got clipped he would have been crying for his mommy and a glass of milk. They would have had to suppress the footage.
  4. Gurunteed to be a lockdown covidiot mandate supporter. Watch
  5. 😆 that was seriosuly the first thing I said in my pm. I said it was the woman crying in the street after trump election meme. Not the one above, the other one. U know the one 😂
  6. Yes. And one of the biggest msm narratives in recent memory: covid “vaccines”
  7. Good one. I wonder if the wind saved his life. At that range it had to have about a few inch or so effect
  8. It reminds me of covid, when everyone freaks out in the moment. Yet everyone always turns out to be wrong. Can anyone name even a single major news event that turned out to be “true” decades later. 911 they found a hijackers passport in the rubble 😂 and a building that did not even get hit fell down 😆 iraq war? Nordstream pipeline? JFK? Anyone? Buller? I know nobody will ever learn not to slurp up the emotional narratives. But it’s ok, some of us do and we sorta got your back
  9. You said it exactly. Deranged. <deleted> Manufactured hate based on lies the media propagated for years. And they never corrected their stories. Russia Russia Russia? What happened? Jan 6th people seen escorting rioters though building. What happened?
  10. Humans are so good at solving ecological problems like this. Especially thais. This will work 100% without a hitch. 😂
  11. I don’t believe any of it
  12. credit card company charges the merchant a fee when they use a card. So cash is cheaper and better for everybody involved. All we are doing when we use credit cards is handing a bank a ransom. So when people say it’s “convenient” maybe but you are a screwing yourself and everyone else into higher prices.
  13. It’ll be whatever they want it to be. Whatever they wanted us to see. I do t think that’s very interesting myself it’s just spoonfed propaganda
  14. More like minting nfts
  15. The funny part about this topic is people end up going over budget due to things that are bad for them, both physically and mentally. They pay the extra to be unhealthy
  16. Even if it is real, we only see what they want us to see. Does anyone remember the 911 hijackers passport they found on the ground? I think at this point the people who control this stuff are like: “bro, don’t even worry about it, they’re gonna believe whatever we show them”
  17. Trump actually showed some heart. So did secret service. Secret service is the one genuine govt employees as I can surmise
  18. If he had an espresso machine our digestive systems would have evolved to efficiently digest the espresso. As it stands were all sool on the espressos however
  19. Some <removed> person just tried to kill trump. A Biden voter no doubt
  20. Start a fire, where do they come up with this stuff? It’s about on level with the covidiot logic
  21. Good for you. Yes… you don’t take a bunch of chemicals made by pharma designed for profit, prescribed by an pharma rep (ie a doctor) and magically all your problems go away. Diet, activity. That’s really it. Eat things you can picture a caveman eating, and avoid things the caveman could not eat. It sounds silly but it helps people. Eggs, potatoes, water, meats veggies fruits all ok… a caveman would not exit his cave in the morning with a cup of coffee with sugar and cream in it now would he. Or with a block of cheese. Be active everyday. It’s very simple actually.
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